
THE Dawn of Magic

when magic emerge into the world, will love shine through the mist of pain sorrow and chaos. will the journey through hell and back make it any more evident there love for each other knows no bounds?

STRAYKIDSwifu · Celebrities
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six years old the nightmare

you woke up out of the blue fully aware as if you were never asleep to begin with. you tried going back to sleep but something just wouldn't let you it was as if there was someone screaming at you to stay awake telling you something you needed to know but you just couldn't figure out what, so you tossed and you turned in your sleep trying to get comfy but then it happened you had that gut feeling that feeling as if one of your family members in danger and you sprang from your bed and walked to the other side of the room you crouched down to the bed and lifted the covers and to your relief your baby brother was OK but there was still this nagging feeling someone was still in danger so you walked to the door unlocked it and walked across the hall you saw that your mom's room door was open and was about to step in then you saw it , you saw him your stepfather hitting your mom repeatedly in the face with a hammer you were mortified, you took a few quiet steps back, but to you horror the floor board creaked and he looked up, you weren't gonna be like those stupid girls in horror movies, so you dashed across the hall and closed the door you locked both locks you were about to feel relived when you remembered the bathroom was connected to your room so ran through the door leading to the bathroom and pushed against the door just as he was pushing it open, and you turned the little pin thing to lock it you weren't sure if that would be enough so you moved everything that had weight to it but still light enough for you to carry over to the door then you remembered your brother was asleep in his bed, you thought of the life he could have in the future and how much pain you'd be in if you lost him too, he was only two years old he had so much more to live for, you took the gallon of Clorox that was in the bathroom and began pushing it through the door to your room all the way to behind the room door which was way too close to your brother's bed you would have to do something about that later but for now you ran back to the bathroom and grabbed every thing that was light that was heavy heck if you could move the toilet you would and you took them all behind the door to your room all while he was yelling for you to open the bathroom door, banging on the door, you realized that there was nothing else to move but you needed to barricade the door leading to the bathroom seeing as it can only be closed by the bathrooms side you would lock yourself in the bathroom to protect him but what if your step father had broken through the barricade you couldn't fight him off so he could barge right into the room to kill your brother too so you took the risk while the banging had stop and it seemed that he had left, to take the risk and moved everything behind the bathroom door to the bedroom turned of both the bed room lights and bathroom light to make it just a little bit harder for him to see and pushed the bedroom/bathroom door closed and stacked everything behind the door, but you weren't some idiot you knew that if the barricade wasn't stable it would crumble so you had stacked it neatly with a stable base just as you had done for the other you were tired but you weren't finished, you had been hearing him outside it sounded as if he was trying and succeeding to break the ceiling, and you had to figure out if it was safer for your brother to being his bed close to the door or in your bed despite the fact your step father was looking for you but far away from the door away from danger. in the end you decided to take him to your bed you pulled the sheets off the bed wrapped his arms around your neck wrapped his legs around your waist and despite not being strong in that moment something inside you awoke and your mothering instinct to protect kicked in and you carried him like it was nothing you put a hand behind his head to keep it stable and you walked over to your bed and as you were about to climb into the bed with him he woke up looked at you and asked "what going on why are you holding me" "because i need to hug you to sleep mi hijo, i need someone to keep me warm and your bed is too small for me" you replied "oh, ok" he said and and crawled from your grip into the bed all the way to the back of the bed, all the way to the wall and were about to crawl in with him then you remember something then you went over to your dresser open the top right drawer and pulled out the only things in them a rosary the bible and a tiny bottle of holy water. your brother looked at you confused but when he saw the things in your hands as you waled over to the bed and set them down he brighten up and said "oh, right we didn't pray before we went to bed. " "yeah now help me ask for blessings over these item." you answered. you had knelt on the grown facing the group of items and he on the bed also facing the items and you held hands closed your eyes and prayed over the items. you got up you handed your brother the rosary and told him to start and you would pray along while you grabbed the bottle and of course he was curious as to why you were acting weird and voiced his concerns and you replied with "i feel like there is a bad spirit trying to hurt us, lets pray them away okay?" you lied, you lied, you lied, but it was for him, and in that moment when he had bowed his head made the sign of the cross closed his eyes and began praying, your faith had wavered if only for a second you felt mad at god but you held faith as tightly as you could, just hoping what you had been thought of god was not a lie, then while you were praying with your little brother you got up you walked all the way to the wall opened the bottle and pored the holy water in the shape of a quarter circle around the bed making sure not to leave a single gap and stepped into the circle climbed on the be and tucked both of you into bed still praying you took the very little bit of holy water and used it draw the cross on your brother's forehead then the bottle was empty, but you were okay, as long as he was okay without braking the prayer your brother screwed open the bottle and ran his finger against the sides of the bottle and used what was on his finger to draw the cross on your forehead you smiled at him still praying and held him close you both prayed entire rosary, and with every passing second he grew closer to sleep you then took the rosary out his half lidded eyes only to have it ripped from your hands and placed around your neck with him saying "i got the blessing of holy water you get the rosary. " still half asleep. you kissed his temple with a smile and grabbed the bible from next to you and turned to (Thessalonians 3:3. 3 ) and read. by the end of it your brother had been asleep, you skillfully move from his grip replacing it with a pillow you put the covers snug around him kissed his forehead "may the lord be with you" you said, "and with your spirit" replied a voice you never heard before you couldn't quite pin point from were but you didn't quite feel the need to search for it as it sounded new yet familiar to you. you took the bible and placed it at the foot of the bed you took the rosary from around your neck and placed it around your brother's you were about to head to the bathroom door when you saw someone at the foot of the bed looking at your brother in the darkness you ran back to him unable to make out who he is and crawled in be hugged your brother and looked at the person and he looked at you you could not make out a face but knew he was dark skinned had a white robe like thing on him a crown looking thing made of dried thorns , a kind smile and warm eyes you looked deep into his eyes and realized who it was you slowly let go of your brother who was still asleep. and crawled down from the bed "hey" he turned his face away from the bed to you "keep him safe okay?" he smiled and nodded, you walked to the wall next to the bathroom door you climbed on the back of the sofa against the wall and climbed to the other side of the wall through the gap that was just big enough for you to climb through right before you droped down to the floor you saw the man holding your brother close in his arms. as soon as your feet hit the ground you ran to were you remember the machete was hidden.you held it close to you and walked to the door and you watched through the gap of the door that lead your vision to the living room, were you saw the worst thing ever that is now stuck with you for the rest of your life, you saw your mother being hung by electrical wires while her face was soaked in her own blood, and you were frozen in place, you couldn't look away from it then you started silently crying and the next thing you know you felt someone hug you you looked up and it was the same man from before he had a sorrowful look on his face as if he was wishing he could do more you looked back to the gap and saw her hanging unable to look away, then you felt him turn your face away from the horror and hell you close and you sat like that crying for two whole hours. then you heard the police outside, then quickly got up feeling tired as expected then you turned around to thank him but he had dissipated, so you instead quickly climb over to your room wrapped you baby brother in a small blanket and then you climbed in bed and pretended to be asleep until the police had broken broke through the door and barricade with the big metal log thing and "woke you up" and then .... you woke up with a gasp, the nightmare of your past still fresh in your mind.