
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three

Lisa takes out a yellow light from her hands and everyone sees that there is a bond between Violet and Viector , and there is an endless bond from Lisa.

Violet"what is this?"

Lisa, "I can see the bonds between others, and now this is the bond of love. Of course there are other bonds such as family, blood, etc."

Violet " But .."

Lisa, "Your power are sealed so he couldn't. Viector knew that you were his mate , and this is the reason why I waited until you completed 25 years because of this stamp. It will not be released until you reach a certain age and in your case it was 25 years."

Violet, "Then you were the reason I was kicked out of the apartment"

Lisa, "No, no, I'm not so bad, I'm not ...."

Violet crossed, "Why you and the magician Petro are here."

Lisa "Here will be the most affected area, so a father made a shield to protect this place ... and by the way, the magician Pietro is my father."

Viector " how big is this shield?"

Lisa, "We are in the middel now, so it's 50 km in each direction."

Violet, "Let me collect everything, I am a hybrid between Sibtan-trunals and witches of light, and I am a key to stopping the war, and my strength is sealed and my mate is viector, is it not?"

"Well then that means you left this necklace for me to come."

"Yes "

"Why does it have a part of your soul?"

"Because human beings cannot come to this dimension, and since both of your strengths are sealed, this means that you cannot move between dimensions."

"And you left the research."


"Weren't you afraid that someone else would find her?"

"No, it has magical powers that they cannot understand. They will find it a collection of white pages."

Violet takes a deep breath "I see , I'm out."

Lisa "okay?"

Viector "But ..."

she comes out, closed the door behind her

Pietro "I'm going out too."

Viector "why did you let her out?"

Lisa, "You don't know her the way I do. She needs time to digest this much information."

Viector "but she's in pain"

Lisa sadly, "I know, but she must be strong. In the end she is the only one able to stop a war which if it is continue, you will kill everyone. "

Viector "What is this war?"

Lisa, "A war will create between me the dark magicians and Nekram and a part of vampires on one side and Sibtan-trunals and werewolves and Sinny-Tatm on the other side , and The magic of light will be the ones who are able to stop this war, but they concealed themselves because of dark magicians , as they cultivated the Corbisians and made it likes culture among witches, therefore with someone of them, they will stop it"

"Why do you think they will intervene?"

"They have a strong team spirit among themselves."