

Zack Zim, a young mage who possesses the power of order of the universe is being haunted down by forces unknown to mankind. After narrowly escaping death, he discovered that his pursuer has been locked up in Nazi, an ancient cell that is believed to be impenetrable and inescapable. Now he desire to live freely among the humans and find a purpose for his life while spending time with his dad and his stepsisters. along the line, he met some amazing people and even found love in the eyes of the lovely Tesla Vow. Life became a dream come true but all that is about to change when all hell breaks lose. ................................................................... This is my first original work and also my first entry in the 2024 WSA, please do support me and i hope you have a good time reading this wonderful piece of art. thanks

De_Cynthia · Fantasy
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13 Chs


I moaned as opened my eyes to see myself in a different environments. I was in a room, it's kind of beautiful, I tried to sit upright but the pains in my waist dragged me down.

Where am I? The last thing I remembered was walking down a dark alley with Tesla... Oh no! Could she be working for Zhebel? Maybe she kidnapped me.

Alot was going through my mind at that moment, I wanted to escape but the pains was much so I couldn't lift my body. Just then, the door opened And Tesla came in with something in her hands, her face didn't seem bright.

"you're awake" she said forcing a smile on her face.

"what happened" I asked then she sat beside me

"You had a mild concussion" she replied "it's strange, it's almost as if you are knocked out" then she handed me a small bottle with thick dark liquid inside

"Whats this" I asked taking it from her

"Its a pain relief, it will help relieve you of whatever pain you're experiencing" she said looking away, "it appears you passing out may have... I can't even explain it"

"Hey, your head is clouded" I said holding her hands as she turned to face me, "mind telling me what's bothering you?"

"Its Sam, my brother" she signed "you know what, I can't even understand that guy, ever since our parents died he have been... I donno, wayward"

"Your parents are dead?" I asked surprised

"Yeah, in a car accident" she said sadly "ever since then, it have been really hard to control him, I just want him out of my life but... I can't"

"Hey, Tes. I lost my mum five years ago" I said and she gasped "and it have been really hard for me to get along with my dads family but... look, I don't like telling people about my story but, all I'm trying to say is that, it'll get better"

"Thanks" she said, leaned toward me and kissed me in the lips which got me surprised. When she saw how surprised I was, she apologised "oh, I'm... I'm so sorry, i don't mean to"

"No..." I said "it's... Cool" then we kissed again "I better drink this" I drank a little of the pain relief and cough "oh, this is bad"

"Really bad?" She asked smiling

"Yeah" I replied sitting upright, then we smiled at each other and kissed

"Eww... Gross, seriously Tes." A young guy came in, he had blond hair and a swollen eyes

"Get outta here Sam" Tesla said and I chuckled

"You ain't gotta tell me twice" he said and left

"He's such an asshole" she muttered, "oh, I'm so embarrassed"

I only smiled at her as she looked at me a smiled back

"Well, I've been thinking" she said "erm... This is going to be a bit embarrassing but... Erm... can I be your girlfriend"

"And who told you that I was single" I asked already smiling as her jaw dropped

"I thought... You know... I thought" she tried to find the right word and I laughed

"Hey, hey, I'm kidding, yeah, you can be my girlfriend" I said and she smiled then she place her hands on my chest and we began to kiss

The next morning Tesla had already made breakfast and she was bringing it to my room.

"Erm... When are we leaving this crap?" Sam asked as he followed her "I mean, don't you have work today?"

"Look Sam, you made me drive all the way here, so let me just have some space okay" Tesla said a bit annoyed as she came to my room and opened it "hey Sam, food is rea...dy" she was surprised to see that i wasn't in the room, I was gone.

" wow, your new found boyfriend just dumped ya" Sam chortled "how interesting" then he left "I'm heading to town, catch up with ya later"

Tesla breathed in and out as she dropped the food on a side table and went to sit on the bed trying to see if I left a note or something but there was nothing she only signed and laid down on the bed

"What the f*** am I doing?" She mumbled.

"So, how did yesterday go?" Destiny asked as she handed me a tray of coffee

"It went well, but not as I expected it to" I said serving the customers

"What happened yesterday? What am I missing?" Clovet asked taking another tray from Destiny

"Well, Zack had a date with the lovely Tesla Vow" Destiny said giggling

"What!" Clovet exclaimed "How did you two meet"

"Long story" I and Destiny said at the same time which got me surprised and we started at each other

"Really" I mouthed and she Chuckled

"Oh, I forgot, you don't like talking about your experience" Clovet said coming back with the empty tray.

"So you're an inside man," Destiny laughed "I hate inside men"

"Got it" I said returning the empty tray and taking another one that was full

"You know, mum knows you're in town and her and dad had a terrible conversation about it last night" Clovet said

"She was bound to find out anyways" I said in a funny tone as we both laughed

"Hey, stop it you two" Destiny chimed in as we both looked at her

"Stop what?" I asked

"The part where you're both discussing about an entirely different subject that exclude me" she sneered "I hate being the odd one out"

"Okay Des." Clovet said giggling returning with an empty tray

"Well, go clean up, those tables ain't gonna clean it self" Destiny sneered as Clovet picked up the table rag and went to clean the empty tables.

Our shift was almost over before Tesla all dressed in her nurse uniform walked in

"I'll take one coffee with super caffeine to go please" she said and put the money on the table, she didn't seem happy

"Hey Tes." I came up to her holding an empty tray smiling

"Hey Sam" she said not waving and not smiling at all as Destiny and Clovet both shot me a questionable look

"Here you go" Destiny gave her the coffee and she left.

Surprised, Clovet asked,

"What just happened"

"I don't know" I replied

"Well, go after her" Destiny ordered and I ran out to meet her, she was about entering the cab she stopped before I called

"Tesla!" Then she turned "hey Tes. Wait" I walked up to her holding her hands "what's going on Tes. Why the long face?"

"Nothing" she said coldly looking away

"Come on Tes. Talk to me, why ain't ya happy this morning" I asked holding her face to look at me

"You remember when I asked to be your girlfriend yesterday" she said and I nodded

"Yes, I remembered"

"When you agreed, you don't know how excited I was last night, I mean, he agreed, he finally agreed" she said with a faint smile "I was so excited last night that I didn't even know when I fell asleep. Waking up this morning, I was coming to greet my boyfriend with a kiss and breakfast in bed and he was gone" she paused for a minute "you didn't write, you didn't text, you just disappeared. Now that's not cool Sam"

"I was going to be late for work" I said

"You should have texted, or at least leave a note" she said sounding so upset "it won't kill you, you know"

"I'm sorry Tesla, It's never gonna happen again" I said taking her hands in mine

"I'm not mad, I'm just..." She tried to say but signed

"Erm... How about I make it up to you," I said "dinner, at my place"

"Oh, that'd be nice but, I'm working late" she said

"Tomorrow then, what do you think"

"Okay, I'm actually free tomorrow" she said

"Perfect, we'll meet up by one then"

"Okay babe" she chuckled as we kissed and off she went.

I came back inside and they were both staring at me

"What?" I asked smiling

"Sam? Really?" Clovet asked

"When are you going to tell her your real name?" Destiny asked

"I donno" I replied taking off my work apron

"So what happened? She seemed mad at you," Clovet asked "date didn't go so well"

"It's..." I tried to say

"... A long story" she chimed in "I know" she rolled her eyes

"Well then, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said, waved them goodbye and left

After the long walk, I finally reached my house, the front door was opened so I was alarmed before entering in and found out that it was Jerry

"Oh, hello dad" I said surprised and waved at him "how did you get in here... Or rather, what are you doing here"

"Well, I came to deliver the good news to you myself" he said as he poured himself a whiskey

"Okay, so what's the good news" I asked sitting down next to him

"Now you said I was useless because I didn't have any job" He reminded

"Nope, can't recall saying that" I said pouring myself a drink

"Well, the point is, I got a job and they pay handsomely" he broke out

"Wow dad, its about time, I'm so proud of you" I said excitedly

"Yeah, me too. I guess we'll not be able to complete our father-son get together, considering the fact that I'd be super busy from now on" he said giggling

"You don't have to tell me twice" I said as we both laughed.

It was two bottles down and Jerry was already drunk that he passed out on the coach. I was in the kitchen chatting with Tesla before there was a knock on the door

I signed, put away my phone and went to get the door. I wonder who it was. I opened the door and was surprised to see the person standing before me.

She had dark brown hair that looked like it was cut, she wore a big baggy t-shirt and a jean short with matching black boots

"Ferda... What're you doing here?" I asked surprised to see her, she took off her face cap and the sweet from her mouth, pushed me aside and entered in.

"So it's true, you're in town" she said putting the sweet back in her mouth then she saw dad "oh, dad's here, how interesting" she pushed him down from the coach and sat down putting her legs on his body

"Erm... Okay, how did you find me?" I asked closing the door

"Oh it's easy, i tracked your GPS" she said pouring her self a drink

"Whoa," I took it away from her "underage drinking is illegal and I'm sure your mum wouldn't want you drinking at my house either"

"Ha ha, very funny" she scoffed "you take one good look at me and assume I go by rules?" She laughed "then you've got a lot to learn newcomer" she snatched the glass away from me "and I don't get drunk easily" and she had a gulp

"Erm... how did you track me?" I asked and she starred at me surprised

"I'm a computer wizard dude, jeez Zack, have we met?" She sneered

"I know... What I mean is... How did you know I had a phone" I said as she stood up kicking dads body aside and went to the kitchen while I followed behind

"See, I figured that if you were in town, dad will wanna bond with you... Whatever that means" she said and opened the fridge "And of course, he's gonna buy you a phone so you too would be communicating" she took out a meatloaf and went to the table, grab a stool and sat down

"Okay, does Bia knows you're here?" I asked and grabbed another stool and sat beside her while she looked at me as if I'm an idiot

"Are you serious right now," she said "if she knew I was coming here, would I be here?" Then she opened the meatloaf "you know, some questions aren't meant to be asked" and she began to dig in

"Wh- what happened to your hair" I sputtered

"I cut it" she replied "it makes me looks childish"

"You are a child"

"Well, not anymore" she said as I chuckled "anyways, I'm staying here for the night, no questions asked"

"Are you kidding me"

"I said no questions asked" she sneered "now show me my room"

"Erm... Okay, but there is no extra room, it's either you stay on the coach or go to my room" I said

"And listen to dad snore all night, nah, I'm staying in your room." She said and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the stool "good night pal" and off she went. I only shocked my head smiling and came out to the sitting room

"Okay pops, it's me and you" I said and helped him up the coach and laid on the floor mat. Now that Ferda knows where I live, I just hope that my house would be free tomorrow.

The next day, I got to work late because of... Well, you know, Ferda

"Dude, your late" Destiny said refilling an empty tray with coffee

"Uh... I'm sorry, it's Ferda, she kept me all morning" I said as I put on my work apron and collected the tray from her

"Oh, she was at your house" Clovet said amazed before Destiny could say a thing

"Yeah" I replied and she laughed

"Okay, who the hell is Ferda" Destiny asked

"My younger sister" I and Clovet said in unison

"O... Kay"

"Guys, I'm back" a young man said coming out of the restroom. He had brown hair and was light skinned, he tooked a tray filled with coffee to serve the customers

"Who's that?" I asked returning my empty tray

"This, is Rick" he said pointing at himself and winked

"Okay, uh... Rick here is one of our night shift coworker who changed shift" Destiny explained "and Rick, this is Zack, a new worker" she introduced me to him

"Hey Zacky" Rick said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder

"It's Zack, no 'y' added" I said "and no nicknames please"

"It's as if you read my mind" he said "but I think I need an introduction party"

"An introduction party?" I asked

"It's this thing he likes doing when he meets someone new and interesting" Clovet explained

"Hope you're not gay or something" I asked ready to keep my distance

"What! No, I'm not... Gross, I like women" he said "I watch boobs tube too"

"I don't need to know about your personal life" I said removing his arms from my shoulders and collected another tray

"Guy, you're so handsome" Rick said as we all looked at him

"Uh... Thanks" I replied going to serve some of the customers

"You know, I wish I had your looks, then I'll be able to attract hot chicks like Tesla Vow" he said relaxing his back at the order table

"I'm afraid she's taken" Destiny said with a sly smile "by him" she pointed at me and handed him a tray as she smiled widely

"Really? That's not fair you know" he said as he took the tray from her.

"So, about this welcome party, where are we holding it" Clovet asked interestingly

"At Mujus bowling arena" Rick said feeling so proud of himself as Clovet and Destiny giggled, they were both beaming with excitement.

"Why am I the only one not excited about this" I asked as Rick placed his arms over my shoulders again

"I'm about to change that" he smiled


"Where were you last night" Bia asked immediately Ferda came back from school but she didn't reply, she was about walking away before Bia yelled "Ferda! Don't you dare walk out on me"

"Or else what mum?" She asked rudely "you're gonna ground me? Last I checked, you're not responsible for my life anymore" and off she went to her room.

Bia only starred at her with pains in her eyes as she walked away.