
The Dark Avatar: The Paths Not Taken

What if Aang had not forgiven the fire nation for the genocide of his people? What if Zuko had truly embraced his uncle's teachings? And all the allies Aang had accrued in his true path... What of their fate? All we know... Is that everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked... To be continued...

Lemon_Square · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

A Fate Worse Than Death: Isolation II

"Well, if you want her to be pretty, you should pray she doesn't get your looks," Lee says with a smirk.

"You jerk," Saen says, giving Lee a punch to the shoulder.

After a short walk, they approach a quaint little house at the edge of the village.

"You head in, I'll go put this firewood up," Lee says heading to the stables.

After putting up the firewood, Lee headed into the small house.

"Junior, there you are. I've brewed some delicious jin sing tea. Have a cup, you must be exhausted from gathering firewood all day." A rather portly old man calls out to Lee.

While older, he seems to have a warm heart and a smile more warm and inviting than the tea he is offering. With long grey hair flowing down his back. And a thick, bushy white beard almost down to his waist.

"Dad, stop worrying so much about it. Just enjoy your tea shop, will you? I'm doing good, alright." Lee says with a smile taking the cup of tea from the elderly man.

"Young man, stop being so rude to Uncle Mu-shi or you're not having any supper." A thin middle-aged woman exits the kitchen with a full plate of roasted goose.

"Yes, save me from such a ruffian. I am but a weak old man, barely able to lift a teapot. I cannot withstand such harsh words from my own beloved boy… Ooh, roast goose, what's the occasion for such a delicious dinner?" Mu-shi's marvelous acting skills end as the delectable aroma of roasted goose fills the home. And his once-wounded eyes sparkle as a little bit of drool slips from his lips.

"You won't believe the amazing news I heard today at the clinic." The woman says, slicing and plating the roast goose.

"It must be good, this is reminding me of when we first met Uncle Mu-shi and Little Lee. It was about three years ago, right?" Saen questions as she takes a seat next to Lee.

"Yeah, we were all but lost and starving in the woods near the village when my genius of a dad over here tried to brew tea from a poisonous plant. If it wasn't for your treatment... Well, I'm just thankful we found a home with you two." Lee said, sadly smiling as he drank his tea.

"Oh hush child, we're family. And I have a feeling that the world is going to be a much brighter place very soon." The woman smiles pleasantly.

"Does this have something to do with your good news? I can hardly wait if it has you this excited." Mushi begins to dig into the roast goose.

"You've got me curious too, Auntie Tsu. What's so amazing that you're this excited?" Lee says while sipping his tea.

"I didn't believe it myself at first, but apparently... There were signs at all the temples that the Avatar has returned!" Tsu says excitedly.

Both Lee and Mushi choke on their food and drink at the same time.

"What did you say?!" Mu-shi exclaims while cleaning up the mess he and Lee made in their shock.

"Are you sure the Avatar has returned? I thought he died out with all air benders 100 years ago!" Lee exclaims loudly.

"Yeah, Mom! Are you sure old age isn't getting to you?" Saen says with concern.

"I'm not crazy, I heard it directly from an Earth Kingdom messenger who had come in after a light skirmish with Fire Nation forces while on his way to inform the Earth King," Tsu says with a smug smile.

"This is definitely something to celebrate indeed. Let's continue to enjoy such a delicious meal." Mu-shi says while glancing at Lee. Who silently continues to eat his meal, before heading out to the stables. Shortly after Mu-shi follows him.

"Are you thinking about it?" Mu-shi whispers as he closes the stable door behind him.

"Thinking about what? The condition for the end of my banishment being my capture of the Avatar?... Nope, not in the slightest..." Lee sighs as he leans against the stable stalls.

"That's good because I would not be so keen to believe that your father wou-" Mu-shi begins to say before Lee interrupts.

"Don't call that man my father! He ceased being that long before he gave me this scar! You're my father since even before my banishment you taught me the importance of valuing the balance of the world, determining my own destiny, and what it truly means to be an honorable man... I couldn't have asked for a better father and mentor... Uncle Iroh..." Lee begins to get choked up the more he speaks until finally he barely speaks in a whisper.

Iroh comes closer and rests his hand on Lee's shoulder, "And you are the best son I could have ever hoped for and I couldn't be prouder of the young man you have become. Zuko..." A tear begins to stream down his face as he pulls Zuko into his embrace.

"But... With the Avatar back... I can't stay here any longer... Everything has changed... I have a duty to right the wrongs of my nation..." Zuko says pulling away from the hug as he wipes his right eye.

"I understand that you feel responsible for this war... But, I've already lost one son to this senseless violence... Please Zuko, don't make me lose another son in this war." Iroh says as a deep sadness fills his voice.

"Dad... With the Avatar back... I feel now is the time for change... I truly believe that I can help fix the wrongs of our countrymen... It's time the people of the Fire Nation learn the harm their unbridled expansion has caused to the balance of our world. And as the rightful heir to the Fire Nation throne... It is my duty to restore the balance of the world that was disturbed by my great-grandfather." Zuko says as a sense of determination sets within his heart.

"You know... Sometimes I wish I didn't raise you so well." Iroh smiles as he steps back from Zuko.

"Okay, Prince Zuko, what is your plan to change the world?" Iroh says with a look of hope... Perhaps tinged with a hint of sadness...