
The Cursed Witch series by K9Girl2003 (B.C.)

It has been a week since 17-year-old Samuel Wardwell moved to a small town in Massachusetts to attend a school for witches and supernaturals. Samuel took the week to settle into his new apartment before the first day of school; he lived with his familiar, Minx, a black cat with unique abilities. He took a few days to unpack his belongings, then spent the rest of his time preparing for his first day, which meant shopping for supplies. Samuel rested the rest of the week until Monday hit and his first day of school started. Felix is A werewolf, the alpha of his pack when he is told he has to show around the new kid because they have the most classes together. He wasn't thrilled by any means but what teenager would be. After Felix meets Samuel A spark occurs and the curse he supposedly has became very apparent. Will these two beat the curse or will darkness pull them under and tear everything apart. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey to future readers this story will be updated every day at approximately 5:30 pm. I may not be able to post some weekends please don't hold it against me. If everything goes to plan. I have only just started writing again after stopping for a few years because I believed my Story wasn't good enough. I am going to try to keep this story updated and alive! If you wanna give support just leave positive feedback but if you are a hater just keep scrolling. To all my future readers I thank you for taking the time of your day to enjoy something I wrote. The Author, K9Girl2003 or (B.C.)

K9Girl2003 · Fantasy
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Chapter 4: Dark Emotions

By the end of the movie, Sam had fallen asleep on top of Felix somehow, and Felix was holding Sam as if he'd disappeared. It was almost three in the morning when Sam started to wake up; he was surprised he had no nightmares, but his insomnia wasn't so bad tonight, and Sam didn't know why but as Sams mind started to process where he was, Samuel realized he was in Felix's arms and smashed his chest again. Sam's bladder was full, but he didn't know if he could escape Felix without waking him up; Sam tried lifting the wolf's arm but found it heavy and wrapped tightly around him. Sam gave up and nudged Felix, making him groan and peak an eye open. "I gotta pee, Fe '' Felix smiled and squeezed him a little before releasing him. Sam quickly got up and ran to his attached bathroom; after Sam did his business, he sat in the bathroom for a while just staring in the mirror again. Felix knocked on the door after an hour. "Sam, are you okay? It's been a while." Sam glanced at the door as it swung open. Sam's emotions were acting without his brain again, and he looked down at the sink as Felix stared at his mate just standing there, and he knew Sam was indeed not okay.

Felix took Sam's hands as he led him to his bed and gently pushed him to sit. Felix crouched in front of Samuel looking up to see his face before speaking softly barely above a whisper "Sam this dark emotion I feel through the bond, please tell me. Sam, I want to help you, if they strip you of your powers and memories. It will affect all of us, especially you. I need to be able to help." Sam let a single tear roll down his face and looked at Felix and the simple words he explained. Sam crossed his legs as he sat on the bed "I have bipolar disorder, sometimes I'm okay and sometimes I'm not. People say it's part of my curse but dad says it's just a part of me that people don't understand so they find something to blame." Felix smiled weakly and pulled Sam in for a hug making the shocks spread threw their bodies. Sam let Felix go standing up and getting back in bed as Felix tried to respond Sam interrupted him as he patted the spot beside him, "let's go back to bed for now okay Fe, in the morning your car will be fixed you can drive us to school." with that being said Sam rolled over and ignored Felix. Felix sat for a moment before climbing into the bed and saying good night.

When the six o'clock alarm went off both boys were startled awake and Sam threw out his hand at the alarm clock attempting to turn it off but instead a small orb of pure, blue fire shot out and turned it to ash. Sam jumped out of bed making Felix more alert, "Sam what's wrong?" Sam just shrugged deciding not to mention the death ball he just shot. Sam walked to his closet "I'm getting ready for school, I just realized you don't have a uniform for today. I can conjure one up prettily easy with magic but first, you need to shower." Sam pointed to the door that led to the bathroom as he shut the door to the closet. Sam could hear the shower turn on a few seconds later and started to change into his uniform. Minx had apparently come in while they were sleeping to clean the glass up and replace the mirror. When he was dressed he looked in the mirror and fixed his bedhead into a less messy brown mess of slight shagginess and curls.

Sam heard the shower turn off and exited the closet going to the bed, he chanted "stoffa fabbricato Di Stoffa" (cloth made of cloth). Sam sighed as he looked at the bed now covered in new uniforms just as Felix exited the bathroom causing Sam to turn around to see him in only a towel. Sam blushed hard as he turned his head "hey what happened there Sammy" Felix asked while running his hand through his thick jet-black hair. Sam cleared his throat and only managed to let out a strained voice "um i-it's-s a n-new for you to w-wear t-tod-day?". Felix tilted his head he knew it wasn't a question but it sure sounded like one, he also questioned why Sam started stuttering again. Sam walked out of the room before Felix could say anything or move leaving Felix to change in peace and decided to follow the heavenly scent to the kitchen.

Minx stood in her black leather body suit making sausage, bacon, toast, eggs, pancakes, omelets, and biscuits and gravy. Sam sat down not questioning why she made so much food and grabbed some biscuits and gravy with toast as Felix came down the stair from Samuel's room, he had on his uniform and the leather jacket. Once Felix saw the spread of a variety of food, he questioned the cook "oh wow this is a nice spread why such an occasion" he tried to pull off the best cocky attitude he could in hopes of riling up MInx. Minx just huffed irritatedly "just sit down and eat pup" with that she put the last bit of food on the table and sat down filling her plate with pancakes, eggs, and toast. Felix smirked at Minx while filling his plate up with some of everything on it "thank you for cooking and even though we have our differences I want to get along for the benefit of Samuel" Minx only nodded in agreement before devouring her food. Sam had been eating and was getting full before glancing at the time, it was now six twenty and they needed to leave at six forty to get to school in time. Sam got up and rinsed his plate off then he went to minx bending down he kissed her cheek "thanks for breakfast, it was wonderful" he whispered in her ear.

Samuel stood up and looked at Felix "we have to leave at six forty, my dad magically fixed your car so you can drive us there" Felix nodded as he ate and Sam went back to his room. Sam lay on his bed while thinking about how he felt different this morning like something was snapping in place that had been broken for so long you don't remember a time it wasn't broken. He sat there thinking why today of all days not like much from before had changed but that's when it hit him hard the wave of excitement, happiness, and an enormous amount of energy. Sam knew in that instant he felt all of Felix's emotions and since their bond was everything but complete they still wouldn't be able to mind link until they complete the last stage.

Sam lurched forward as Felix waltzed into the room "Sammy! we gotta leave in five minutes grab your stuff" Felix looked at Sam's startled expression and started laughing. Sam's face turned darkened but soon he sighed and grabbed his things. Sam assumed that his second day of school would be worse than the first.

They headed to Felix's truck, as they headed for the lobby Sam swiped his card anytime he pushed a button. When they reached Felix's truck it was completely restored, "Sam how did it get fixed so fast?" Sam smirked. Sam pointed to the brand new-looking truck "it looks like new because my dad is magic and a billionaire, honestly, he went over bored probably so you'd like him. he has a need to be liked." Sam then hopped in the truck ready to get through the day. Felix stood shocked for a second before getting in the truck and looking at Sam "I already like your dad just fine there's no need to overcompensate". Felix put the car in drive and started a long quiet ride to school. Felix turned the radio on to fill the uncomfortable silents as the thirty-minute drive become a lifetime.

Sam stared out the window feeling slightly peaceful with an underline of nervousness, Sam assumed this particular emotion came from Felix. As they neared the school Sam turned the radio down "Felix" When Sam's voice hit Felix's ears he slightly tensed but it wasn't because of the tone Sam had used it was the way his voice sounded so soft and innocent. Sam paused "Felix just so you know, I'm not ready for anything yet, we barely know each other, and although we have a deep emotional connection because we are mates I believe we need to take it slowly" Felix had just pulled into the school parking lot and as soon as the car was in park Felix turned to Sam "Sam I'm willing to do anything to be with you, we can go as slow as you want and I won't push anything I swear" Sam smiled before hopping out of the truck and walking towards the school.

Hi Reader,

I'm sorry, I missed a few days. I had some things come up in my life that needed my attention but I completely plan to make it up to you by posting the best chapters I can. I sincerely hope you enjoy my latest chapters there's more to come so thank you for reading and please leave positive feedback.

The Author,

K9Girl2003 (B.C.)

K9Girl2003creators' thoughts