
The Dark Genesis

When Hybrid and his friend Darth invite a mysterious girl, Cynthia, to meet up, they have no idea that their lives are about to take a deadly turn. By the time she arrives, she's dead, and they're forced to bury her to cover their tracks. But their nightmare has only just begun. An unknown stalker, wielding Cynthia's cellphone, starts hunting them down, relentless in their pursuit. As Hybrid delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a shocking truth: he's been a scientific specimen since 1995, part of a sinister experiment that's spanned decades. In 2025, Hybrid is captured and forced to confront the dark forces behind his ordeal. With each new revelation, the stakes escalate, and Hybrid must fight to survive and uncover the truth about his past, Cynthia's death, and the true purpose of the experiment. Will he escape the clutches of his captors, or will he remain forever trapped as a specimen in a twisted game of horror and suspense?

I_am_Hybrid · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"STOP IT, THE KIDS MIGHT HEAR US" Mr Tolbert says, trying to convince his wife to lower her voice

_"You endangered my daughter's life, Jacob, you did" Mrs Tolbert answers...

_" It wasn't like that, the specimen wasn't supposed to go AWOL, and I'm sorry a'iit?"

_"you got my daughter exposed at a young age, she probably suffers from trauma now, you got us here to hide us but I can't keep lying to my kids and family, My Family thinks I've been deported or something"

_"Calm down baby, please" Mr Tolbert says..

_"Funny thing is, it is my formula, I made this monster"_ she says sobbing

_" no! You made the formulae, Chief made the monsters, it's not your fault baby"_ he says trying to calm his wife down...

_"He was your best friend, you still respect him, now they are going to get us killed"she yells moving away from him...

"I'm sorry baby, calm down alright" he says

"Jacob, stop telling me to calm down, we need a solution, The kids want answers too"... She says sobbing..

He draws nearer to hug her, when a phone's notification rings, it isn't any of their phones, Jacob rushes out, to find Tommy running down the stairs...

"He heard us, didn't he?" Mrs Tolbert says looking like she just lost a bet, fear and panic is visible on her face...


Tommy Tolbert is happy, it seems like he has been surprised with a ticket to see his favorite movie star, Paul Wesley, Stefan Salvatore in the series Vampire diaries... He hums and acknowledges the day, the first Saturday since they had their holiday the Thursday before... It is too early for him to roam the hall on the floor...

"Mom and Dad are home, time for a surprise to startle them" he says to himself, he stands up and fold his bedsheet on his 6ft gigantic bed he sleeps alone, he takes his phone and walks down to the kitchen to find a pleasant view of Cynthia in her blue and white stripe pyjamas and rough long hair,fixing herself a bread and jam, it is a funny sight of her to see, you can't blame a girl for looking like that early in the morning...

"Caught you" he says sneaking up to her from behind...

_"Jesus!!!" She yells, "are you trying to kill me?" She says looking like she just seen a ghost..

_"C'mon, C, I love you too much than to want to kill you, today seems like a great day, and I'd like go stir up mom and Dad" he says, with the speed of light he forcefully takes the bread she just jammed, he giggles and rushes upstairs...

"C'mon Tom, let 'em rest" She says but she knows he won't listen...

He keeps humming one of his favorite songs "Hotline bling" by Darke, his legs hits the floor in accordance to his rhythm, He is happy, today is going to be a beautiful day.. of course, what could go wrong..

He draws to his parent's door when he hears mufflings and about something that sounds like "... The kids might hear us"..., he stops humming, press his ear against the door, eave dropping their conversation... His countenance changes and he realizes they actually might be in Nigeria longer than he thinks, "Specimen??" He whispers..

His phone pings for a notification from a chatting site, Eskimi, a site that isn't engaged by people anymore but he got secrets of his own... He fears his parents might h ear his ping, he hurriedly, walks fast and away down the stairs, his ears catches the sound of his parent's door open behind him... He runs away still...

_"Did you see a ghost?" Cynthia teases him with her mouth full of bread stuffing herself like she's trying to commit suicide using Bread..

Tommy says nothing, walks up to her, decides to smile and act like he hears nothing...

_"I'mma head back to my room, C, tell Mom and Dad not to disturb, I've got an assignment to finish" He says with a force written smile on his face...

_"come here, idiot, we have no assignment, it's fucking Holiday, plus who cares?" She says not looking at him but stuffed in her bread and jam, one could say, she is stress_eating....

He walks up to his room, slides in the lock behind his door, sits on his bed to ponder what he heard, he looks through his phone to check his messages.. and the ping he got earlier, he decides to check .

He clicks his phone to check the message "I MISS YOU TOO MAN, AND I MISS HER MORE, I'M SORRY SHE IS HURT BY ME, I PROMISE TO MAKE IT UP TO Y'ALL" The sender is a profile with the name "I_AM_HYBRID2126"

"I know you will, guess what I just found out" he replies to the text...


"My sister, I think has been exposed to some kind of specimen experiment, I don't know what that means?"


_"You don't sound surprised, Hybrid, do you know about this too?"


_"we text each other everyday, I know you man"


_"I don't know, I intend to find out and you gon' help me"


_" you have always been a person of your words, you my best pal"


His door knocks...

"Who's there?" He says pretending to have been asleep.

"C'mon big fella, it's fucking Saturday, don't mind my language, it's your favorite day of the week" Mr Tolbert says jovially...

_"ARE YOU THERE T?" A text pops on his phone...

"A minute, Dad!" He yells pretending to be dressing up..

_"I gotta jet, man, I'll let you know whatever I find and I miss you damn much bro(love emoji, love emoji and peace emoji)" he replies the text, drops his phone on his bed, stands up to open the door and acts like the day can still be good...