
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

Still searching for Kayla?

"let me help the hackers do findings of who these fuckers are and track them down" Liam requested.

"You aren't a professional yet Liam just keep learning okay." I smiled and patted his back.


"We are not fully getting you involved with the mafia yet. You're still a fucking teenager Liam." Jayden interrupted him harshly, he was really boiling right now.

Liam face went red with rage and sadness but I decided to ignore. This is for his own good. I can let him do every other things, torture and shoot but tracking is too dangerous for him. Even if he can do it, I can't afford to risk my baby brother's life. He's still fucking 19.

I asked  Jayden to  handle the  fucker at the basement for the mean time while I  went to my office. i  tried calling mattoe, several times but he didn't take the call. However I didn't Stop, I keep calling and calling while pacing around my office.

A knock on the door stopped me and after giving out permission, the person walked in.

It was John.

After greeting me, I didn't waste time in venting my anger at him. I Questioned him about the Attack and where the fuck he've been?

The only thing that saved him from my wrath is that he was able to come of with a reasonable excuse for his negligence, he was handling some other trivial matters in the legal company so he've been off the underground, which is quite justified.

"Anyways any clue on who these fuckers could be and thier aim?" I asked John on more diplomatic basis.

"No solid information had been made but I'm suspecting someone" John said solemnly.

"Who?" I arched my brows, curiosity bubbling within me.

"I suspect the Maximo guy at the basement. He's a mafia boss, He wouldn't just let himself be captured and not do anything about it. He may likely have eyes everywhere, even in our midst who knows that gives him in-tells. If you don't free him he just might  keep attacking till the mafia drops to nothing and he won't be foolish enough to strike while we're all at Alert" John reasoned.

"More reasons why I can never let the bastard out and he's never going to catch us unguarded. You are going to get more men as soon as possible, get as many as you can. I need a positive feedback from you in twenty four hours." I commanded, clenching my jaw in anger.

"Si capo"

(Yes boss)

"But Antonio, I'm sorry if I'm Being intrusive. About your sisters. If maybe it's Maximo that's behind the attack, he wouldn't be foolish enough to strike again cause he must know we wouldn't be catch unguarded again, he might decide to come up with a different scheme like using your sisters against you, he could come for them, you know they are easy target in..." I didn't let him finish before my hands moved on his own and i punched  john on his  lip so hard that it burst open.

I've done that already before I recollected myself control. Honestly I didn't mean to that, I just got so enraged at the mention  of anyone coming after my princesses—that can never happen. Never!

"Boss?" John cooed, holding his burst lips in bewilderment.

I swallowed a lump and took a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just lost it." I apologized genuinely.

"It's okay." John nodded.

" Just triple  the guards at the mansion, Recruit the most strongest men here in Italy. I don't care how much is going for it, just recruit them. Also  can you help me track that motherfucking Mattoe?" I requested  and he agreed.

While he left, I tried doing some paper works but didn't have the spirit for it.

I decided to go check what Jayden could be up to at the basement. I've to go see the fucking rat and oh, the bastard could link me to his boss. Now why the hell didn't I think of that before?

Got too many things in this small head of mine.

Greetings bombarded my ear as usual as I walked along the corridor of the basement.

I walked in met those highschoolers tied up at their own cell, I wanted to let them go seeing how bad they were looking but I wasn't in my best mood to do that. Let's just say I give no care in the world.

Clarrisa's brothers were at their own cells, they were an eyesore. One had one of his eye ripped out, another had his hand chopped off and the other one looking as bruised as the rest.

The sight of me got them all trembling. 

I could have just ignored them but they spite me up when they stupidly began asking for forgiveness, I shot them each on the leg. Their scream shook the basement. I scoffed and asked some guy to call the family doctor to come tend to them.

I wouldn't have given a shit but they can't die just yet. They have to suffer more.

Yes call me a beast or whatever and I'll say I'm worse because this is what I'm when you dare hurt my family. I'm a fucking mafia boss, there's nothing like mercy in the part of this world where I was birthed and nursed.

I however asked one of the boys to direct me to the fucker whom I came here for but I met the fucker dead. Jayden's handwork of course.

I should have known better than send that mother fucker to handle this, now he've ruined everything.

I went to the fucker Maximo, I did all I could to get him into talking but the fucker only laughed like a psycho, I beat him up mercilessly but didn't kill him. That will be an act of mercy if the fucker truly is behind the attack.

I left him bundled up in his cell.

I was heading out of the basement, going to find Jayden when my phone rang and the caller I.D was Austin.


After about three rings, I decided to pick the phone.

"What's the ignoring my call all about Antonio?" The fucker snarled from other end.

"Will you spill whatever shit you've to say, I'm in the middle of some deep shits now." I said.

"What's the problem Antonio?" The fucker asked with concern and unnecessary panic.

"I can handle things myself now why did you call."

"C'mom easy dude" he whined and then went all serious. "I just want to tell you that. There's going to be an attack. I'm not so certain about the source yet but from what I've gathered so far, Kayla is working with these rivals" the mention of Kayla made my head bang, my phone almost slipped out of my hands in shock.

"Tell Jayden that should he get  any call  telling him about kayla's location, he shouldn't fall for it. It just  might be a set up. Everyone of you should be very careful and be at alert. Antonio do all you can to keep the twins safe. I'll also be playing my own part from here"

In all the fucker spilled, only one thing got me.

"Is jayden still searching for Kayla?" I asked in disbelief.

"You didn't know?" He returned back in suprise.

"How the fuck will I know and the how the fuck do you even know   Jayden is still searching for Kayla?" I fought the urge to not yell.

"Well I've been keeping him posted." He said briefly.

"What? Hold on Does he know you're still alive?" I was now in more shock.

"Nah... I've Been using unknown number to reach him. You know I can't just out myself like that. If ever I'll face of them, I need to make room for that that's why I'm doing all I can to make up for my mistake."

That riled me instead of pacifying me, I didn't hold back from knocking sense into the fucker. Like seriously. How could he be helping Jayden with the search for Kayla. Knowing how vulnerable and senseless Jayden can be when he's under the influence of IED and Kayla sure triggers him big time.

"You think this will make up for it your mistakes really? You are only risking his life, Austin!!" It was a war trying to whisper that name, still I'd to watch my side.

"C'mon Antonio. Jayden isn't a kid anymore. I need to do this for him at least. I know how much he wants to get his revenge and I don't mind going extreme lengths to make that happen just for him. just tell him to be careful." The fucker still justified his right.

" Fuck off my bloody phone. If you want to make things up to them. you bloody know what to do." I spat angrily and From the moment I hung up, I heard a voice behind me.

"Who's that?" The sudden voice made me startle a little and I turned to meet Liam anf jayden behind me. Both giving me a curious stare.

Ignoring the question, I sighed and told Jayden "stop searching for that girl, Kayla."

That got both Liam and Jayden shocked this time.

"Are you still searching for Kayla Jayden?" Liam asked ignorantly.

Jayden shock expression turns into anger as he glanced at Liam but ignored his question and then brought his gaze back to me. "How did you know I was still searching for Kayla and why should I stop searching for her?" He gritted his teeth, clutching his fist beside him... he was burning hot with rage.

"It doesn't matter. Just stop searching for her at least for now. There's an incoming attack and we don't know the source yet but the certainty is that Kayla might be involved and should anyone give you in-tells on her, it might be a set up" I repeated Austin's warning.

"I Can't fucking do that." Jayden spat out. "I can't stop searching for Kayla. Set up or not, I'll keep my ears down on any slight info about her whereabouts. She could trick me once but not this fucking time" and here we go again. I know Jayden so well, each time it's about Kayla no body opinion's matters. Trying to understand him and not spite him up the more, I didn't bother to push the topic.

"And who was calling Antonio." Liam brought back the topic, giving me a suspicious look.

After staring at them for a while, I sought for the nearest way to change the topic and it came. "It's really late guys" I said checking my watch. The time says 1:34Am Am. "You both should Go to sleep."

They both opposed. Liam scoffed and said "I can't just go to sleep while mattoe still out there at God fucking knows where"

"Don't worry about that, I've asked John to search for him." I told them.

"That fucking John." Jayden commented angrily. "I don't just know but I don't trust him one bit."

Has he ever trusted anyone? Lol

"I want to track him Antonio. Let me hack into his phone. I can do this" Liam pleaded wanting to exercise his hacking skill at all means.

Not ready to argue, I just said "Fine."

He cheered like a Cheshire Cat as we all went to his room.

He settled down at his laptop while we watched him.

He did some clicking and in no time he told us the location. "He's at Ringie pub right now"