
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

Mattoe is dating?

Liam speed quite marveled me. I commended him for his fast learning skill.

"Thanks Liam" I said and pats his shoulder.

"Hope you are sure about this address?" Jayden asked sternly.

"Who knows. Maybe" Liam retorted sarcastically and scoffed while shutting his laptop.

Liam wanted to come with us as me and Jayden were set to leave but I've to decline.

" just stay with twins at home. We need to keep very close eye on them this period." I reasoned and that made the frown in his face disappeared. He nodded and stayed back.

I and Jayden settled in any random car as we set out to go find the motherfucking Matoe.

Mattoe's POV

When I left the mansion, I'd regretted it. I swear I did but I just have to do that cause I didn't know how To respond as I've caught unguarded taking drugs.

That's something I've dreaded the most.

The way I responded wasn't entirely for the influence of the drugs but I was still very much emotional about the text Favour sent me, it was heart breaking and unbearable.

When I left the house telling my brothers I was going to have some drinks, a huge part of it was to spite my brothers whereas I'd rode all the way to Favour's dorm.

Favour lives at the outskirt of town because it's closer to the school where he schools. He's an highschooler.

It would have normally take hours to get there but it only took seconds. I didn't nosed my biker to definite stop before I hoped out like a maianic heading straight to Favour's apartment.

Ignored all the hails being thrown at me from both girls and guys hovering around, some smoking and drinking. Yeah the honest is quite full of bad guys. Opposite of Favour if I must say.

As I got to Favour door, I wanted to burst in but when I discovered it was locked, I've to drum several times on the door.

"Who's there?" He only answered once and hearing that voice, melted my soul all the more.

When I told him it was me and that he should open up, the next thing he said crushed my heart to pieces. He told me to go away but not buying that bullshit I've to yell.

"You can't fucking be bouncing all my calls and now kicking me out without explaining the stupid text you sent." I thunderered almost in tears.

"I don't think you need anymore explanations. It's over matoe. You and I both know this ain't gonna ever work out since you're ashamed of me. Obviously. I'm tired of doing shits in secrets. If you wants this to work out, you know what to do but if you can't make a sacrifice then it's better we call it quits." He said calmly from the other end.

Again something broke in me.

Hurt turned into anger as something dawned on me in that instant.

I mean this isn't the first time we're talking about this and all the times we've talked about this, only one person triggered it. That bastard.

"This is Carlos doing isn't it? It's Carlos who've been poisoning your mind again right? Tell me." I said angrily.

The long silence that followed was enough to get me my answer.

"Carlos or not, we both know our shit isn't going anywhere. It's better we call it quit and this time I mean it. If you want us back, you know what to do Matoe" he said with finality.

I knocked several times on the door, begging him to let me in.

Not just letting me into his house but letting me back into his life but all my cries went down the drain.

He'd turned his back on me. I can bear everyone turning thier back on me but not Favour.

As I sped all the way to Ringie club, all I see is red. In my mind I've killed Carlos a hundred times over.

Ringie club belongs to Carlos and I was going there to give him maximum dose of his medicine.

When I arrived in the pub, I went straight to the barrista asking about Carlos but he wasn't around.

I'd to stay back and wait for him. While I wait, I ordered for some gins to while off time while I impatiently wait for the bastard.

Each time I remember the text Favour sent me, I feels my heart breaks all over again and tears streamed down my checks.

'Thank you for the good times Matoe but I've finally decided. Let's end this shit as it isn't taking us anywhere. I'll forever treasure what we shared but I can't be with someone who's ashamed of me. Ashamed to show me to his family. From me, Favour"

I was clutching my phone so tight as I read the texts and then finally someone walked into the pub. The bastard. I've downed about 8 to 10 bottles before he came.

My sight was a bit bury and my sight heavy but I didn't care. With rage steaming in me, I walked up to him and double crossed him.

When he saw me he tried greeting me with a fake friendly smile but I halt him with a punch on his jaw. Eyes instantly came out way.

"What the hell was that for Matoe?" The fucker growled holding his broken jaw. "You came to my pub to get drunk and then take out your insanity on me?"

"How many times will I tell you to stay the fuck away from my princess?" I groveled at him angrily.

He frowned with a feigned surprise. "What the hell are you talking about mattoe"

"Don't play fucking ignorance. You're the only one who's after Favour. You're the only one who keep feeding him with lies just so you can have him all to your fucking self but if you don't want any bad blood, you better start understanding that Favour is mine and mine alone. Stay the fuck away from my princess!" My own voice nearly got me deaf.

Carlos look around the pub at the eyes who was staring at us.

"Do not cause a scene here Matoe and perhaps You can ask me to stay away from Favour but can't choose for him who want to choose. if you really love him you'll show him to your family" he said quietly with a smirk. A demeaning smirk.

I couldn't contain my rage. I threw him a punch but he caught my fist and pushed me down.

Heavily drunk, I easily lost equilibrium and fell. However I didn't just back down, I broke the nearest bottle and met to stab it on him but the fucker managed to dodge. Determine to injure the fucker in anyway, i starts throwing punches and kicks at him and a heavy fight broke out between us.

No one bothered to stop us. I couldn't really beat him up to my satisfaction because I was drunk but I still manages to broke his nose and jaw.

He'd done same to me, he left bruises on my face. That's something no one can ever do on a norms. And that anger empowered me more, I finally landed him on the Ground and hovered on top him, landing pouches on his face.

He was struggling to get off but I pinned him down. While breaking his face, I kept yelling at him to stay away from my princess. His blood was staining me while my tears was dropping on him but I didn't stop.

Suddenly I heard my name "Matoe" two voices screamed and instantly I felt hands pull me away from Carlos.

"What the fuck is this Matoe?" I turned to see both Jayden and Antonio holding me.

"Let go off me..." I growled, struggling to get off my brothers grip but they held me back.

"No way In fucking hell. Let's go home already" Antonio says sternly.

As Antonio was  holding me back Carlos seized the opportunity to get into off the ground. 

"what the hell happened? what the hell  led to the fight?" Jayden yelled at the bastard angrily.

"Take Your brother home. He's drunk." Carlos says while spitting out blood.

"That didn't answer my damn question..." Jayden was going to descend on him but Antonio stopped him.

"That's okay bro... it's obvious mattoe is drunk and could have gone bunkers let's just go home now" Antonio said and drags me along as he made for the exit.

"Antonio tell that fucker to stay away from my princess." I groaned as Antonio was leading me to the door. His arms around me. "He should stay away from my baby. Favour is mine okay." I kept rambling.

"Shut the hell up Matt you don't have a fucking baby. What you talking about?" Jayden asked with a bit curiosity in his voice but I cared less. All I know and care about now is FAVOUR.

"Get the car ready Jayden. Quick" Antonio said as we got outside. The car opened and Antonio helped me into the passenger seat then he went to seat in front seat with Jayden.

Antonio's POV

"Antonio go tell that fuvker to stay the hell away from my baby. He should stay clear my princess." Matoe kept groaning even while we were already in the car. I know he was drunk and I'd earlier thought he was saying that out of drunkness but constant repetition of it is making me think otherwise.

"Matoe shut up already and just sleep. you don't have a princess." Jayden said frustratedly  and  sighed as he was fastening his seatbelt.

I roared the car to a start and immediately Matoe raised another alarm.

"My bike! I came with my bike Antonio. We can't leave it behind."

Wow... that explains he's a bit still sensitive. The princess and baby thingy probably isn't out of him being drunk. Could he have a girlfriend?

"Don't worry it'll be taken care of. I'll send some boys down to take care of it."

"They better not damage my baby though" he groaned and fell into sleep and thankfully he didn't mumble anything about princess and baby till we arrived home.

"Could Mattoe be dating?" I had asked Jayden while we were on the road.

"Huh...?" Jayden asked and then scoffed. "C'mon you know how much of an idiot he could be when he's drunk. If he's dating, he would have introduced us to her"

"I know right? But he sounds so certain about that guy taking his princess, baby or whatever from him. I mean Don't you wonder why he got into that fight?"

"I wanted to ask but you stopped me didn't you?" Jayden said with arched brows and I just rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"It's ok. Let's not argue over this. We'll find out everything by tomorrow" I said, focusing on the road.

We arrived at the mansion in no time.

It wasn't so difficult getting Matoe out of the car even though he was damn heavy, at least we were two but the war was when he we've to clean him up as he practically puked everywhere. He puked on the stairs, he puked on us and even puked in his room.

Jayden didn't get angry this time. Infact Matoe looked so vulnerable for anyone to get mad at. Without words, I could easily tell something have hurt him.

I cleaned him and change his clothes, Jayden gave me a helping hand all the way.

"You should go to sleep now jay" I said to Jayden while tucking Matoe in bed as it was already 2Am.

"No you need more rest Antonio, if you ask me. You look so drain. Leave the big baby to me I can handle him." Jayden volunteered but I didn't agree. In as much as I'm really tired, my siblings are my responsibility. I should do this as a guardian and perharps this is the little I can do to make up for the time I've hurt Matoe unknowingly.

What was I thinking laying that goddamn rule of no taking drugs even? That because our father   was a drug addict and acted like a beast doesn't mean everyone would be the same. I shouldn't be judgmental of everyone.

After successfully taking care of Matoe, I persuaded Jayden to go to his room while I went to the stairs to clean up Matoe mess.

Then I Went to check up on my sisters. I haven't check them up ever since we returned. I first went to clarrisa room and to my surprise, Racheal was there with her. The twins they both lying awkwardly on the bed. They were sleeping against each other and a book in the middle of them.

Seeing how adorable they looked, brought a smile to my face.

I took photos of them before making them sleep well.

Clarrisa flinched when I touched her but I shhuussh her to calm down, gently patting her hair. I then took the books on the bed and kept them on the dresser.

As I got back to my room, I couldn't sleep.

Hours past and it was nearly morning but all I did was plop on my bed. Something took me to go check mother's frame and it brought tears to my eyes.

Taking out mother's pendant that I've made for her, I arrived at a resolution to find mother. I've to find her. And I'm going to use Racheal at the easiest.

Whether Racheal likes it or not.


I know this chapter is confusing. But it'll be clarified in future chapters.