
The Dark Genesis

When Hybrid and his friend Darth invite a mysterious girl, Cynthia, to meet up, they have no idea that their lives are about to take a deadly turn. By the time she arrives, she's dead, and they're forced to bury her to cover their tracks. But their nightmare has only just begun. An unknown stalker, wielding Cynthia's cellphone, starts hunting them down, relentless in their pursuit. As Hybrid delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a shocking truth: he's been a scientific specimen since 1995, part of a sinister experiment that's spanned decades. In 2025, Hybrid is captured and forced to confront the dark forces behind his ordeal. With each new revelation, the stakes escalate, and Hybrid must fight to survive and uncover the truth about his past, Cynthia's death, and the true purpose of the experiment. Will he escape the clutches of his captors, or will he remain forever trapped as a specimen in a twisted game of horror and suspense?

I_am_Hybrid · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


AFTER ABOUT TWO HOURS OF RIDE, I stop to inhale, the air, from here on, it is a narrow, well decorated boulevard view and an isolated area to Home on the Island axis. From here you can see the beautiful water view and people, "commoners" as my sister calls them in their boats, fishing and some just exploring the sea... I've always wanted to be in that sea since I was a kid, but mom is a strict woman, I feel she doesn't like me since I was a kid, one of the reasons I left home, Mom can be very demanding...

My sister, Star, was adopted at the age of 3, I left her home, she is a very fierce and smart one, our age difference is less than two years, Her education was fast, we left secondary school in the same year, different school, she proceeded her education, I didn't... I was and still is obsessed with painting, drawing and anything that has to do with craft... Plus I've been a kid who finds his interests in dark webs and research for things people considers unnecessary...

Star, like her name, she shines, Her skin fair,like she was meant to be a white baby but got lost in the coordination of birth, she speaks with the use of Britain accent, I do not know why, she's obsessed with UK, she's got an average height for a lady, her eyes colour, black, she barbs her hair, her eyebrows are docile making her look innocent at all times, She would be the one to sin and I would be the one punished...she has a small mouth that makes her lips enticing, her set of teeths can be funny, she got two big incisor teeth thay makes her smile beautiful, My sister is beautiful but that has been something I never acknowledge to anyone..

My parent's House, I take a deep breathe in, twist my fists and ignite my ride... There it sits, a black gate, fenced round to prevent more than just thieves, I guess, high walls, sometimes from a distance it looks like my imagination of what a prison would look like... I ride my bike to the gate as it automatically opens up like it's embracing me in...

I feel the rush of a "i_miss_home" feeling but I call myself back to mission here as I ride a couple feets to the garage.. yes, from the gate, our mansion sits a few miles away from the gate, with gigantic sculpture works at every corner of the compound, a water fall few feet away from the entrance, an orchard tree at the long right side of the aisle, a path for walking, a well brick tiles floor.. the smell, I miss it, it smells like having a baby's food pour all over you... I climb off my bike as I look over at the mansion, a 5 story building, wide, painted in grey, you prolly think if we wasn't in the year 2000s, we probably would be living in The Adams family type of house... I sometimes imagine this statuses to turn up and come for us all, They are prolly older than I am...

I walk through the aisle and comes up to the big wide door, it's been upgraded, it used to be a metal but now it's wooden with a security panel.. I take a deep breath, bounces up and down, raise my index finger to press the bell, but then the door opens widely itself... "Wow" I murmur..

_"The prodigal son arrives" I hear in a sweet voice like a three year old's..but I dare not forget whose voice..

I look at the direction of the voice to see her, my beautiful sister, seems like she didn't age a day since I last saw her, grown taller, prolly a 5'2 now, her smile radiant as ever, she got me smiling, she is in a pink harmless with the inscription on her breast "Barbie" and a short jean that looks like it was cut with a scissors, it has some about to drop pieces to it as it covers the upper side of her thigh, I walk to her, she comes to me in a rush, hugs me by wrapping her arms around my neck and I bend to embrace her... Damnn, she is the only one who hugs me better...

_"Hybrid, don't be mad bruv, when last have you had this cloth washed?" she says in her British accent as she points to my armless, the same one I've had on since Cynthia's.... I look at her face and smile, I pinch her cheek... "Stop it fam, I'm no kid, brother" she says .

"My bad, baby sis" I say to her mimicking her accent...

"Eewww, stop it" she says as she walks away and whisper "tell no one, I miss you"... I smile and acknowledge with a nod, my Helmet in my right hand....

"Where's the Witch?" I say to her as she walks to the dinning... The dining is an all tiled area even the walls, the living room is a very wide room, where the TV is a slide, it slides in and out, I bet just a few of Nigerians got this, yeah, we are one of the few richest in hiding...

My real name is Oladimeji Samuel Mobisson, yes, I am of relation to the Mobisson, of blessed memories, The scientist, he passed away in 2010, He was a distant uncle, I met him once... My father, a man of great obsession of genetic mutilation, a scientist too but I never is the type to have my interest in it, it's no porn.. My mother, the Witch, a nickname Star and I gave her... She use to be a reporter according to history we heard and some white and black recordings of her, but quit to pursue her ambitions of fashion designing, beautiful, I really have no idea why or how she got to marry my Father, Joshua Mobisson, a wealthy man, never present, I'm not sure He resides in Nigeria, He is not worth her beauty, I must say.

My mother of 47 years old but looking like the likes of Star or Cynthia, slim, fair skinned, dark eyes and natural long hair that touches her back when unpacked... Always on heels like she's trying to increase her height, without the heels, she is a 5'7, she smiles alot in her magazines or any caption of her but always strict and demanding at home...

_"The witch is right here, fool" I hear my mom say, she is in a long gown, fleary towards the her heels, a brown and gold stoned shoes,her toes are bare, her toes well painted in pink, a glass of wine hanging from her hands stylishly like its about to fall, from the gallery within the house, the first floor,... In the corner of the dining room is a sharp corner, a spiraling stair case to the floor my mom is standing, she leans on the glass barricade that is engraved with flowers of no particular pattern... Above her is a different floor, with it's own living room, that my quarter though, where I invite my only friend, Darth to come have fun with me.. during our school days...

_"oops, brother" Star says from the dining, winking at me...

I take a pace backward as I stretch myself towards the floor in prostrate to greet her in our traditional way, she is a Yoruba woman and one who embraces the culture more than me, her child...

_" o ya mi lenu gan ni (you suprised me alot)... You said it and you kept to your words, you have always been a person of your words, you a better version of your father in that case" she says leaning and talking down to me from the barricade, "go to your room, freshen up and only then can you have a word with me, son"...

_"No" I say, I gather up all of my rage and anger, I look her directly in the face as my heart beats three times faster than usual, my blood seems to be running in veins..

"What did you say?, shey o' gba dun(are you okay)?" She says as she starts to walk downstairs towards me, Star's countenance changes as she draws nearer too.. I kick my helmet to the floor towards the dining, I have my hands folding to my back...

"You've got the audacity to come into this house with that tone? I thought you are hear to ask for some cash but seem like you and trouble are still a thing" she says, she drops her glass of wine on the dining table as she walks past it, damn, she got a cool walking style I must admit, she carries herself like she's on an aisle with cameras watching.. she stands to my face, in respect I am to stop looking her in the eyes but I'm mad as she is...

"You must be stupid, you goddamn bastard" she says to my face...

_"what happened to me in the year 2013? Mom!" I say to in my voice..

_" yeah, I remember, you were winning awards from every interstate contest for mathematics" she says to me sarcastically... We both know I don't do well with Mathematics, I hated it, I still do...

_"when next you coming to me, come with a reason, now get out!!!" she yells, she walks past me to the sitting room, "and anty pelebe, get me a new wine in a new wine glass, my house now stinks" she says to Star without looking at her or me....

Star goes to fetch my mom a wine, on her way back, I aggressively take the wine from her as I walk to the sitting room... "Hello mother," I say giving my devilish look, she always complain about... I hand it over to her and as she stretches her hand to take it, I let it fall...

I walk away to find myself back to my room upstairs, as she yells my name from behind me..."Hybrid!!!!!" I hear her scream....