
The Dark Genesis

When Hybrid and his friend Darth invite a mysterious girl, Cynthia, to meet up, they have no idea that their lives are about to take a deadly turn. By the time she arrives, she's dead, and they're forced to bury her to cover their tracks. But their nightmare has only just begun. An unknown stalker, wielding Cynthia's cellphone, starts hunting them down, relentless in their pursuit. As Hybrid delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a shocking truth: he's been a scientific specimen since 1995, part of a sinister experiment that's spanned decades. In 2025, Hybrid is captured and forced to confront the dark forces behind his ordeal. With each new revelation, the stakes escalate, and Hybrid must fight to survive and uncover the truth about his past, Cynthia's death, and the true purpose of the experiment. Will he escape the clutches of his captors, or will he remain forever trapped as a specimen in a twisted game of horror and suspense?

I_am_Hybrid · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

Book_2... Tucson Arizona, 1995


In the heart of the Sonoran Desert, a marvel of modern science rose like an oasis from the arid landscape. Biosphere 2, a gleaming behemoth of glass and steel, stood as a testament to human ingenuity and the quest for sustainability. Its sleek, futuristic design seemed to defy the harsh desert environment, as if the very laws of nature had been bent to accommodate this miniature world. The structure's five biomes - rainforest, ocean, mangrove, savannah, and desert - formed a harmonious whole, a symphony of ecosystems working in concert to create a self-sustaining universe. As the sun beat down on the desert floor, Biosphere 2 shimmered like a mirage, a promise of a brighter future for all who dared to dream.

As the world watched in awe, the doors of Biosphere 2 swung open on September 26, 1991, ushering in a new era of scientific exploration. Inside, eight brave individuals embarked on a two-year journey, sealed off from the outside world. It was a momentous day, coinciding with the presidency of George H.W. Bush, who was grappling with the aftermath of the Gulf War. As the nation celebrated its victory, the Biosphere 2 team was busy cultivating a miniature ecosystem, a symbol of hope and sustainability. Little did they know that their experiment would become a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the path to a more sustainable future. Just as the president's leadership navigated the country through turbulent times, the Biosphere 2 team navigated the uncharted territory of closed ecological systems, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow with their missions..

The second mission of Biosphere 2 came to a close in September 1994, the crew emerged from their two-year isolation, exhausted but triumphant. It was a momentous occasion, coinciding with the presidency of Bill Clinton, who was in power at the time, The president was grappling with the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide. Just as the president's leadership navigated the country through turbulent times, the Biosphere 2 team navigated the uncharted territory of closed ecological systems, achieving total food sufficiency and paving the way for a sustainable future. Little did they know that their experiment would become a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the path to a brighter tomorrow. In the same year, Columbia University assumed management of the facility, a move that would shape the future of environmental research for years to come...

Underneath the camouflage, the public statement of science research is a secret research by scientists, This experiment is a secret research not in recognition to the President's knowledge or the people's at large....

An experiment led by Mr Joshua Mobisson in secret, a Nigerian, with much knowledge of science, a science prolifics with an obsession of the study of genetic mutilation, a tall young man, in his late 20s, dark, his eye brows are always in frown, it is very difficult to differentiate if he is happy or mad, his lips are big and meaty, he is a young man with the vision of creating a world of super soldiers to protect the country from outside forces...

His Ideas had been rejected by his superiors times without number, Mark Nelson once warned him to stop his obsession but he is a very strong-willed individual...

500ft below the ground surface is a secret laboratory. A few miles away north of Biosphere 2, lies a container that seems lost, rusty, oil stained steel, it is nothing but a passage way for a group of scientists, led by the man, Joshua Mobisson with the support of two or more higher exclusive billionaires, he operates secretly different types of experiments on lab rats, He and his accomplices, his best pal, Mr Jacob Tolbert, a red skin young man, with his brown curly hair, 5ft tall, bow legs which makes him cute, his face radiant unlike his friend, a lady and wife to be of Jacob, Titi Anderson, a Nigerian too, beautiful with a tiny waist and fine hips giving her the attribute of an hour glass. And a Mr Korede Adetunji, usually called "K" by all, a dark, fine face young man with the physique of a wrestler, making him every woman's first choice but he is a black man in the 90s not really a great look for him, he is a joker and always have a reason to smile and put smiles on the face of other people.These 4 scientists risks their degrees, lives and their future as they conduct these experiments.

In this underground lays different wards, rooms and workspace with big pipes that helps in the transmission of air and other necessities that allows life to go on 500ft below earth surface, there's light that I have no knowledge of how it's fixed but one can say there is everything that can ever be needed in this lab here... Different animals sounds can be heard from different corners, rats squeeking in their cage, birds quaking, monkeys chipping, I bet one could find a boar here, none of my business anyways, l am nothing but a narrator...

"Yes!!! It worked" a feminine voice says as she walks through one of the corridors between this big pipes to a big surface where the two men are on their workspace that looks like a gigantic round table made of steel and plastic, on this surface you can find advanced science tech, machines and more... The two men, Jacob and Joshua looks behind them to find Titi coming at them like a crazy animal rushing towards them, she throws Joshua a tube as she jumps on Jacob, kisses him and whisper her love in his ears...

"Jesus" you both should get a room, Joshua says not looking at them, his sight seems buried in the tiny tube in his hands...

"Hmm," Titi acts like she smells something, walks up to Joshua, pats him "do I smell jealousy from you, Chief?" She adds...

"Come on, darling leave the poor lonely soul" Jacob says as he drags Titi closer to himself,

_"you both know I'm married right?" Joshua says as he moves on to check the tube in his system correspondence...

_"my bad, Chief, your sexy ass reporter wife, she doesn't recognize you".. says Jacob

_"stop it baby, isn't she pregnant, Chief?" Says Titi

_"yes she's two weeks away and yeah, she understands the nature of my job"

_"Our Chief would be a Daddy soon" Titi chuckles, she plays with Jacobs fingers as it is interlocked with hers from behind, she can smell him all over her, she turns and kisses him

_"This is a workplace, you both can leave now, and a nice job today Titi, for that, I'll let you two go have a nice day out" Joshua says smiling, but difficult to identify if he is smiling or not..

"Gracias Jefe" Jacob says with a bow, he rushes to remove his lab coat, plays a roll with it for a minute then thows it away to a corner, in his baggy brown pants and shirts tucked in, he bows to his lady "would you do me the favor of leaving this hell till we come back tomorrow my darling?"

"Yes, my lord" she says with her teeth open, and her smile radiant, she goes to pick Jacob's coat, hangs the two labcoats to a wooden hanger comes back with her biggy pants too, one could swear, it's Jacob's pant she puts on, they both hold hands and wiggles away as they walk like teenagers in love but they are probably a few years younger than Joshua, the Chief..

"Send K my regards" Titi yells from the corridor as they get yanked up by the elevator to ground surface...

"K!" Joshua yells

"K!!" He yells again to confirm he was alone, he hurries back to where Titi performed her result, extracts a portion of syringe from the lab rat Titi had experimented on, drops the syringe in his pocket...

"K" he yells again, he walks through some corners and find K looking like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to...

"Come on! K, not again" he looks at K disgustingly, "go get a wife and stop jerking off at every corner of the lab....

"can I take a minute out boss?" He finally says,

"Yes, you can!!!" He shouts at him

K hurries past him, "thanks boss" he says...

"Wait!, I give you the rest of the day off, don't come back today" Joshua adds...

Joshua waits patiently for the automated voice to take K out, as he hears "prepare for surface in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" he moves on to a secret doorway, opens it to find a young girl in a glassed steel cage, she seems pregnant, tied to the confinement of her bed in chains...

" Took you a forever to come have sex this time" she says not looking scared, she looks like she has been there a long time, she probably has no idea what year or day it is, she is a white girl, blonde, can hardly make out her beauty or height as she is badly bruised in the face, she is in a torn black vest and pant with a cut out to reveal her vagina, clitoris and ass, tied to a bed, lying down, the floor of the room is musty, stinks, and there is no room for any light except for the one light placed above her bed...

"I'm not here for the sex, I'm here for the pleasure" he says without any remorse, he walks up to her, injects her with the syringe he has kept earlier, and then loses his trousers as he widens her tied legs, pressed a button that lifts her bed to the position he wants... Throws down his pants as he forces himself on her....she says nothing not even a moan, her eyes looks through the iron and pipes laid above the room, like an hopeless figure....