
The Dark Avatar: The Paths Not Taken

What if Aang had not forgiven the fire nation for the genocide of his people? What if Zuko had truly embraced his uncle's teachings? And all the allies Aang had accrued in his true path... What of their fate? All we know... Is that everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked... To be continued...

Lemon_Square · Anime & Comics
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A Fate Worse Than Death: Isolation III

"Well, first... I think I need to find a group to help me make a name for myself, before turning to my people. Perhaps heading north further into the Earth Kingdom to find strong allies? To show the world that the way they have been doing things is wrong... And if possible, find the Avatar and help them restore the balance of the world." Zuko says as he turns away and begins thinking.

"I'm sure whatever happens... We'll figure it out together." Iroh says as he turns to leave.

"No... I have to go on my own..." Zuko says as he turns to his uncle.

"What? We're family! We're supposed to stick together! Why would you shut me out?" Iroh says in shock as he turns to face Zuko.

"I'm not shutting you out... We just have more family now... And with the war getting closer by the day... Someone needs to stay behind and keep Auntie Tsu, Saen, and Boa safe. We owe them our lives so many times over... It'd be wrong to leave them without protection." Zuko says as he looks at Iroh who seems to realize how thoughtlessly he was acting...

"My, my, you have really grown up into a fine young man... Here I was forgetting about the life we built here with these fine folk... I'm sorry for my forgetfulness." Iroh says, looking rather embarrassed as he rubs the back of his neck.

"It's okay, I'm only this good because I learned from the best... I plan on saying my goodbyes in the morning..." Zuko says as he turns to the ostrich horse and begins to feed her.

"Thank you for staying to say goodbye... I know we're all going to miss you very much." Iroh says as he turns to leave once more.

As Iroh leaves, Zuko turns to the ostrich horse, before sadly whispering, "I'm going to miss them too."

As the sun rises the next day, Zuko stands at the threshold of the property, beside him a buff man with his left arm missing from the forearm down. His nut-brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, a tool belt tied around his waist, and a set of twin swords sheathed on his back.

"You're sure about this? Leaving? It's a pretty chaotic place out there in the world..." The man looks down at his left arm.

"I'm sorry Boa, but this is something I have to do. It's time I go out and carve my own destiny. And don't worry, I'll stay safe and be careful." Zuko says as he rests his hand on Boa's shoulder.

"You better, my little boy is going to have to get to know his Uncle Lee after all." Boa says as he rubs Zuko's shaggy hair.

As they playfully wrestle, Iroh, Saen, and Tsu exit the small house.

"Enough you two, this is a farewell party, not an Earth Rumble fight." Tsu says, slightly slapping the two on the head causing Saen and Iroh to laugh under their breath.

"Come on Auntie, this is my last chance to put Little Lee in his place before he goes off to become a man," Boa says ruffling his hand through Zuko's hair.

"You jerk! I'm already a man!" Zuko protests once he breaks free of the headlock.

"Oh really? Cause I don't see any girlfriends seeing you off?" Bao says holding his hand over his eyes to mime looking for someone.

"Shut up!" Zuko growls playfully shoving Bao.

"That's enough Boa, stop teasing the poor boy. He'll find someone when he's meant to." Saen chides as she pulls Zuko into a hug before handing him a pack full of food and supplies. "I cooked some of your favorite meals and also packed in some of your favorite tea leaves. I'm going to miss you, Little Lee, you better stay safe out there for your little niece."

Boa pulls them both into a big bear hug before saying, "Or nephew." Before letting go and pulling off his tool belt and sheathed twin swords.

"These are for you, my tools and old war swords. May both serve you well in removing the obstacles the world places in your way." Boa smiles as he hands them over.

"Are you sure big brother Boa? Aren't these your most prized possessions?" Zuko says as he hesitantly grabs the sword sheath and tool belt.

"I'm certain Little Lee, it's time these go towards someone who will truly use them to the best of their ability..." Boa trails off.

"Also, I've got our family here and I want to make sure you have something to remember me by." He says while pulling Zuko into another warm bear hug.

"Stop smothering the boy you two, he'll die of suffocation before he's even left the property." Tsu chides as she approaches Zuko.

"Three years ago, a young, scared, and confused boy arrived on my clinic's doorstep with his barely breathing father..." Tsu looks nostalgically toward the village center...

"Little did I know that that little boy would grow up to be the gentle, honorable, brave, and handsome young man I see before me." Tsu says as she places her hand on the scar on the left side of his face. "Take this money, Nala, and my love as you head out into the world to find your destiny. My precious boy."

Zuko begins to tear up as he hugs Tsu tightly. "I am honored to accept all of these precious gifts."

As Tsu slowly backs away rubbing her teary eyes Iroh steps forward, "Alright, alright, stop crowding the boy. I have three gifts for you as well..."

After rummaging around in his satchel he pulls out a small leather pouch filled with round, wooden tiles. "There it is, my Pi Sho set. Should you ever need assistance, play how I taught you and respond with what I told you during our matches, second is..."

Iroh trails off as he rummages around once more, before pulling out an old, worn, and cracked tea set. "Ah, my first tea set I bought when I started up my tea shop. And lastly..."

Iroh pulls Zuko into a tight hug after handing over the two gifts. "A piece of advice that served me well... Sometimes, the best way to solve your problems is to help someone else." Iroh finally kisses Zuko's forehead before releasing him from the hug.

"I... I don't know what to say... I'll cherish all of them always." Zuko says as he wipes a tear from his right eye.

"Just promise you'll return to us once you've done what you need to do," Iroh says as he begins to rub his eyes.

"I promise I'll be back everyone." Zuko waves to his family as he mounts Nala, the ostrich horse, and heads north. Beginning his journey and starting the snowball that will one day become a thunderous avalanche of change.

To be continued…