
The Cursed Witch series by K9Girl2003 (B.C.)

It has been a week since 17-year-old Samuel Wardwell moved to a small town in Massachusetts to attend a school for witches and supernaturals. Samuel took the week to settle into his new apartment before the first day of school; he lived with his familiar, Minx, a black cat with unique abilities. He took a few days to unpack his belongings, then spent the rest of his time preparing for his first day, which meant shopping for supplies. Samuel rested the rest of the week until Monday hit and his first day of school started. Felix is A werewolf, the alpha of his pack when he is told he has to show around the new kid because they have the most classes together. He wasn't thrilled by any means but what teenager would be. After Felix meets Samuel A spark occurs and the curse he supposedly has became very apparent. Will these two beat the curse or will darkness pull them under and tear everything apart. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey to future readers this story will be updated every day at approximately 5:30 pm. I may not be able to post some weekends please don't hold it against me. If everything goes to plan. I have only just started writing again after stopping for a few years because I believed my Story wasn't good enough. I am going to try to keep this story updated and alive! If you wanna give support just leave positive feedback but if you are a hater just keep scrolling. To all my future readers I thank you for taking the time of your day to enjoy something I wrote. The Author, K9Girl2003 or (B.C.)

K9Girl2003 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: A New School

That's how Samuel and Minx ended up standing in front of the school with people staring at them, probably wondering why the council forced their transfer across the country and why he has permission to have his Minx be in class with him. The truth is, Samuel can't contain his ability because he's too powerful, so for him to learn to maintain and control his powers, they sent Samuel to a school for the royals and higher-ups while Minx is supposed to be his Familiar and unofficial babysitter. Samuel slowly walked up the steps and towards the office as the temperature slowly dropped the closer he walked, his anxiety spiked. Again, when Samual felt an emotion too strongly, his powers made things happen, and this time the area got cold.

Students started rubbing their shoulders and whispering, but a sudden meow made everyone stop and stare, Samuel slowly bent down while picking up Minx into his arms like a baby, and Minx warmed things up again before Samuel found the office. The woman behind the desk was typing madly on her computer; Samuel slowly walked up but went unnoticed, so trying to get her attention, he gently whispered, "um hi, my name is Samuel, I'm here for my schedule." The lady slightly jumped and looked at him. Her eyes widened. "Oh my, I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't catch that" Samuel smiled and repeated himself, causing her to turn to her computer, typing before turning back, "yes, it's printing now my name's Mrs. Vera. I'll be here if you need anything, and your guide is on his way now" she got up, went to the printer grabbing some papers, and then handed them to Samuel. The lady went back to work as if Samuel wasn't there, and seconds later, a boy who looked older than Samuel walked in; he was wearing a black leather jacket, had jet black hair, hazel eyes, and smelled of a wolf. He looked at Samuel "so you're the new kid."

Samuel refused to look him in the eye because of his anxiety. "Y-yes, I'm S-Samuel." Minx hissed at the boy and linked Sam. 'I don't like that wolf; he's an alpha.' The boy looked at Minx then at Samuel "my name is Felix, so you're a witch with a fleabag; nice to meet and have you here" Minx swatted at Felix but only successfully clawed Samuel's arm, causing him to drop her. Samuel glared at Minx 'that hurt,' he said to her as he held his arm "what the hell" an object flew across the room, hurtling towards Felix, reflecting Sam's emotions but at the wrong target. Felix moved quickly, and it missed him by centimeters; then Samuel ran to him and touched his arm. "I'm so sorry I didn't know that would happen again" Felix tensed as Samuel put his hand on him because he felt sparks flow through the spot, and he looked into Samuel's worried eyes and instantly knew he was his mate, but since Sam is a witch he knew it would take longer for him to feel it.

Felix placed his hand on Samuels. "I'm fine, it's fine, it's not like you can control it most of the time. I know about your issue" Samuel frowned and nodded, then picked Minx up again and told her to behave; she grunted in response. Samuel looked at Felix "they made you my guide cause we have most classes together except potions and witchcraft, right" Felix nodded and led the way to their first class supernatural history. When they reached the room, the bell rang for tardies; they slipped into the last two seats beside each other before the teacher walked in. As the teacher walked in, he plopped papers on his desk and looked at the class until his eyes landed on Samuel, and an evil smile formed "so today class, we have a new student Samuel Wardwell, please introduce yourself" everyone gasped at the last name. Samuel stood slowly with shaky hands ``hi, I'm Samuel, I'm a witch" he kept it short, and no one paid much attention to it. Samuel went through the rest of his classes unnoticed and with Felix, who never left his side until witchcraft.

He was waiting for class to start as students filed in and took their seats. The teacher walked in, and to Samuel's surprise, Mrs. Vera stood in front of the desk; Mrs. Vera smiled at Samuel and then clapped her hands to gain the straggler's attention "so class this week, we're gonna start it off easy with a simple defense spell repeat after me sciath Agus cosaint (shield and protect)" everyone, but Samuel did, and they instantly got covered in a thin barrier. Mrs. Vera smiled and said, "continue working on that until your shield is thick and can withstand one of my attacks, and Samuel, at least try to please" Samuel gave her a wary look but nodded his head when she smiled encouragingly. Minx yawned, trying to help 'picture it in your head Samuel, a small amount of power to create a thick shield big enough to withstand damage but not enough for you to lose control' Samuel closed his eyes, picturing what Minx said before he tried to chant the spell "sciath Agus cosaint." When he heard nothing but gasps, Sam opened his eyes to a thick three-inch purple barrier and was happy he did it until he looked around and saw everything, including his peers floating in the air. He signed and tried to stop but only succeeded in dropping everyone.

Samuel still couldn't deactivate the barrier when suddenly a massive fireball came from nowhere and bounced right off the wall with a spark and a popping noise. When Samuel looked where the attack came from Mrs. Vera stood proudly and declared "yes I want them all that thick by the end of the week is your assignment but Samuel try to only have the barrier by the end of the week I have other work to do so keep practicing and Samuel have your Familiar clean this up". Minx rolled her eyes before she stood up jumping off Samuels lap "nice one kid can't even contain a barrier' and flicking her tail making things fly and all the students ducked with their shields activated as soon as everything was fix Samuel grabbed Minx and ran outta the school and on to the empty football field collapsing and sat Minx next to him "everyone's gonna hate me look at how they were glaring when I tried Minx even you don't think I can do this I should have let them strip me of my powers and memory" Samuel curled into a ball and started crying causing the sunny sky to instantly cloud over and start pouring but he didn't move until the school dismal bell rang and student shuffled out ready to go home or to their dorms but one turned away from the rest head towards the field but Samuel was too upset to see him.

The person reached Samuel and bent down "wanna talk about it, Sam" Sam looked up to see Felix "n-no i-i don't," Samuel stuttered. Felix sat beside Samuel throwing an arm over his shoulder, and pulled him close; that's when Samuel felt the sparks and laughed, "you could have told me you know I'm not against having a mate; I'm just not a good one." Felix held tighter "I think you just need help, and I can help, so let me also where'd that fleabag go" Samuel shrugged even though he was worried and after a minute of silence asked, "w-will you t-take me home p-please I want to g-go home" Felix nodded and helped a shiver, soaked, upset Samuel to his feet but then picked him up bridal style seeing his shaky legs and carried him to his truck. Samuel told him where to go, and they came to his small apartment complex. Felix parked and looked at Samuel, who passed out on the drive, Felix got out and walked to Samuel's side and opened the door shaking the small boy awake "Samuel, wake up" Felix gently tapped his shoulder, and Sam jumped, causing lighting to strike the car and as engine exploded you could hear it echoing off the apartments. Samuel looked at Felix. "I'm sorry, I can't stop it" Felix smiled brightly "you know what this means!" Samuel frowned, confused, and shook his head, and Felix shouted, "sleepover!"

Hi, fans and haters, it's K9Girl2003 here and I sincerely hope you love my story if you do let me know in the comments some of your thoughts and what you think will happen!

K9Girl2003 is out.

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