
The Crazy Princess

The Crazy Princess may be a misleading title because no, it is not about a Princess gone mentally insane, but about a Princess who broke the gender norms and embraces the name she had earned for herself by the people surrounding her that were not used to change. This story does not heavily revolve around her, but it is because of her that this story is possible.

Adena_Parker · Fantasy
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14 Chs

9. As Time Goes By

Weeks went by in a flash and Rory and her family had been living at the palace for three months now. Rory had went to visit with her family as much as she could. Sometimes Stevie and or Sawyer would accompany her.


"Summon James to my quarters please," Said the King.

"Yes your highness," The guard bowed as he left the room.

Moments later he returned with James in tow.

"You requested my presence?" James asked.

"Yes, come sit please," The king gestured to the chair across him, "My father has informed me of your progress and he suggested that you be moved up within the ranks."

"I will be sure to thank your father for his kind words," James smiled, "But what will this mean for me?"

"You will no longer be a low ranking knight... you will be promoted to a royal knight similar to a Nobel status... you can achieve that by going on campaigns, but those last several years and I'm sure you want to be home with your wife."

The King knew that her condition was not improving and the royal physician had no conclusions as to what was wrong with her and he was the best of the best. So if he didn't know, no one would. Everyone who cared about the family was concerned and that was pretty much everyone in the palace. People were quick to chip in and help them with the kids and keep the occupied while James, with every second he had, was by her side.

"Thank you," James smiled, "Don't count me out of campaigns just yet... if you absolutely need me you know I will gladly serve for you."

"I will keep that in mind," The King smiled.

"Am I going to continue training with General Draco?"

"Of course, just like normal... but I'm sure he's going to get harder on you now that you've shown your true potential."

"I'm sure I can handle it, whatever it is that he throws at me... your father is a great teacher!"


"Stevie," Rory nudged a sleeping Stevie awake.


"You fell asleep during lessons! You're lucky that he didn't catch you."

"What would he do about it?" Stevie shrugged.

And she was right. If their professor even stepped one toe out of line he would be punished. If there's one thing the king doesn't mess around with, it's his children.

"You're lucky I'm here to take notes for you," Rory said as she showed Stevie her notes.

"As if I'll even use this stuff when I'm a general one day... all this stupid Princess etiquette is dumb anyway," Stevie replied, "I'll get taught the good stuff next year."

"The good stuff?"

"Politics and stuff that's important to our country all about maintaining treaties and stuff like that," Stevie explained.

Rory just sighed and returned her attention back to the professor. She really didn't need this knowledge but she did enjoy learning it regardless of how relevant it was to her.

Later that day she and Stevie went to sword training with Draco.

"Good stance Rory!" Draco cheered.

She had gotten better on her focus during their duels. Rory learned to separate her surroundings from her opponent and focus solely on her attack and defense.

clack clack clack

All that was heard in the training hall was the sounds of the wooden swords colliding with eachother with each hit. Then suddenly a sword went flying towards Draco.

It was Rory who pointed her wooden sword at Stevie. Stevie smiled at her friend.

"Good job Rory!" She said.

"Thank you... it only took about two months practice to finally beat you," Rory laughed.

"Don't talk down on your progress Rory... you've worked hard!" Draco smiled as he collected the swords.

"Thanks Grandfather!" Rory smiled.

"Of course... I mean it!"

"We should take our leave... I'm hungry!" Stevie said.

"Bye girls... I will see you tomorrow," Draco smiled.

Rory followed Stevie out of the room.

"Stevie wait!" Rory said as she was struggling to keep up with Stevie who was now running to the kitchen. Rory will admit that she is out of shape.

"I'm hungry Rory... we have about 3 minutes until I become a very different person and I'm not sure you'll like her."

"The kitchen is not that far away!" Rory shouted almost out of breath.

Once they made it to the kitchen Stevie immediately grabbed some of the food the staff had made while Rory was heaved over tired and exhausted. Stevie grabbed a glass of water for her.

"Here come sit down with me," Stevie said patting the bench next to her and holding the glass of water out to her with the other.

"Thanks," Rory said after Stevie handed her the glass.

"Maybe we should start working on your endurance," Stevie laughed inbetween bites.

"Maybe... does that mean I have to run more?"


Rory groaned. The thought of taking the time from her day that she could be using to read was almost heart breaking.

"Henry and I are going into town later today... do you want to come with us?" Stevie asked.

"Of course... do you want to see if Sawyer would like to go as well?" Rory asked as she stood up to grab a plate.

"He usually says no... but you can try," Stevie shrugged, "I'm going to get ready... I'll come grab you from your room when we're ready to leave okay?"

"Sounds good," Rory replied to Stevie's retreating back.

Soon after Rory finished her food. Rory headed toward the library because she knew that there was a good chance that's where Sawyer would be. To no surprise he was deep into a book. Rory made sure not to interrupt him since it was one of her own pet peeves.

"Hey Rory," Sawyer greeted as he closed his book, "How are you today?"

"Good... guess what!"

Sawyer gave her a look that said to continue.

"I beat your sister today in sword lessons," Rory continued with excitement.

"Good job! I'm proud of you!" Sawyer stood up and rushed over to her to envelope her in a warm congratulatory hug.

"Thanks... and I was wondering if you wanted to come into town with Stevie, Henry, and I there's this book store I wanted to show you." Rory said as she put some distance between them so now they were a few inches apart from eachother. Sawyers hands lingered midway on her arms.

"Yeah of course... that sounds like fun!"

"Great... Stevie and I will let you know when it's time to leave... I'm going to go get dressed now," Rory said as she excused herself.

Sawyer couldn't help but watch her leave. He always loved how awkward she was when she ended a conversation or how she would sometimes stumble when she first stood up. He wanted to help her, but he didn't know how she would take that. She's a very independent girl and that was another thing he liked about her.

Sawyer went back to his book and continued reading for a while. He knew Rory and Stevie would take a while getting into their dresses. So many more steps than putting on pants and a shirt. He decided to get up and get dressed after a few minutes had passed.

Rory was ready in no time. While she waited for Stevie to come get her she read the Little Women.

Outside her door she heard Henry, "Stevie is almost ready."

She put her book down and made her way to Sawyer's door.

knock knock

"Are we ready to go?" Sawyer asked as he got up and headed to his door to open it.

"Yes," Rory replied right as he opened the door.

They paused for a second once they realized how close their faces were together now that the door was removed from their path. Sawyer was the first one to shake out of the trance.

"Then let's head to the carriage," Sawyer said as he held out his arm for her to take.

Rory linked her arm with Sawyer's and then they proceeded to the carriage. Not long after they had settled in Stevie and Henry joined them.

"Wow... you actually got Sawyer to come," Stevie said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sawyer asked.

"Well it's just that you never wanted to go with Henry and I before!"

"Well you guys never wanted to look at the things I wanted to!" Sawyer defends, "plus I never liked being third wheel."