
The Dark Genesis

When Hybrid and his friend Darth invite a mysterious girl, Cynthia, to meet up, they have no idea that their lives are about to take a deadly turn. By the time she arrives, she's dead, and they're forced to bury her to cover their tracks. But their nightmare has only just begun. An unknown stalker, wielding Cynthia's cellphone, starts hunting them down, relentless in their pursuit. As Hybrid delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a shocking truth: he's been a scientific specimen since 1995, part of a sinister experiment that's spanned decades. In 2025, Hybrid is captured and forced to confront the dark forces behind his ordeal. With each new revelation, the stakes escalate, and Hybrid must fight to survive and uncover the truth about his past, Cynthia's death, and the true purpose of the experiment. Will he escape the clutches of his captors, or will he remain forever trapped as a specimen in a twisted game of horror and suspense?

I_am_Hybrid · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


SOMEWHERE, NOWHERE, "Wakey wakey sleeping head" a barritone voice says to Darth, He finds himself in a dark room, you could describe it as a CIA black site for tormenting terrorist, the room is well occupied with different and rusty steel chairs and on it is a moist pit probably for people's dunk...., it is a four courner closed steel room, no windows, no room for any ventilation, on its walls are different scratched written words, some has blood stain to them.. Visibly, one can read words like "i want to die", "please kill me" and one of great attention is "I am Hybrid".. One can tell these were old times...

Darth hands tied to the chair's arm, his legs tied to the chair's brace, he looks to identify the place but it is of no use as everything is black and void, the only available light shines like an halogen and this light is fixed on him to make his movement visible to whoever is watching, his eyes hurt, he still can fish out silhouette of movements, probably more than one person.... He looks up to find a small blinking red light, with that he figures out he is being recorded...

He struggles, shakes himself off the chair but it is still of no help as the chair is metal and makes more noise as it hurts his ears....

"Let me out of here, please"...

He gets no response, he sees a movement but can't point who or what is....

"Please?, I am rich, at least my parents are.." he adds...

_"where is he?" A voice that sounds like it's coming from a speaker behind him... The voice is distorted, sounding like a female voice placed on a male's voice... It is hard to identify if it's a she or a he..

_"what?" He says?

_"Your Hero" the voice says...

_" I don't know... Please... Let me go"..

_"You killed her, didn't you?" The voice says...

_"No, we did not" Darth replies with a bit of bravery and courage in his voice... "Guess what?" He adds as he sits to relax himself comfortably on the not comfortable seat...

_"He will come for me, He will come for you, and trust me, I've seen my Best friend in action and I bet he would kill you without breaking a sweat" he says with lots of courage and action in his face...

_"ha ha ha ha ha, Let me guess, you think this is a movie? You expects him to find you by beating everyone and saving you, his best friend? Ha. Ha ha ha" _ the voice reverts back...

Suddenly, the light went off and back on, a big screen TV is switched on, the emanating brightness of the screen allows Darth to look quite round, he feels perplexed as he sees the scratched encrypted words on the wall "I am Hybrid"..."I'll kill you all"...

"Hollup, Cut, cut, cut" Darth says, he tries to free himself of the bondage...

"Who changed our location??" He yells!!! "This isn't where you are meant to bring me!!!" He says looking bossy, He gets no response and yells..

"I laid and planned everything right, Scorpion, come unlock me now and what the hell is happening here"... He gets no response still...

"Sorry, Mr Emmanuel Iredayo Adetunji, Darth, I've always had a thing for your name and you should know this is no longer your operation".. The voice from the speaker says..

"No, No, No," he says... "Please allow me make a call, let me call HIM"... He pleads as terror shows on his face, sweat pours from his body...

"Don't do this, pleaseeeee, give a call out to Mr..." He tries to say before he is interrupted by a bat on his right arm...

"Quiet!!!" The figure says, the figure, a man dress in a blue suit, white shirt, tall, with a mask on... Darth screams in pain as he looks up at the figure...

The figure seem real familiar to him... "It can't be" He says...

"Ha ha ha ha ha" the voice from the speaker laughs with a little touch of wicked vibe.....

The figure stands in adjacent to Darth as he removes his mask...

"Your work here is done, we have him where we want him"... The figure says as he looks into Darth's eye...

Darth almost jumps out of his chair as he stares into the figure's eyes...

He tries to talk but couldn't... His vocal chords seem to need repair, he struggles...

"Finally, Darth, it's my pleasure to meet you too..." The figure says...

Darth in shock of who the figure is finally forms a word...

"I'm.....so.... so....so...rry...., Hybrid.." Darth stutter... "I have always been your true friend before now" he adds quickly..

The figure hits Darth multiple times on the head untill there is nothing but his neck and a mashed up bloody pieces of Darth's brain, the room turns all red, Darth's blood paints the floor red and the figure's face and shirt turns all red... He looks up at his bat and says "Thank you "...

"Let me out now" he commands...

He walks towards the exit area, as an automated voice says "Prepare for surface in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" He holds on to a steel in the exit area as he gets jacked up like a man on a crazy elevator... "500ft to surface", "250ft to surface, "100ft to surface"...."50ft to surface"..." On surface" the automated voice finally says as the door opens wide, The figure raises his hands to cover himself the ray of sunlight that shines on him...

He walks out of the steel that looks just like a container in the middle of a NOWHERE but could be SOMEWHERE..

His phone rings, he picks it up to his ear, "I've got things to do here, I'm not coming to Nigeria now!!!" He says...