

Zack Zim, a young mage who possesses the power of order of the universe is being haunted down by forces unknown to mankind. After narrowly escaping death, he discovered that his pursuer has been locked up in Nazi, an ancient cell that is believed to be impenetrable and inescapable. Now he desire to live freely among the humans and find a purpose for his life while spending time with his dad and his stepsisters. along the line, he met some amazing people and even found love in the eyes of the lovely Tesla Vow. Life became a dream come true but all that is about to change when all hell breaks lose. ................................................................... This is my first original work and also my first entry in the 2024 WSA, please do support me and i hope you have a good time reading this wonderful piece of art. thanks

De_Cynthia · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Rick threw the ball and knocked out all the batsman

"Wow! New record" he whooped coming to take his seat back at the table "see that Zack, I'm the king of bowling"

"Yeah, no one's dragging" Destiny said sipping her drink

"Hey Zack, you're up" Clovet said urging me to go

"I'm not a bowling guy" I said not interested at all

"Come on," she whined

"Hey Zacky, it's okay if you're not as good as I am" Rick boasted "I won't judge"

"Hey! Zack is a great bowler and will break your record without trying" Clovet snapped

"I will?" I asked surprised and she nodded with a grin

"Wow, this is getting interesting" Destiny said pouring herself another glass.

"Okay boy, lets see what you've got" Rick said "I'm betting fifty, lets see if he's as good as you say"

"I'm all in for a hundred" Clovet said giggling

"Are you guys betting already?" I asked surprised

"Well, it's okay to quit now" Rick said

"Are you afraid you'll loss" she sneered "cause I'm making it two hundred"

"Oh-ho, it's on"

"Seriously Clo. I can't bowl" I whispered to her

"Just use your powers" she whispered back "don't make me loss this bet"

I signed and stood up taking the ball

"Go Zack," Destiny whooped "my money is on ya"

"Seriously Des." I sneered "you too?"

"What, they're betting too" she said as I rolled my eyes and put my head in the game

I put the ball close to my face, my eyes glittered as I breathed on the ball and threw it. It cleared out all the batsman and they whooped, I did it again and again and again, it was a clear shot

"Yes!" I whooped coming back to sit

"That's four in a row" Clovet said excitedly "you lost Rick"

"That's... Impossible" he said sounding defeated

"Possible or not chica, you lost, now pay up" Destiny said as she snatched the money from Ricks hand

"Sorry men" I said patting his back.

"Hey Zack, aren't you supposed to have a date with Tesla tonight?" Destiny asked

"Oh, she cancelled," I replied "there's an emergency at the hospital"

"Still can't believe you're going out with Tesla Vow" Rick said coming out of his panic zone "any who, lets get this party started" and he dragged us to the dance floor

"Okay, I'm not much of a dancer" I said

"Then learn from the best" Rick said as he held my hands and began to dance crazy.

Tonight turned out to be the best night I've had in ages.


The door opened quietly and Clovet creeped in closing it carefully, she tiptoed to her room before Bia would catch her.

"Where have you been Clo." Lolly asked when she spotted her

"Well, today is the best day of my life" Clovet whooped

"Lemme guess, you spent time with Zack" Ferda said as she laid on her bed pressing her phone and Clovet giggled then she rolled her eyes "You do know he's our brother even though he's from another mother"

"I know, I know but I get this funny feeling when I'm around him" Clovet said

"Awwn, Clovet's in love" Lolly said as they chuckled

"Just hope mum doesn't find out" Ferda said

"Oh she won't, I'll won't say a word" Clovet assured

"Good, because she has been looking for ya, so start Coming up with an excuse"

"So Clo. How was your night" Lolly asked and Clovet began to narrate what happened tonight to them.

Bia stood outside the door listening to their conversation, she held her mouth in other to prevent herself from being heard by the girls as she listened carefully to Clovets story.

The next day at work, they were talking about last night

"There's no way he beat me like that" Rick said

"Accept it Rick, you were smashed last night" Clovet said giggling "plus, I won the bet"

"How did you even... You just got lucky" he said

"Well, with Zack, I'm always lucky" she said and winked at me then Rick turned to me

"And that was just beginners luck" he said

"Doesn't look like a beginner to me" Destiny chimmed in as we all laughed

"Hey men, you'll get your wins next time" I said patting his back "in the meantime, Love and other drugs is showing today at cinema, lets crash there"

"Yeah, I've heard so much about it, I even watched the trailer, it's amazing" Clovet said "and you know the best part, it's romance"

"Always, they should have at least added a little action" Destiny said "aha romance, the torture"

"But you're coming ain't ya" I asked

"It's not as if I have anywhere else to go" she said and it was settled, we were going to the movies tonight.

After our shift was over, I went home and found Bia standing outside my house and I was surprised, like, how did she know where I lived. I walked up to her feeling a bit excited and scared at the same time because this is the first time since I was born that she has paid me a visit or attempt to have a conversation with me.

"Bia you're..." I said as I stood in front of her, she has changed alot "how are you"

"So it's true, you are really in town" she said sounding disappointed

"Erm... Do you wanna come in?" I asked wanting to open the door

"No," she rejected quickly "I rather stay out here and say what I have to say"

"Okay then, what is it" I asked

"Look, I don't care about whatever relationship you have with my husband or your reason for staying but I want to beg you to please stay away from me, my girls and my household" she said "you'll only put them in danger, and I don't want to lose any of them"

"It's okay Bia, I'm free," I assured "Zhebel is..."

"I don't care Zack," she snapped "all I'm saying is that you leave my girls alone, can you do that?" It sounded as if she was begging me but I gave no reply "good" then she left.

I signed, I still don't get that woman, she has hated me ever since I was born and... I just hope that some days, she'll see me differently.

When Clovet entered in, she saw Bia sitting at the dinning with a cup of green tea and the expression on her face could already tell what she was thinking

"Hey mum" Clovet said wanting to go to her room so as not to be questioned about her whereabouts last night but Bia stopped her as she stood in front of her blocking the way to her room

"I want you to change work" Bia said

"What? No! Why?" Clovet who was surprised at her mothers request asked "I like my work"

"Then change shift" Bia said as Clovet starred at her mother surprised "it's either you change shift or you change work"

"Gosh mum, what has gotten into you? I like my work, and I definitely like my shift" she said

"Then you'll have to stop working" Bia said before Lolly and Ferda came in wearing their uniforms, it appears that they were just coming back from school.

"Another drama huh" Ferda signed "what's it this time"

"Can you believe this, mum wants me to stop working" Clover said trying to hold back her tears

"But... Why mum" Lolly asked

"Because I don't want you girls anywhere near that abomination" Bia replied already getting worked up "he'll bring you girls nothing but harm"

"It's not fair mum, I came there before he did, why do I have to stop" Clovet said almost in tears

"My decision is final Clovet, it's either you change shift or you change work, and don't even think of hanging out with him like you did yesterday" Bia Said "in fact, you're grounded"

"You can't do that" Clovet sneered

"I just did, now go to your room young woman" Bia ordered moving out of the way for her to pass.

"I see why dad cheated" Clovet snapped as she stomped out angrily. Ferda was about leaving before Bia held her back

"That also implies to you young lady, I know you spent the night at his place and that's not happening again or else..."

"Or else what? I'm grounded?" Ferda laughed "look mum, I don't care whatever rival you had with Eva but it'll not change the fact that Zack is our brother, and I can go wherever the hell I want to and that includes his place, whether you like it or not" she said and forcefully removed Bias' hand from hers and left for her room.

Bia signed trying to force the tears back inside, she looked at Lolly who looked back at her before leaving.

In the evening, I was preparing dinner before my phone buzzed, it was Tesla, so I immediately picked it.

"Hey Tes. Whats up" I asked concentrating on the food I was cooking

"Erm... Hey Sam, can... Can you come pick me up, I'm at erm... The love park" she said sounding distressed and scared

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"No, I'm... Scared" she answered frightfully.

"Okay, don't move, I'll be there" I said and cut the call. I turned off the gas, went to the sitting room, grab my jacket and left immediately.

I met her at love park, she wore a small mini gown of different colours and a long black jacket holding a mini bag.

"Oh, thank God Sam" she signed on seeing me and ran to hug me.

"Are you okay, what happened?" I asked with concern

"I feel like I'm being stalked" she said not wanting to let go of my hands "someone broke into my apartment, he had a knife, I ran as fast as I could, I didn't know where else to go and my brother isn't in town"

"It's okay, you can stay at my place, we'll check yours tomorrow" I offered and she seemed pleased.

On our way, I spotted Clovet at a street chair in her night gown and a bottle of whiskey and I knew something was definitely not right, so we apporched her and I noticed that she was crying.

"Hey Clo. Is everything alright" I asked but she kept sobbing

"Isn't she your coworker" Tesla asked in a whisper and I nodded

"She's also my half sister" I whispered back "what happened Clovet?"

"Can you believe my mum, she wants me to stop working" she sobbed "and on top that, she grounded me, like I'm a child"

"So what are you doing here if you're grounded" Tesla asked

"I snuck out" she replied and had a gulp

"Okay, give me that" I said taking the bottle away from her because she was already drunk and I trashed it

"Can I... Stay with you for the night please" she pleaded

"I... I don't want any trouble with Bia" I said

"Come on Zack, I don't have any where to go" she said and I looked at Tesla

"Zack?" She mouthed

"And I cannot go back home" Clovet said already dizzy. I looked at Tesla again and she nodded

"Okay, come with me" I said helping her up.

When she stood, she was unable to stand well so I tried to make her balance but she threw up on me

"Oh," she gasped "I'm sorry" and she passed out

Tesla handed me a hankie which I used to clean up, I wore Clovet my jacket because it was freezing out here and I carried her at my back as we went to my place.

When we arrived, I took Clovet to my room, laid her on my bed and covered her with my blanket.

I took off my clothes, went to my bathroom and had my bath. Shortly after, I met Tesla in the sitting room when I was done.

She was staring at my pictures, on the wall

"Erm... Are you hungry?" I asked breaking the silence "I was preparing something before you called"

"Yeah, sure" she replied and followed me to the kitchen "what're you cooking"

"Egg and toast" I said and she laughed

"For dinner?" She chuckled

"Yeah, I eat light," I said "help me set the table"

"Okay" she said taking out the utensils from the cabinet and going to the dinning.

When we were done, we both sat down beside each other eating

"So... Erm... Who's Zack" she asked not looking at me, she noticed that I froze then she said "I heard that girl call you"

I figured that this is where I have to tell her the truth so I dropped my spoon, breathes in and out and began

"Tesla, erm... My name isn't Sam" I said and she paused "it's Zack" then she looked at me and I saw the disappointment in her eyes "I'm... I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier"

"So you lied to me, about your name?" She sounded heartbroken "your name Sam... I mean Zack"

"I'm really sorry Tes." I apologised

"Oh are you now" she snapped "what else are you hiding? Is the woman on your bed even you sister, is your mother even dead..."

"Tesla," I called interrupting what she was saying because I noticed she was really hurt "apart from my name, every other thing I told you is the truth"

"Look, I get why you have to lie about your name I mean, I was a total stranger and we didn't even know we were going to end up together but, I'm your girlfriend now, I should have at least heard it from you, not from someone else" she said and stood up "thanks for letting me stay over, I'll sleep on the couch" and she went over to the couch. Gosh! I messed up, real bad.

After eating, I cleared the table, washed the dishes and laid on the floor mat. I glanced over to Tesla who was already asleep, i better find a way to make it up to her tomorrow, then I slept off.

The next morning, when I woke up, Tesla was gone. She took her bag and her jacket, I tried calling her but she wasn't picking.

I sat on the coach and signed. I really messed up, just then Clovet came out still in her night gown

"What... Where am I?" She asked then I turned "Zack? Is this your..."

"Yeah, my place, you asked if you could spend the night" I replied

"I don't remember having that conversation with you" she said in disbelief

"Yeah, because you were pretty wasted" I signed then she came and sat beside me

"Is everything alright" she asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Come on Zack, it's just you and me, you don't have to feel afraid so just tell me" she said "I might be able to help"

"Fine, it's Tesla" I broke out "I think she's mad at me"

"Why?" Clovet asked

"Well, thanks to you, she now knows my real name and she's mad that I lied to her" I explained

"Just for a name?" Clovet grinned then I looked at her and her back at me "yeah, I'll be angry too if my boyfriend lied to me about his name" then her gaze dropped "I'm really sorry Zack, I don't mean too"

"It's alright, the truth is bound to come out anyways" I said "speaking of which, why does Bia wants you to stop working"

"It's... It's because of you" she replied "she said either I change shift or I change work and this is the only chance I've got to know you" she looked at me and our eyes met "I don't wanna miss it" then she looked away "I mean, I have a brother and... I just want to know what it's like having you around"

I could feel her heart beating very fast but I just stared at her trying to find the right word

"Look, I'm sorry I messed up things between you and Tesla..." She apologised

"It's okay, she'll come around when she's ready" I said smiling

"We should probably get ready for work" she said standing up heading to the kitchen

"Hey Clo." I called and she turned to face me "I'd like to get to know you too" and she smiled.

"Okay, I just remembered I didn't bring any clothes on the way"

"That's okay, you can wear mine" I offered

"Would it fit?" She asked

"Why don't you test and find out" I said.

At exactly 8am, we arrived at work together, Destiny and Rick were there already

"Wow, you two arrived at the same time, should I call thia a coincidence" Destiny said as I and Clovet glanced at each other then went to put on our work apron.

"Where were you guys last night, I thought we agreed on seeing the movies" Rick asked coming with an empty tray

"Something came up" I replied

"What's so important that you both had to bail" Destiny asked and Clovet told her what happened

"You spent the night at his place" Destiny giggled "I don't have to ask where the clothes are from then"

"Wow, only you with two women in a house, you must have felt insecure" Rick said

"No, I don't think I felt..." I wanted to say

"Hey, I know what will clear your mind, how about a guys day out tomorrow" he suggested "what do you say"

"Well, since tomorrow is our day off and I've got no plans so yeah, why not" I agreed

"Great," he whooped "9am tomorrow, don't bail"

That evening, when I came back, I saw Tesla standing at the door side

"Tesla" I called surprised to see her and she turned to look at me "what... What are you doing here?" I came closer

"First of all, I want to apologise about last night and the way I left this morning" she said not looking up to me "I get why you had to lie, it's just that... I've been in past relationships before and none of them takes me seriously, all they want is party... And.. And sex, they don't even care how I feel but you... There's something about you that I'm drawn to, I mean, you're not like the other guys I've dated and... I really like you but I'm afraid you might not feel the same way about me" she felt emotional as tears began to drip off her eyes

"Hey Tes. Of course I take you seriously and I'm really sorry I didn't tell you my real name when we first met" I said as I used my thumb to wipe off her tears "it's just that I haven't been in a relationship so, this is kind of my first"

"So, I'm your first love" she asked a little bit excited and I nodded then she smiled and I kissed her

"So, we're good?" I asked

"Yeah" she replied "and I was thinking, maybe I could stay here for a while, I still feel unsafe"

"Yeah, my door is always opened for you" I said and opened the door as we went in.

Immediately I closed the door, my stomach twitched and I fell down holding it

"Oh my Sam... I mean Zack, are you okay?" Tesla who was already alarmed asked as she ran to pick me up

My eyes began to blink grey and black and soon after, I saw a woman in a cage, her hands were chained up, she was naked, her long dark hair covered her breast. She raised her face up, it was covered in buries and blood and I gasped, soon after, I passed out...

Don't leave without making a remark

and don't forget to cheer me up with some power stones.

thanks once again dear readers.

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