
The Cursed Witch series by K9Girl2003 (B.C.)

It has been a week since 17-year-old Samuel Wardwell moved to a small town in Massachusetts to attend a school for witches and supernaturals. Samuel took the week to settle into his new apartment before the first day of school; he lived with his familiar, Minx, a black cat with unique abilities. He took a few days to unpack his belongings, then spent the rest of his time preparing for his first day, which meant shopping for supplies. Samuel rested the rest of the week until Monday hit and his first day of school started. Felix is A werewolf, the alpha of his pack when he is told he has to show around the new kid because they have the most classes together. He wasn't thrilled by any means but what teenager would be. After Felix meets Samuel A spark occurs and the curse he supposedly has became very apparent. Will these two beat the curse or will darkness pull them under and tear everything apart. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey to future readers this story will be updated every day at approximately 5:30 pm. I may not be able to post some weekends please don't hold it against me. If everything goes to plan. I have only just started writing again after stopping for a few years because I believed my Story wasn't good enough. I am going to try to keep this story updated and alive! If you wanna give support just leave positive feedback but if you are a hater just keep scrolling. To all my future readers I thank you for taking the time of your day to enjoy something I wrote. The Author, K9Girl2003 or (B.C.)

K9Girl2003 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Bonding and unexpected developments

Felix nodded and instantly changed the subject, but it was a poor one "so the mate bond has lighted but there is still something dark looming on your end, but I must say now that the bond is strong enough to feel some emotion now and soon if we fully mate we will grow even stronger and may develop the new ability and with you already struggling I thought maybe I could help?" Samuel frowned at that thought but also smiled and nodded, causing Felix to suddenly freak out and jump in the pool when he came up; he laughed, and so did Sam. It was music to Felix's ears, and Felix took a seat beside Samuel again "would you like to try now please I want to see your magic please, and I need the scent to know who is using magic, believe it, or not everyone's magic smells differently". Sam nodded and slowly slipped into the water. Felix was confused about how you do magic underwater. However, soon Sam returned to his previous spot but now soaked he hated it that is why this was his favorite water spell "okay Felix, this is a water removal spell the first water spell I learned and my favorite" Sam took a deep breath and focused on himself then muttered, "respingere e rimuovere" (remove and repel) he took it a little too far not only drying himself but Felix too. Sam sighed. "I was trying only to dry myself. I might have done something else too; I guess we'll find out, but yes, I use it a lot. I hate water".

Felix smiled, chuckling "you did well, let go check on your dad; it's been a good thirty minutes; I imagine he's probably lonely" Sam nodded and stood up along with Felix and walked to the kitchen. Felix was starting to find his way around pretty well, primarily using his nose to smell; when they got to the kitchen, Mr. Wradwell and Minx sat chatting at the table; when they saw the boys walk in, they stopped talking, but Sam just ignored it "hey dad, hey Minx, I see you have homemade baked tuna melts I love them thanks dad" Felix looked at the clock seeing it was now about six and decided "hey after we eat how bout we watch a movie?" Sam jumped excitedly "yes, a great idea, we can watch anything that's not scary, or else my powers will act up" Felix nodded, and they sat at the table. Felix refused to sit near Minx, and she just scoffed at him while Sam grew irritated with their childish behavior, but that was normal. Her body looks almost twenty human years, but her mind is only about twelve, so she acts like a child when a situation isn't difficult or serious. Felix kept glaring at Minx but turned his attention to Sam "so Sam tells me more about you. I only know about the incident and what your school file said but what you told me in our short time together, so what do you like" Sam gave his best smile as he thought, "I um… like well tuna, turkey, steak, food lots of food, and I don't know oh wait I like to take photos you saw the ones in the living room you would think some famous person took that photo. However, it was me fooling around; one day, dad saw the picture and bought me a camera; most of my photos are still in those boxes you saw, and there are a lot more at dads house; he encouraged me to follow that passion, but I have other interests too" Felix was listening so intently and loving every second of hearing Sam's voice it was slight deep but still quite angelic.

Felix only had one thought "do you sing, Samuel?" Sam nodded, blushing "yeah, a bit why" Felix smirked, "you have a music room in this place" Sam nodded, standing up "dad, we'll be back later, bye Minx" they walk through another entrance it was as if the room changed and it did because of Sam's magic he can find everything but if he wanted to make someone think they were running in circles for hours he could. Felix looked around the room and saw a piano and sat down "so Samuel, what shall I play hmm?" Sam thought, and only one song came to mind "play anything I promise I'll know it" Felix smirked and started playing a song it was such a beautiful medley that Sam couldn't stop the words from flowing out as Felix played so exquisitely and Sam started cheering for more as Felix stoped playing. Felix shook his head, thinking how amazing sams voice was; it brought tears to his eyes "that was too easy; try something harder" Sam shrugged and thought, "uh, how about we try um" Felix cut him off by starting an upbeat piece he wrote called rainy love Sam listened so much he wanted to write lyrics for it but need some time he decided to surprise Felix with the lyrics. Felix finished then looked into Sam's eyes, finding them filled with love and admiration; Sam smiled "that was very lovely" Felix's eyes sparkled and lighted a fire as we were getting closer to completing the bond only Felix knew the bond would become almost complete tonight although he wouldn't push Samuel in any means. Felix stood so they could head back to the kitchen, finding dinner ready Sam had a tuna melt, and so did Minx while his dad and Felix ate steak with pork chops and hot wings. Sam eyed it disgusted and began to chow down on his tuna, then the air changed, and suddenly Sam's head and back felt weird when he touched his head. He froze when Sam felt fuzzy triangle-shaped things he didn't want to believe, this was the worst thing that could happen.

Mr. Wardwell was the first to laugh "well, son, who knows my boy would be the first witch in a thousand years who can turn into a cat by next week you'll develop the essence and scents of a cat. Felix, your wolf senses are somewhat similar. He may need your help during the final transition, Felix; what color is your wolf?" Felix thought for a second, "I've only seen reflections in the water but I'm a midnight black wolf with a white-tipped ear," Mr. Wardwell paused, then just shrugged, "he should be a variant of your colors. I got to go now my new wife awaits. I love you; Sam, come visit the baby, okay" Sam nodded, saying, ''I love you too," and his dad was out the door. Minx had disappeared sometime during the conversation, but he could feel their link open in the back of his mind, so he reached out 'Minx, have you seen the mess yet?" Minx instantly pulled to answer, 'yeah, Sam, I did, and it's okay just know we're here, okay' Sam nodded through the link, and that was it. Felix decided it was movie time and pulled Sam off his chair "let's watch a movie now; how bout we watch Rise Of The Guardians" Sam smiled gleefully and beamed in joy. "I love that movie" Sam walked Felix to his room. "I'll be right back. I'm going to grab popcorn; we should change our clothes though" Sam walked out of the room, mumbling and feeling lazy; he changed his clothes using magic "stoffa fabbricato Di Stoffa" (cloth made of cloth).

Sam's clothes turned into a hoodie and sweatpants, then he grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in a microwave. He waited two minutes then took it out; it was hot, but whatever. Samuel walked back to the room, and Felix glanced at Sam, chuckling, "you used your magic to change. I've never seen you use it willingly, use your magic" Sam blushed and sat down on the pile of blankets Felix laid out, and they played the movie.