
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four

Viector" I get it"

"Now I'm going to strengthen the septum. " Lisa



Violet sadly "Why? Since I came here with nothing but bad things from the lie of Viector , who I don't know him and don't know why was that maks me feel pain ,to Lisa's lie that I don't know why she lied on me , I have not found anything good since my nanny's death"

Violet's eyes began to fill with tears, and she fell crying

After her tears dried, she went home


Viector with relieved feels, " Here you go, are you okay?"

Violet " I'm fine " and continued on walked

Victor, " I am sorry, I am sorry if you caused the pain and I am sorry because I could not protect you from this pain."

Violet with Sadness feel" Why ... why did you lie about being my mate ? "

Viector " To protect you and my flock, and I don't know why you were in my flock. I did not want to put you in the flock prison. At that time, I felt that I could not put you there, but I was foolish from the beginning. I could not harm you or put you in an uncomfortable place also that I did not feel anything that came to my ex-mate , it was necessary To I focus more ,and I know that I do not deserve to forgive me, but I cannot accept that you will not forgive me"

Violet" It means if I were not your mate ..."

Victor interrupted her, saying "No, no, from the beginning. I were attracted to you from the first time I saw you so I said that you were my mate and I did not put you in the cell and lied to myself that I wanted to use you to protect my flock, and even when they told me that I could meet Sera again I did not feel anything towards her except disgust"

Before Violet answered, a man with brown hair appeared and wore white clothes with the color of his wings

The man "Hello my daughter"

Violet "Dad"

He approached the man with wings to hold her, but she returned two steps

The man, " My daughter what's wrong with you?"

"yo..you knew everything that was happening and did not move a finger, did you? "She answered him with shock and sadness

"a.. "

She interrupted him, saying, " Isn't it ? ! And now you want to come to get stronger in order to stop the war, right?"
