
The Crazy Princess

The Crazy Princess may be a misleading title because no, it is not about a Princess gone mentally insane, but about a Princess who broke the gender norms and embraces the name she had earned for herself by the people surrounding her that were not used to change. This story does not heavily revolve around her, but it is because of her that this story is possible.

Adena_Parker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

8. The Library

Rory felt compelled to quicken her pace to get to the library faster. She didn't know why she felt the need to get to her destination faster but she didn't really seem to care. She opened the door quietly and snuck in to catch a glimpse of Sawyer in deep thought as he poured into the book he was reading. This was a scene she enjoyed seeing. It was rare to see the boys in the village reading a book because it wasn't 'manly' for them to do apparently.

Sawyer finally realized Rory's presence and picked his face up from the page he was on and smiled at her.

"What are you reading?"

"A good romance novel... I'll let you read it when I'm done... you'll have to tell me what you think about it," He smiled after his response.

"I will... do you mind if I look around?" She asked as she twirled around and took in the mass amount of books that lined the walls of the room.

"Go ahead," He said as he went back to his book.

Rory ran her fingertips along the spines of the books and made her way down each and every bookcase. She made sure to make a mental inventory of the books they had and making note of the ones she's read, hasn't read, and wants to read. Once she felt she had her information collected she settled on the Little Women and pulled it from the bookcase. It was a book she hadn't really heard much of, but she was intrigued by the title. She clutched the book in her arms and made her way back over to Sawyer and sat down in the chair across from him.

This was the type of quality time that meant the most to her. Just being in someone else presence meant so much and especially while reading together. Sawyer was good company. She opened the book and started reading almost immediately immersing herself into this work of literal art. It was a simple story of a small family comprised of a mother and four daughters who were trying to get by while their father was away participating in the American Civil War. It talked about platonic love that meant so much to the main character Joe, but the boy had deeper feelings that at the time she could not return. She couldn't relate yet to the deep love that these characters had felt, but she knew she would experience it at some point in her life and she'd know it when it happened. The books she had read in her lifetime had prepared her for such events in her life.

Rory and Sawyer hadn't realized how late it was getting until a maid knocked at the door.

"Prince Sawyer... its getting late," She said through the door.

"I will head to my room in moment... thank you," He replied as he tucked his book mark inbetween the pages he left off on and closed the book and tucked it under his arm before standing up.

Rory followed his actions and she too put her bookmark in her book. When she looked up she realized Sawyer was hovering over her with his hand extended. She took it and let him help her up.

"You look nice today," He smiled after helping her out of her seat. His hand was still holding hers. She felt a heat return to her cheeks.

"Thank you... its your sister's actually," She tried to conceal her cheeks by looking towards the ground to avoid his gaze.

"I figured as much... maybe we should have out tailor make you some of your own... it really suits you," He complimented her.

"That would be nice actually... Stevie and I are close in size in dresses but I'm just a little too talk for her pants," Rory smiled.

"I see," He said looking at the cuffs of her pants which rested at an awkward length, "You're right... I'll see when he's available to take your measurements."

"I appreciate this."


"You're hospitality."

"Well it's not just me... I mean my sister made all the preparations in your room and even asked for your family to stay here in the palace and my parents set aside a nice roomy place for them to stay so that they'd be comfortable... you see, we all want you here Rory... you bring joy to everyone here and you don't even know it."

Rory could feel her cheeks burning up. She tried to avoid his gaze again, but this time he wouldn't let her. He placed his fingertips underneath her chin and lifted her face up so they were now looking at eachother at eye level.

"Rory, you do so much for everyone and yet ask for nothing in return... I think it's time you started thinking about yourself," Saywer said in a monotone way, "We should head to our rooms."

Sawyer retracted his hand and started for the door. Rory stood there for a moment and processed the scene a few seconds before.

"You coming?"

Rory shook her head clear and walked toward Sawyer who was standing in the doorway. The walk down the hall was quiet, but it was nice. It allowed her to think.

"Goodnight Rory," Sawyer said as they arrived at her door.

"Goodnight Sawyer," She replied as she turned to open her door.

Once she was inside her room she set the book on the bedside table and climbed into bed without changing. She collapsed onto her pillow and she stared at the ceiling above her.

'What is going on inside Sawyers head?'

'More importantly... how do I feel about it?'


The next morning Rory was woken up by someone pouncing on her bed.

"Good Morning!"

Rory recognized the voice and it was none other than her best friend Stevie.

"How come you're up so early?" Rory asked as she sat up in her bed.

"I heard you and Sawyer were up late," Stevie wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"It was nothing like that... we were reading and we lost track of time that's all."

"Well duh I know that!" Stevie laughed, "You guys didn't talk or anything? You just read in silence the entire time?"

"Yeah? Is that so hard to believe?"

"No, you guys are nerds after all... but I was hoping for a bonding moment."

"Well he did tell me that I need to take more time for myself..." Rory trailed off.

"I mean he's not wrong... but what does that mean exactly?"

"That's what I've been trying to figure out."

"Maybe he's just looking out for you... like as a friend?"

"Yeah... he does get attached to people easy huh?"

"Not really... you seem to be an exception though," Stevie smiled, "For the both of us actually... you just are a very genuine person... no hidden motives lurking behind your eyes."

"Well because what would I have to gain from a fake friendship?"

"Exactly my point... you aren't trying to find some angle... you liked me as a commoner girl rather than a Princess... you see me for me and that's what I think Sawyer and I really like about you... you don't fawn over titles and you're so carefree and open minded and compassionate."

"Sounds like someone has a crush," Rory joked.

"You know you might be right... time for me to profess my undying love for you Rory!"

Rory giggled in response.

"Platonically that is of course," Stevie laughed with her friend.

"Awe you got my hopes up!" Rory fake pouted.

"Let's go get some breakfast and then head to lessons okay?"

"Sounds good to me!"