
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two

In the room where Violet woke up

Violet in herself: Where am I ?? Uh, I remembered this is the house of the magician Pietro and ...wait a moment Lisa is here, this means that she will be able to answer my questions

: "Huh, what are you?"

Luminous Body: Gecko. Gecko

"What is a gecko gecko"

She puts on the slippers at the bedside to walk out and meets Victor and Pietro seated

Viector : You woke up, are you okay?

Violet: " Yes, I'm fine. Where's Lisa?"

Victor: " she's in the kitchen ... huh, this strange creature still sticking to your leg"

Violet lowered her eyesight, realizing that the alien was still sticking to her

The magician Pietro: Uh, it is not a strange being. It is Gecko. The bright part is the magicians of light, it is like the wolf part of the werewolves.

Lisa, after she got out of the kitchen, "You woke up that's good. Come on, let's eat."

Violet "I want to understand what is happening, and when you are here"

Lisa, "I'm not going anywhere. We will eat and then I will tell you everything you want to know."

Violet "I get it."


After they finished they sat down drinking coffee and tea

Violet, "Well, I would like to know what has happened since you disappeared and why you came."


" More than five years ago at that time, my father predicted that there would be a war after 10 years, what is left of it now is five years, and this is a major reason for my transition to the dimension of humanity, with the presence of a hybrid between the light magicians and Sibtan-trunals We will be able to stop the war in the end I am Sibtan-trunals and their is no reason to be in human dimension . I found the hybrid within a year, and after a year I ran into him on a rainy day after the owner of the apartment expelled her. At first I considered he just essential to stop the war, but over time we became friends"

Violet"and I am that hybrid"


Viector "then you cheated my mate"

Violet, "Did you not get bored of your lie ?"

Lisa " I don't know what happened between the two of you, but it really is your mate ".

Violet"who is this mate who uses his mate as a pawn?"

Viector "I didn't know you were my mate ."

Violet" what is this, is this your friend now and you're covering him up?"

Lisa, "No, I see a bond between the estimators for each other, and I see that there is a link between you."

Violet " There is no bond Arthur hasn't seen it"

Lisa"I'll show you."