
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty One

Violet "yes "

"I'm Pietro, what do you want from Lisa?"

"In fact, Lisa disappeared three years ago, and the last thing left of her is this necklace."

She pointing to the necklace

And complete what she say "And she was the reason for my transfer of this dimension"

"Why are you looking for her?"

"In fact, Lisa helped me after everyone abandoned me, and I owe her a lot, and the least thing I do for her is to return her family's necklace."

"And why are you so confident I can find it?"

"Simply because I am here, if I did not move to here, it means that all of her research is wrong."

"Do you want to return to your world?"

"After I meet Lisa or ensure her whereabouts, yes"

Viector "No, she is my mate ."

Violet "you lie and believes your lie, My friend ?"She completed her sentence sarcastically

Viector"W ... w..what ??"

"What did you think that you would be able to continue to deceive me with your actions? You were keeping me away from you from the beginning and did not even try to know what I like and hate. And if it were not for me, we entered the forbidden forest, which must have affected you, I would not tolerate my face. The only reason that made you with me now is your religion that I made the king help Flock

"Hear Vio..."

She interrupting him "No need to listen to anything. I will end this matter and return to my (global) dimension."

Magician Pietro, "Actually, please excuse me for interrupting, but shall we go to my house to talk?"

Violet "okay"

They are go to Petro's house


And after they entered

They heard a knock on the door to appear afterward....

and appeared a girl with blonde hair the same color as Violet

Violet: L ... Lisa

Pietro: Welcome home, Lisa

Lisa: Hello dad, hello Violet

Violet noticed that the luminous object was approaching her, and as soon as that object touched her, she lost consciousness

And before her fall, Viector's arms were holding her

Viector anxiously :what happened and what is that thing?

Pointing to the luminous body

Lisa: This is normal. Her power will be running

Viector: Any power?

Lisa: It is better if you put her in this room on the bed (she said her pointing to the door of one of the rooms) and don't worry she will be fine and as soon as she wakes up I will explain everythingwhat