

Zack Zim, a young mage who possesses the power of order of the universe is being haunted down by forces unknown to mankind. After narrowly escaping death, he discovered that his pursuer has been locked up in Nazi, an ancient cell that is believed to be impenetrable and inescapable. Now he desire to live freely among the humans and find a purpose for his life while spending time with his dad and his stepsisters. along the line, he met some amazing people and even found love in the eyes of the lovely Tesla Vow. Life became a dream come true but all that is about to change when all hell breaks lose. ................................................................... This is my first original work and also my first entry in the 2024 WSA, please do support me and i hope you have a good time reading this wonderful piece of art. thanks

De_Cynthia · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Yesterday is finally over and believe me the unexpected date turned out to be fun and I really enjoyed myself, I'm guessing Tesla did too, well that's all for yesterday but today is going great.

I'm repainting my apartment and I had Jerry helping me out. I played vegas by megan on my mp3 as we had fun refurbishing the apartment.

"Okay, breaktime" I said taking a soda and a burger and sat on the couch

"Break? We just grabbed the brushes" Jerry said as he came to seat beside me. "You know, Bia has been wondering where I spend most of my time at"

"You didn't tell her I was in town?" I asked

"No, I can't, she'll freak out" he replied "the last thing I want is that late night argument" then we laughed

"You know, I've been thinking" I said and he looked at me sipping his soda "where did you get the money for the VIP lounge?"

"Seriously Zack?" He scoffed

"I mean come on dad, you do literally nothing" I said and he laughed "you know, I was gonna ask where you got the money to buy the apartment but, I couldn't risk losing it"

"You're darm right" he said laughing as he took the remaining soda and burger from me "break time's over, this house isn't going to remake itself" then I laughed out loud.

"You do know with me, nothing is impossible"

"Ha ha, I wanna enjoy this and beside, its on our father-son get together list" he said

"Okay Jerry, whatever you say." I signed as I stood up and grabbed a brush.

It was fun painting and talking about stuff, we were almost done before we had another break.

"Yeah, I could really use a break" Jerry said as he collapsed in the couch sipping his soda almost emptying it.

"Hard work" I said and open another bottle of soda "but we're not quite done" I sat down on a stool near the couch.

"So, tell me, how did your date went yesterday?" Jerry insisted I tell him all about it as he sat upright to listen

"Well, it wasn't that bad" I replied

"Really, I want every details" he said interestedly as he drew near

"Well, that's my business not yours and it isn't on our get together list is it?" I said and he smiled

"Fine, I wouldn't intrude" he said and relaxed as he had a mouth full of fries.

After our short break, we continued and before evening, we were done.

"It's not bad" I said after we finished cleaning up

"What did you expect, I helped" Jerry said as we both chuckled "I better head back, it's late already" He grabbed his coat and head towards the front door "see ya tomorrow" then he left.

I sat down on the couch and was on my phone. There was a lot of text from Tesla, I replied most of them before I turned it off, put it aside and turned on the television.

That reminds me, now all madness in my life is finally over, I should get a job and earn some decent money.

I walked towards the window and looked out,maybe a waiter in a small coffee shop isn't such a bad idea, guess I'm booked up for tomorrow then.

The next day, i woke up feeling pretty excited. It's nice to finally have a good night sleep after all these years.

I turned on my mp and holiday by Lil nas x was playing. It's a good day, and the day is bright.

I danced to the tune of the music, had my bath, dressed up in a brown jogger and grey t-shirt with matching sneakers. I put on a face cap, my phone was in my pocket, I had my ear pod on as I went out for a stroll.

After the long walk, on my way back, I went to apply for a job at the coffee shop not far from my apartment. Surprisingly, I didn't have to answer much question when I met owner.

"What's your name kid" he asked not looking at my face because he was busy

"Erm... Zack Zim" I replied

"Okay, you're hired" he said which came as a shock to me

"Just like that?" I asked

"Yeah, you can take the morning shift, Start by 8am tomorrow, don't be late" he said

"O...kay boss" I smiled and left, turns out today's my lucky day after all.

On my way home, someone tapped me softly, I turned to see who it was, it was Tesla

"Hey Tes. Do you live around here?" I asked surprised to see her

"I was calling you but..." She said "I saw you coming out of the coffee shop, what a coincidence, its my favourite coffee shop"

Men, you got to be kidding me, plus I have to tell her that my name isn't Sam but It's not like we got anything going on between us.

"Oh wow, I work there" I said

"Really, but I've never seen you around," she asked surprised

"I just got hired" I said "I'll be starting tomorrow"

"Okay, I'd see you tomorrow then" she winked at me and left.

Gosh, it was so intense. Like, am I the only one that sees her as the devils mistress?

The next day by exactly 8am, I was at work already serving coffee to the people that was there.

We are just two, I and a girl that I almost mistook for a guy. Her name is Destiny and she is so fun to be with. Don't get me wrong, we just met this morning.

It was kind of hard serving coffee because I've never done it before so I just tried not to fall.

"Don't worry, you'll get a hang of it very soon" she said smiling.

"Erm.. Okay," I smiled "well, Destiny, apart from me, is it only you on morning shifts"

"Nah, there's another girl" she said and my stomach twitched, like you've got to be kidding me "but she's always late and sometimes she joins the next shift"

Well, that's good news. I was clearing after some customer that left before Tesla walked in to where Destiny was to place her order.

"I'd like a coffee with extra caffeine" she said already giving her money "to go please, I'm already late"

"Okay ma" Destiny said as she took the money and brought out a take away coffee cup to put the coffee then i came bby,

"Good morning Tesla" I greeted dropping the tray of empty cups on the order table "you look nice"

"Thanks Sam, its so good to see you"she said smiling as Destiny looked at me raising a brow.

"Sam?" She mouthed

"So... You're not going to work today huh?" I asked because she wasn't on her uniform.

"Of course I am, I'll change when I get there" she said and smiled "would you be free in the evening"

"Yeah, I think so"

"Good, lets meet up at love park then"she giggled then Destiny handed her the coffe that she ordered

"Erm... Why love park" I asked trying not to make eye contact with Destiny who smiled at me.

"Well... So we can have little chat" she said but before I could reply, she cut in "... I'll see you then, I'm late already" then she left with haste.

I and Destiny glanced at each other and she laughed

"Wow, dude, you know Tesla?" She asked as she hit my shoulder "how did you two meet"

"It's a funny story, and i do not intend on narrating" I said as she handed me a tray of coffee to serve the customers.

"Well, you don't seem to be interested in her at all, do you?" She asked and I turned to look at her not uttering a word "i mean come on, Sam? Seriously"

"I would tell her my real name," i said "...Some days"

"Come on dude, Tesla seem nice, too nice and she's hot." She said with a smile

"Yeah, that's the problem" I said coming back with the empty tray "she's too nice, and it's creepy."

"You know, sometimes I can't tell whats really going on in that head of yours" she scoffed "but I do hope you'll go out with her"

"I will," I signed taking another filled tray

"Hey dude, don't be so cold to her okay"

"I'll try" I said as she chuckled

We were almost done, our shift was almost over, I was clearing the tables before the door opened and a young girl, light skinned and average in height dressed in black jeans and yellow t-shirt came in. She had brown long hair which she packed ponytail then she walked up to Destiny

"Hey Des. Sorry I'm late"she apologised putting on her work apron.

"Our shift is almost over miss pretty face" Destiny snapped

"I'll stay for the next shift then" she said then I came with the empty tray in one hand and the cleaning rag in the other, looking at her, i was surprised

"Clovet?" I called and she turned to look at me "you work here?"

"Zack!" She gasped and ran to hug me "you're in town?"

"Erm... You two know each other?" Destiny asked a bit confused

"Yeah," I replied "she's my step sister"

For the next one hour before our shift was over, there was no customer so I and Clovet began to talk about stuff,

"Gosh, you're... Different" she said taking a look at me "the last time I saw you, you were... Half dead"

"What!" Destiny cut in

"She mean metaphorically" I said immediately

"So how are you" Clovet asked

"I've been good" I replied

"Why didn't you tell us you were in town?" She asked

"Well... I didn't want to upset Bia considering our terms back then" I answered

"But... How are you here? Isn't she after you" Clovet asked curiously

"After you? Who's after you?" Destiny who has been listening to our conversation chimmed in

"I had a medical condition since birth that nearly cost my life but she's gone now" I smiled akwardly.

"Well, that explain, a few" she said then checked her watch "okay, our time is up, I better run" she stood up, took off her work apron, carried her bag and left.

"Erm... We'll talk later" I said removing my work apron

"Okay, but it's nice to see you again, it has been so long" Clovet said feeling excited "if you and my mum wasn't in bad term, I would have invited you over"

"That'd be nice," I said smiling "i'll see you tomorrow then"

"Okay, bye" she waved

"Bye" I waved back and left as the rest of the afternoon shift workers came in.


Water splashed all over the face of a man that was chained up from head to toes like a beast and locked in a cage.

"Wakie wakie, bedtime's over" a woman with hair as dark as night, eyes as cold as winter said as she walked round the cage using her black long nails to scatch it.

She wore a stealthy, low visibility shirt and a Leggings to blend in the shadows along side a long black donning hood, and on her feet was a designed Padded boots for silent movement.

The man opened his eyes and looked at her as he spat out the water that entered his mouth. He was naked, he had no clothes on, his hair was scattered and dirty.

"You see, if we weren't enemies, I would have laid you on my dark matress and ride that cock to my satisfaction" she said smiling evily "just thinking about it, is already getting me wet"

"What do you want Zhedra?" He asked not interested at all

"It's Fury to you punk" she yelled "and, how nice of you to ask what I want," she chuckled "but the question is, are you willing to give it to me?"

"Depending on what it is" he said and she laughed

"Oh Shem, you will do what Fury wants you to do whether you like it or not" she said and bend down to face him "now tell me, how do I get my sister out of Nazi?"

"I'd rather die than to let that bitch torment my boy again" Shem sneered and out of anger, Zhedra used her nails to pierce his shoulders as blood gushed out.

"You don't have to die, I know another way to get you to talk" she said and pulled her nails from his skin and licked the blood on it "I see you perfer the hard way, well, they always do and when I'm done, I'll make your death not too painful, you might even enjoy yourself" then she held his dick tight "I think i'll ride you to death" then stood up and left laughing evily.

"You're not gonna get away with this you hear me!" He yelled then she turned

"But oh, I already have." And she shut the huge door behind her.


"Mum, I'm home" Clovet said as she entered in and hanged her jacket on the rack near the door

"Okay, go freshen up and you and your sisters should come down for dinner" Bia said setting the table for dinner

"Okay mum" Clovet said "is dad back?"

"Not yet"

She went up to the room, her and her sisters share a room. She opened the door and went in and as usual, the room was messed up.

"Finally, did you get what I ask you to?" Ferda, Clovet immediate younger sister asked

"Yeah, just like you requested" Clovet said bringing out the fries from her bag and handed it over to Ferda who snatched it away from her, sat down comfortablely on the floor near Clovets bed and began to munch it.

"Hey Ferda, don't be stingy, come on share it" Lollipop, often called Lolly, the youngest of them all whined.

"I worked hard for this okay" Ferda sneered "after all, I'm not the one that asked you to spend all your money on miss penny"

"She was sick" Lolly said "almost at the point of death"

"She's a doll Lolly, who cares if she's dead" Ferda snapped

"I do!" Lolly snapped back as her eyes began to water

"Come on Ferda, share with Lolly" Clovet said and laid on her bed smiling.

"What's up with you Clo." Lolly asked when she noticed her excitement

"Well, you girls won't believe me though" Clovet said

"Try us" Ferda insisted with her mouth full

"I saw Zack today, He works at the same place I do" she broke out as they both began to cough

"Zack's gone Clo." Ferda said drinking water

"But I saw him today, he's in town." Clovet said excited

"No wonder dad mysteriously got himself a job" Ferda chuckled "hope mum doesn't find out"

"Speaking of which, it's dinner time." Clovet said as she went to bath.

Bia carried the dishing plate out to the dinning before Jerry came in

"Hey love" he said I wanted to kiss her but she refused "erm... Is anything wrong"

"What is this I'm hearing? Zack's in town?" she asked trying to contain her anger "is this why you've been going out all day, to be with him?"

"Where did you hear that from" Jerry asked "you and I both know that he's not coming back"

"Don't try to play Fool with me, I over heard the girls talking, he's now Clovets' coworker" Bia said turning to face him

"Fine, he's in town, and he's still my son" Jerry said hanging his jacket on the rack

"Jerry, that boy means danger for all of us and the fact that he's working with Clovet is the totally unacceptable" Bia said

"Bia, if you're worried about girls being in danger then you don't have to be, Zhebel is gone, she's been locked up in Nazi, she's not coming back, ever again." Jerry snapped

"I'm beginning to think you don't know who Zhebel is anymore, she will come back and as long as Zack is here, our girls are in danger" she snapped back "so he has to go, or we're not safe"

"Relax Bia, i promise you, Zhebel's not coming out from there, no one can save her" Jerry assured "Zack is no longer a threat to us anymore so I'm begging you, let me bring him in so we can leave like a family"

"Over my dead body" Bia snapped "i'm not going to bring the son of that witch into my house"

"Don't call her that" Jerry said trying not to get angry

"Why, she was literally a witch and gave birth to an abomination" Bia spat out "you know, our lives would have been perfect if you had self control" then she sat down on a chair "i'm glad she's dead, and very soon her abomination will join her"

Jerry became red hot, he wanted to give Bia a piece of his mind before the girls came down to join them for dinner.

Later that evening, on my way to love park, I got a call from Tesla

"Hey don't worry, I'll be there soon" I said immediately I pick it up as I sighed

"Erm... Change of plans, can you meet me at Silvers bus park, I want to go see my brother" she said "he got into a fight and was badly injured and I don't wanna go alone"

"No worries, I'll be there" I said and hanged up.

I took a cab and shortly after I arrive at the bus park where I saw Tesla already waiting for me, she was looking different, she wore a black t-shirt and matching joggers, a black crocs and black head warmer.

""Thanks alot for coming" she said when she saw me, we took the bus going towards the hospital her brother was in.

"You're welcome" I repiled not wanting to ask about her outfit.

We got to the hospital her brother was admitted to, it was down a dark alley.

On getting there, I felt a twitch in my stomach and I groaned.

"Oh my gosh Sam, are you alright" she asked as she turned back but before she could come closer to me, I passed out...


The huge old croaked door opened and Zhedra Walked in majestically holding a small device in her left hand.

She used her long nails to pick the lock of the cage and came in.

"I'm not telling you anything" Shem said "don't bother asking"

"You might want to rethink that" she said and put the device on his neck and smiled

"What're you doing? What's that?" He asked already panicking

"Well that sweetheart will sherd your skin once i turn it on, so if I were you, I'd start talking" she replied

"I don't care what form of torture you use, you're not getting any information from me" he said

"Okay then, suit yourself" she said and turned it on.

The device began to make a cutting sound and he began to scream. Blood began to rush out as Zhedra laughed evily...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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