
THE Dawn of Magic

when magic emerge into the world, will love shine through the mist of pain sorrow and chaos. will the journey through hell and back make it any more evident there love for each other knows no bounds?

STRAYKIDSwifu · Celebrities
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morning light

After that nightmare, you had gone back to sleep with the help of sleep pills that made sure that you had dreamless sleep whenever you find yourself having those nightmares. As your mind and thoughts slowly fades into the nothing, your eyes slowly closes, but right before sleep overtook you you saw your father walking pass your open bedroom door, very strange as he is suppose to be out of country on deployment.


the sun danced on your eyelids, begging you to wake up and start your day. you had hated the mornings so you just rolled over in bed landing on your right, pulling the covers over your head, and tried to go back to sleep, just when you were about to drift off to sleep you remember you still have to make breakfast and get your brother ready for school. you look over to the alarm clock on your nightstand thinking that you had woken up late to find that you were awake two hours and forty five minutes ahead of time, as it was currently 4:15 A.M . you pulled the cover off yourself, unaware that your parents had come back home from deployment and was currently using your fathers mimicry and illusion magic to spy on you to see how you had been treating your responsibility while they were away, as you crawled out of bed you stretched, put on your bunny skull slippers, and turned around and spread your bed, making sure it was nice and neat, because you know you will forget about it if you dont do it now. you took your bonnet off letting your curls fly free, you walked out into the hall then to the bathroom closed the door behind you hoped in the shower, pulled the curtains ThEn took off your clothes because for some reason you could not shake the feeling that you were being watched you turned on the shower then as soon as the water hit your skin , you jump back , and from your lips drew a string of swears, and curses unknown to mankind, when the water had heated up you hopped under the shower where the pressure wasn't the best but wasn't the worst you reached out from behind the shower curtain and grabbed your towel off the rack and wrapped it around you climbed out of the shower and stood in-front of the mirror you still could not shake the feeling of being watched, but it was whatever probably just your mind playing tricks on you, so you took the small rag off the counter and wiped the steam of the mirror. and started your hundred step hair care routine, after you were finished with all that you turned to the bathroom clock and saw that it was 5:15. you quickly brushed your teeth, part your hair into two cornrow it and put black hair ties at the end of them, then quickly wash your face and leave the bathroom to you your room and went over to your dresser and quickly pulled out a random outfit and tossed it on as fast as possible, you had put on thigh high fishnet stockings, a black mini skirt, a spike studded belt with a chain attached at the loops, a grey thin sweater with thin white stripes across the sleeves, a black t-shirt over top that with words on it, {https://www.pinterest.com/pin/6614730694718084/}with black boots, {https://www.google.com/search?q=Black+Chunky+Heel+Hidden+Platform+Boots&rlz=1CAGUZK_enBZ1023BZ1023&sxsrf=AJOqlzWaLICQt8PHa8XnRVZd1SOkIEEhQA:1677085908701&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT9-Huz6n9AhW9bTABHXqlD5gQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1188&bih=549&dpr=1.15#imgrc=mC3MOWEPphGSCM}

luckily for you when you were changing the feeling of being watched had faded but as soon as you stepped out of your room you felt it again but you weren't worried about it as your house had an unnatural amount of windows so it was expected to feel like your being watched. you quickly went downstairs and pulled your phone out of your pocket {yes your skirt has pockets}

you checked the time, and saw that it was now 5:25 . you quickly put your phone back in your pocket and went to the kitchen door and took the apron from behind it, putting it on before going to the fridge and taking out the ingredients needed to make pancakes and going to the cupboard and taking out the flower then pulling out a big bowl for you to mix in, as soon as you had all your ingredients measured out you got to work, while you had a pancake on the stove cooking you went ahead and started to put things back were they were and cleaning off the counter and flipping the pancake and taking it off the heat, and going straight back to cleaning off the counter once you were finished cleaning the counter you put another pancake in the pan and took another pan out onto the stove and turning on the heat. you walked over to the fridge and this time pulled out some bacon. you went straight back to the stove and made sure to alternate your attention between the pancakes and bacon. you turned off the stove and put the bacon in a plate and put the last pancake on the nice big stack on the plate you first put the plate of bacon on the table then the pancakes make sure not to make a mess, by the time you had finished making breakfast and setting the table it was 6:00 A.M . {https://www.google.com/search?q=Healthy+low+gluten+mini+pancakes+_+dairy-free+%2B+sugar-free&rlz=1CAGUZK_enBZ1023BZ1023&sxsrf=AJOqlzVBuwxtCG-lC4xYDEvcYKbeiJTHGg:1677086775388&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjklYSM06n9AhXvZTABHUW6AZAQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1188&bih=549&dpr=1.15#imgrc=8w5zVShzx8Ju6M} , {https://www.google.com/search?q=Baking+Bacon+-+How+To+Bake+Bacon+in+the+Oven&rlz=1CAGUZK_enBZ1023BZ1023&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AJOqlzUahw_pRYkna4fx-2qhz__eHVOw_g:1677086838017&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie5vKp06n9AhVjSDABHcQ5DF8Q_AUoAnoECAoQBA&biw=1188&bih=549&dpr=1.15#imgrc=ZLyaYnFoR6HJFM}

you turned around making absolutely sure that the stove was off, then taking off the apron hanging it back up were it was then walking up the stairs to your baby brothers room, knocking on the door gently and calling his name while twisting the knob saying "luca, are you up, can i come in?" no response "luca", you walked into the room slowly and knocked on the door frame with a "LLLLLLUUUUUUUUUCAAAAAAAAAAA, wake up!!!!", and with that he groan as he sat up on bed stretching and yawning and then just sat there just staring at nothing realy, he looked absolutely adorable he was six years old and was just starting middle school {tats when we start going to middle school here sorry if it is different were you are} "may i come in?" you say breaking him out of what appears to be a day dream, "yeah, sure" he said nodding "why do you do that though, you know the knocking thing, you could just walk in you know, i am just a kid" he asked. "because i know how important privacy is to me so why would i invade yours and i would hate it if someone did that to me." you replied. "oh okay." "anyways, come down to eat when you finish spreading your bed OK? i got pancakes and bacon ready when you're done okay?" "yeah!" he said nodding in excitement. you left the room being sure to pull the door behind you. you continued to walk down the stairs to the dining area where you sat at the table and waited for your little brother while on your phone just scrolling through ticktock looking at all the compilation of skz memes. your brother came rushing down the stairs and ran straight to the table "hey, you know the rules no running in the house, i dont want you tripping and getting hurt, you can outside, were there is more space, OK mi hijo?" "OK!" we both started eating and he said "don't tell mom but i like your cooking better." you laughed and finished eating and so did he you grabbed both of your plates and packed up the extras in a seal-able container and helped you put them away and and washed all the dirty dishes which didn't take long and it was 6:20 when you finished you both went upstairs you had went to your room to pack your bag and went out to the living room and wait for him key in hand, when he comes down all ready for school it was 6:30. "OK lets go." you say and right before you left the house your parents came down from upstairs, and you realized that they were the ones watching at you, your little brother immediately ran to them and hugged them as they had been gone for a month. "hey, there sweat-heart has your sister been taking good care of you?" your mom {Lilith} asked. "yeah, i was only late for school once, and that is because some punk picked a fight with her while we were walking, all because she wouldn't give him her number. and we have been learning Korean together so that we can listen to kpop together now we can talk to each other and you will never know what we are saying, mwahahahaha" he said as he evil laughed. "oh my gosh [nick name] are you okay, he didn't hurt you right?!" your father {theo} asked. "Yeah I'm alright, he hasn't really been leaving me alone though he has kinda been stalking me, that's why I can't go out at night, anymore."

{not all y/n's are white, so this goes out to all you beautiful black queens}

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