
The Crazy Princess

The Crazy Princess may be a misleading title because no, it is not about a Princess gone mentally insane, but about a Princess who broke the gender norms and embraces the name she had earned for herself by the people surrounding her that were not used to change. This story does not heavily revolve around her, but it is because of her that this story is possible.

Adena_Parker · Fantasy
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14 Chs

10. The Town Market

Sawyer held onto Rory's arm as she dragged him through the town and to their destination, The book store.

Once inside she let go of Sawyer and watched as he walked around the building in awe of the collection inside of the same building. Books lined the walls and there were tables all around with books stacked higher than they could reach. Rory wandered around searching for a book she hasn't seen yet. Sawyer started climbing the ladder looking at the shelves he couldn't see standing on the floor.

Meanwhile Stevie and Henry were wanding around the market. Stevie found a merchant stall with many swords that were handcrafted. there was this beautiful sword that drew her attention. It was a black sword with a red gem centered in the middle. Stevie picked it up and examined it.

"Who are you buying this sword for young lady?" the merchant asked.

Stevie huffed an internal sigh.

"My brother!" She said as she faked a smile.

"You have very good taste m'lady."

"Thank you... can you package this for me?"

"Of course," he smiled as he took the sword from her outstretched hands.

Moments after they paid they were heading back toward Sawyer and Rory.

"I know you're upset princess," Henry stated simply.

"What's there to talk about Henry? Yes I'm upset but there's not much I can do... I must hide the freedoms my father has granted me within the palace walls whilst I'm out in public... it sucks that I cannot enjoy the things I'd wish to out in public but it's what must be done... let's see what my brother and Rory are up to," She said as she skipped off toward the book store.

Stevie reached the book store first. She peered into the shop and watched as Rory and Sawyer looked like they were small children in a candy shop. Just then Rory made a sharp turn and bumped a table with a huge stack of books rested upon it and down came the books. Sawyer rushed to her side and practically tackled her so the books wouldn't hit her, but him instead.

"Oh my goodness! Sawyer are you okay?"

"Of course! maybe a couple bruises here and there but nothing time won't fix... are you okay?"

"Yes... you know you didn't have to do that? You could've gotten really hurt there..." Rory frowned.

"I couldn't live with the thought of you getting hurt if I had any power to fix it..."

"I would've been fine... nothing time wouldn't fix," Rory smiled up at him since he was still hovering over her.

Sawyer chuckled at her using his own words against him.

"Still... I rather it be me than you," Sawyer said as he got up and stretched a hand out to Rory to help her up.

After helping her up Sawyer began to collect the books and stack them back in their original place. Rory started helping too and just as she was about to grab a book Sawyer reached out for it too. Their hands lingered for a while as they awkwardly stared at eachother. Rory broke the silence by reading the book title.

"huh I don't think I've read this one before... almost like it's fate huh?" She said as she now was the only one holding it.

"Well I'm glad I could be of service to you," Sawyer smiled, "Let's check out then huh?"

Rory and Sawyer walked up to the counter and just as Rory was about to pay for the book Sawyer put his money on the counter.


"I've got it don't worry," He smiled.

"You know you don't have to do that?"

"I don't HAVE to... but of course I want to."

Rory felt her cheeks warm up and she looked to the ground to hide her flushed cheeks from the Princes gaze.



"Are you ready to go?"

"ummm... yeah."

Rory and Sawyer turned around just in time to see Stevie duck underneath the window. Rory and Sawyer laughed as they saw Stevie reach her hand up to try to pull Henry down with her. Henry just looked at the pair in the store and shrugged.

"Henry! they definitely saw us now!" Stevie scolded.

"I didn't know we were sneaking around?" Henry shrugged.

Stevie sighed as she stood up and dusted off her dress and prepared herself for this conversation as the door opened.

"So what were you doing Stevie?" Sawyer smiled.

"Well I got bored after buying this sword... heh that rhymed..."


"Yeah so we..." She paused when Henry looked at her, his way of saying I'm not involved in this, "-I thought I would check up on you guys."

"Check up on us?"

"Yeah I mean so we could go back to the palace... but you book nerds were so invested in your books that I figured I'd let you be... but as I said I was bored and I couldn't stop myself from watching you nerds book flirt."

"Flirting?" Sawyer asked trying to cover up the rush of blood heading to his cheeks.

"Yeah you guys were totally flirting," Stevie smiled and directed her attention to Rory who's face was almost just as red as her hair.

"How were we flirting? We just like the same things?" Rory defended.

"Sure sure... because Sawyer never comes out with me he never leaves the library but he will for you Rory... and I'm not jealous I'm happy! I'm glad Sawyer finally has a reason to get out of the palace," Stevie stops for a moment and looks at Rory, "if you're not flirting," she looks at Sawyer, "I know he is... call it instinct... twinstinct."

Sawyer was silent. None of them said a word. The three of them just had a stare off. Henry just awkwardly stood there off to the side of Stevie watching this all unfold.

"So..." Henry sighed, "Should we head back to the palace?"

"Yes!" Rory agreed with much enthusiasm.

Henry and Rory took off in the direction of the carriage all while Stevie and Sawyer lingered a moment longer. Henry and Rory stopped a moment to look at the twins. Sawyer smiled at them and told them to head to the carriage and that they'll be there in just a second. When they were out of earshot Sawyer broke the silence between them.

"Stevie! what the heck was that?" Sawyer lowly shouted.

"Come on you guys are so right for each other!"

"That's not for you to decide!"

"Well you obviously weren't going to do anything about it huh?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You never say what's on your mind or how you're feeling."

"So it's your job to speak on my behalf?"

Stevie was speechless for a moment.


"I was just trying to help."

"Well stop helping me! I don't want your help." Sawyer stomped off to the carriage leaving Stevie standing there astonished with the scene that just unfolded.

Never have the siblings fought like this. They always recovered from fights very quickly, but this wasn't like the others. This was a fight Stevie knew would take more time to recover from. She just didn't know how long she'd have to go without speaking to her brother... her best friend and confidant.

So one of my good friends is drawing me a cover for this book. She's sorta busy so it's taking a hot sec. but I do have the rough draft and I'm going to be changing to cover to that shortly.

Besides that I just had a major case of writers block. Hopefully I'm over that now, but please leave comments. I want your genuine reactions to the story!


Adena_Parkercreators' thoughts