
The Crazy Princess

The Crazy Princess may be a misleading title because no, it is not about a Princess gone mentally insane, but about a Princess who broke the gender norms and embraces the name she had earned for herself by the people surrounding her that were not used to change. This story does not heavily revolve around her, but it is because of her that this story is possible.

Adena_Parker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

7. The Sparring Match

After dinner ended everyone headed off to their rooms. Stevie, Sawyer, and Rory all walked together to their bedrooms. Stevie said goodnight once they got closer and ran off to her door, leaving Sawyer and Rory alone for a moment. They stopped at Rory's door.

"Goodnight Rory, I'll see you tomorrow," Saywer smiled.

"Goodnight," She replied and opened her door to enter her room. Once inside she shut the door and pressed her head against the door feeling that her cheeks were on fire.

'Get it together Rory... that's your best friends twin!' she mentally scolded herself.

'You cannot mistake his kindness for affection!'

She lifted her head off the door and got ready for bed. She grabbed a book off the nightstand and got under the covers and read for a while before officially going to sleep. Once she was ready to go to bed she set the book down and blew out the candle.

Meanwhile Sawyer was still awake in his room. Trying to distract his mind with a book, but his mind couldn't stop wandering elsewhere.

'she's just a friend!'

He shook the picture of Rory smiling from his mind and began reading again.


In the morning Rory woke up with the sun. Since Stevie likes to sleep in she decided to get dressed and grab herself something light for breakfast. Rory took her bread and a book and walked out to the gazebo to enjoy the morning sunrise. She took a moment to take in her surroundings before starting her book. Her solitude was not for long because she noticed a figure walking towards her.

She looked up from her book and realized it was Henry who was approaching.

"Hello Henry!" She waved.

He sat down across her and smiled, "Good morning Rory!"

"What are you doing out here so early?"

"I usually come out here to enjoy the sunrise... I see you had the same idea?"

"I am a sucker for sunrises!" Rory said setting down her book after marking her place with her bookmark, "It's the only reason I get up this early."

"I feel the same... so when do you plan on waking the Princess up?"

"I'm not sure... when would be a good time?"

"Probably around mid afternoon... she's grouchy anytime before that," Henry chuckled.

"I understand... I'm glad to have someone who knows!"

"Well I have spent a little over a year as her Knight now so I have picked up a few things here and there... and being her friend since she was little also helped that as well."

"How do you feel about the Princess?" Rory asked abruptly.

"Well she is my Princess and my best friend," Henry answered.

"No I mean..." She paused, "Do you see her as more than a friend?"

"Well no... not right now."

"So that means later then?"

"Well the Princess is only fourteen... and I do carry feelings of admiration towards her, but she is a beautiful girl and she is sure to have many suitors once she comes of age... so I think it best not to get my hopes up," Henry smiled.

"Henry... you're so clueless for a smart young man!"

"To what might you be referring to?"

"You don't see it do you?"

"See what?"

"Well if you don't see it... then it would be best for me to keep my mouth shut and let you figure it out yourself," Rory said as she stood up to leave.

"Wait what do you mean?" Henry called out to her.

She turned around and continued walking backwards as she shrugged at him, "That's for me to know and for you to find out!" She then turned back around to face the direction of the palace. Once inside she went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for Stevie. She decided that her sleeping in everyday was something that she had to change. For what good reason does she have to sleep the day away.

"Good morning Princess!" Rory said as she threw the curtains apart.

Stevie groaned as she sat up, "Rory... I'm still sleepy!"

"Too bad! I'm bored and you can't sleep your life away!"

"Agh! Fine... give me that," Stevie pointed to the breakfast Rory made for her. It was a bacon and egg quiche with a few fresh strawberries, "Did you make this yourself?"

"Yeah... my moms recipe, she showed me ages ago," Rory smiled as she watched her friend devour the dish.

"It's so good!" Stevie said halfway through the bite of food.

"I'm glad you like it... I figured it would be a great way to wake up," Rory smiled.

Once Stevie finished her breakfast she stood up and went into her closet and picked out two outfits.

"Here... you'll need this today," Stevie said as she held a pair of trousers and a shirt before Rory.

"Wait is this okay for me to wear?"

"Of course... around the palace," Stevie smiled, "Come on... get dressed!"

Stevie threw the clothes into Rory's arms and went over to her bed to use as support as she dressed. Rory went on the other side of the bed and dressed as well.

"How do you feel?" Stevie said as she stood behind Rory as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"Weird... but not a bad weird... just new," Rory responded.

"Alright so today we're going to train with Grandpa Draco today," Stevie smiled.

"Wait isn't my father supposed to train with him today?"

"Your father should be training with him right now... we have lessons first and by the time we're done his training for the day should be over," Stevie smiled, "Let's head to the library for lessons."

After their lessons Stevie suggested grabbing some lunch before going to spar with General Draco.

"You actually paid attention today right?" Stevie asked as she assembled her sandwich.

"I always do... I can review it with you later if you want?" Rory suggested.

"Yes! You explain things so much better... you're just not boring!" Stevie said as she lifted her sandwich to her mouth.

"I just actually like the things we learn in lessons... so when I explain it to you it's me explaining it in a way I know you can relate to," Rory said as she took the last bite of her sandwich.

"Ready to see Grandpa now?" Stevie asked.

"Yes let's go!"


"Hello girls!" General Draco greeted the girls as they entered the training room.

"Grandfather!" Stevie smiled as she jogged over to the old man and embraced him in a hug.

"Hello sweet girl! How have you two been?" he asked.

"I've been good!" Stevie replied.

"Me too," Rory smiled.

"Your father is an excellent swordsman!" The General said, "And I'm sure you will show the same promise your father has."

"Thank you General," Rory smiled.

"Call me Grandfather if you'd like... I know it would make me happy... I've heard so many great things from my grand babies about you!"

The General smiled.

"Sawyer has talked about Rory?" Stevie raised an eyebrow.

"Well of course... she's his first friend beside his twin sister!" He exclaimed, "You guys have really only have had eachother to rely on."

A moment of silence was shared between the three. It wasn't an awkward silence... it was an understanding.

"Anyway... time to learn!" General said and he walked over to grab the wooden swords.

He handed one to each of the girls and showed them defense stances and strikes.

"Rory adjust your footing like this," Draco said and Rory mirrored his movements, "Just like that!"

The training went on and Draco had the girls spar against eachother. At first Rory was doing so good and then about halfway through she messed up her footing, but she managed to fix it quickly and flipped the script and she was now dominating the duel. Stevie seemed un-phased by Rory's sudden gain on her. Stevie kept her cool and began making strides against Rory. Unbeknownst to the girls they had an audience.

Rory felt Stevie's power being used agaisnt her but she stayed composed and used the defensive moves Draco taught her.

"Good defense Rory!" He shouted proudly.

Rory got distracted by the general's compliment and Stevie used that to her advantage and knocked the wooden sword out of Rory's hand.

"Good job girls!" General Draco smiled as he walked over to pick up Rory's sword.

"Rory that was amazing!" Annabelle ran toward her sister from the entrance.

"Hey Anna, how much did you see?"

"Enough to see how cool my sister and her friend are!"

"One day I'm sure you'll be just as cool as your sister," Stevie smiled as she poked Anna's nose with her pointer finger.

"Can I hang out with you and Rory today, Stevie?" Anna asked.

"I'm afraid Rory has prior engagements... but we can hang out!" Stevie winked at Rory.

"Yay!" Anna cheered.

Stevie steered Anna out of the room and looked back at Rory before leaving the room completely.

"Have fun at the library," Stevie smiled.

'How does she know?' Rory thought, 'Does she have some sort of twin sense? when did she have time to speak to Sawyer?'

"You kids and your books," Draco chuckled, "Back in my day we just played out side."

"Bye Grandfather... I'll see you around!" Rory said as she headed out of the room in the direction of the library.