
The Cursed Witch series by K9Girl2003 (B.C.)

It has been a week since 17-year-old Samuel Wardwell moved to a small town in Massachusetts to attend a school for witches and supernaturals. Samuel took the week to settle into his new apartment before the first day of school; he lived with his familiar, Minx, a black cat with unique abilities. He took a few days to unpack his belongings, then spent the rest of his time preparing for his first day, which meant shopping for supplies. Samuel rested the rest of the week until Monday hit and his first day of school started. Felix is A werewolf, the alpha of his pack when he is told he has to show around the new kid because they have the most classes together. He wasn't thrilled by any means but what teenager would be. After Felix meets Samuel A spark occurs and the curse he supposedly has became very apparent. Will these two beat the curse or will darkness pull them under and tear everything apart. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey to future readers this story will be updated every day at approximately 5:30 pm. I may not be able to post some weekends please don't hold it against me. If everything goes to plan. I have only just started writing again after stopping for a few years because I believed my Story wasn't good enough. I am going to try to keep this story updated and alive! If you wanna give support just leave positive feedback but if you are a hater just keep scrolling. To all my future readers I thank you for taking the time of your day to enjoy something I wrote. The Author, K9Girl2003 or (B.C.)

K9Girl2003 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: The Sleepover

Samuel laughed and turned towards the building "come on; we can call someone in the morning to fix it. I'm sorry" Samuel walked toward the building with Felix in tow. When Samuel came to the lobby door, he pulled out his id card and buzzed in. Felix was impressed with Samuel's apartment building, but it wasn't a surprise. Samuel's father is a famous witch and owns a billion-dollar company; he was why Samuel has not already had his powers removed. Felix followed Samuel to the elevator and watched him swipe his key card again and press the button for the 12th floor. The highest one, it did surprise Felix because with Samuel's powers going crazy, it could be dangerous, but as the elevator dinged and they stepped into the penthouse, Felix understood. Samuel's father had renovated it, so there were no windows and lots of safety guards "damn, could your dad get any more protective" Samuel shrugged and threw his key on the stand by the elevator. Samuel motioned Felix farther inside and went to the kitchen "do you want something to eat my dad won't be coming over for a bit, and he insists on making us dinner together every night for some bonding time."

Felix shook his head before he stopped looking around the place and snapped his head towards Samuel "did you just say your dad is coming for dinner" Samuel smiled. "He will be here in two or three hours, maybe later if the council is lecturing him about me again" Samuels smiled, dropped, and he shook his head, "so, there's a built-in pool if you wanna go swimming. I also have a game room and more" Felix smiled, but a meow interrupted them, and Minx jumped up on the table before a cloud of smoke filled the kitchen, and the boys started coughing and trying to clear it. When the smoke cleared, a human Minx Sat on the table naked; the boys covered their eyes. "Minx, put some clothes on, dammit" her black hair fell onto her shoulders as she pulled out the ponytail, then with a wave of her hand, she put on a black leather suit "relax Sammy, you deserve it; go to the pool you haven't been in one since" Minx was cut off when a knife went hurdling by "shut up Minx or the next one hits you" Minx shook her head disapprovingly "this is why you need to relax, and cub don't shed everywhere" Felix growled. Minx laughed, and Felix grabbed Samuel's hand and started pulling him away, muttering things like damn felions and stupid fleabags. Samuel laughed "you don't even know where you're going" Samuel felt the tingles spread through his hand and smiled. He stopped Felix when they ended up back in the kitchen; Minx sat on a chair in her cat form and watched them boredly. Samuel led the way up the stairs on the right side of the corner in the kitchen, the opposite way Felix went; Sam pulled Felix up the stairs to the second part of the house, his room; when they reached the top, Felix's mouth dropped open. Samuel laughed "it is not that impressive. I've barely unpacked, see," he gestured to the pile of unpacked boxes in the corner. Felix shrugged "so I thought we were gonna swim."

Samuel rolled his eyes at Felix. Samuel walked away from Felix to his closet, putting out two pairs of swim trunks, and held one out to Felix "we can't swim in our school uniforms" Felix smiled and grabbed a couple "so do I change here, or should I use the bathroom" Samuel chuckled and pointed to a bathroom connected to the room "use it if you want" Samuel walked back into his walk-in closet and pulled out an ordinary T-shirt and changed. He looked in the mirror in his closet; he hated his reflection; he missed his uniform or hoodie. He frowned at his thought; his brown curly hair flopped messily on his head, and his arms and legs were ghost white; Samuel looked at his vibrant green eyes and looked away. Samuel heard a crack and looked back at the mirror that shattered. Sam knew that was the third one this week, and his father wouldn't be happy. Samuel tried not to hate what he saw, but it was no good; a slight knock sounded on the door, then a soft voice "Sam, are you okay? The bond suddenly feels dark" Sam shook his head and smiled as he walked out while flipping off the light switch so Felix wouldn't see the mirror, and in a cheery voice, Samuel replied, "it's all good, let's go to the pool now" Felix was hesitant but slowly nodded. Sam took his hand and felt the sparks spread up his arm; he smiled instantly, cheering up, leading him back downstairs through the kitchen into the living and through a sliding door connected. It is a heated indoor pool and is about six feet deep; Sam sat down by the side of the collection, only putting his legs in the water, while Felix jumped in and did a lap before swimming up to Sam and pulling himself up beside him.

Felix looked at Sam "aren't you going to swim too? It's much fun" Sam shook his head "no, I hate water, and after my mom, I prefer to stay out of it" Felix looked at Samuel, confused "your mom?" Sam just nodded when there was a voice from the kitchen "Samuel I came over early and I brought ingredients for your favorite dinner" Sam picked his head up and shouted back "I have company dad come out and join us we'll cook dinner together late okay we're using the pool" Sam's dad sounded like he dropped everything cause there was a loud bang than in a seconds later his dad appeared behind them Sam stood up and pulled as staring Felix up and tried to introduce him "Dad this is Felix he's actually my mate and long story short we met at my new school and yeah" Samuel rub the back of his neck he didn't know rather or not his dad knew he was gay. Mr. Wardwell looked Felix over smiling before holding his hand out "a strong alpha like you is worthy of my son and Samuel why on earth are you using the pool for anything but magic water lessons you know after… well just be safe I'm gonna go cook you to relax and Samuel please try to use your magic, the more you do the easier it is to control" Sam sighed and nodded while his dad walked away and went to cook. Felix looked at Sam "if you don't mind me asking," he was cut off by Sam "she drowned when I was three; I was told she was trying to save me. That's all dad would tell me".