
You must get married

Anne finally arrived home at 5pm after having a great time with her best friend. She was still parking her car in the lot when she caught sight of something

'is there an occasion I don't know about?' she thought to herself. She quickly collect her things and get down from the car and ask a staff she saw him what was going on

"I don't really know but with the decor I think it's an engagement party" the man said before leaving

"an engagement party? Who exactly is getting engage? It can't possibly be mum and dad or maybe they are starting over again" she kept talking to no one in Particular till she reach their doorstep. She hurried into the house to find her mother who was busy with some of her maids.

hugging her from the back, "mother I missed you" she said pecking her cheeks lightly

" I missed you too dear" Mrs Jeremy ket smiling at her daughter before Anne finally remembered why she was looking for her in the first place

"oh mother mind telling me what the occasion is maybe I can help with something you know"

"Oh no I forgot your dad and I have been waiting for you we have something important to tell you" Mrs Jeremy said as she dragged her daughter toward her husband's library.

Mrs Jeremy halted as soon as they reach the door she faced her daughter and smiled briefly before placing a hand on her cheek

"my dear please just listen to your father whatever he tells you is for the best of this family okay"

"mum is something wrong? Is there something I'm suppose to know and you're not telling me?"

"you will find out soon" Mrs Jeremy breath in before placing a light knock on the door

"come in" a husky voice said from the inside.

"Jones she's here" she said to her husband who was sitting behind a huge desk with lots of files in front of him

"Just give me a minute" he replied without looking away from the files.

Mrs Jeremy sat down on the spacious sofa with Anne beside her

'why do I have a feeling this is no good news'

Anne thought to herself looking from her father to her mother. Mr Jeremy finally closed his file to join them he sat down opposite them looking from his wife to his daughter before he finally cleared his throat

"well Anne I don't know how I'm going to start but let..."

"honey just go straight to the point"anita interrupted him

" fine... You know two years ago when our company was on the verge of going bankruptcy which made us loose some of our shares, I had to go look for help from my friends and family even your favorite uncle but no one was willing to help" he paused for a while and observed her when he noticed he has her full attention he continued

" I decided to go look for help from the bates even though the old man was a bit skeptical but he finally agreed and helped"

"I asked him what he wants in return for the help but then he told me he is yet to decide when he decides he'll let me no afterwards we lost contact not until last week he paid me a visit at the office..."

he looked at his daughter again who has a blank expression and his wife who was busy urging him to go on

" he told me he decided what he wanted as a payback and... "

" and?... " Anne repeatrd after him hoping he won't say what he was thinking

" he wants you to marry his soon as a payback for the help he did for me for the family and the company" he finally blurted out

At that moment Anne's world begin to shatter, in her life she never thought her parent would sell her out for money without even consulting her. Mr Jeremy and his wife stared at her hoping to hear something from her.

Anne tried to say something but her throat were all dried up so instead she let tears fall off her eyes. Mrs Jeremy moved closer to her to comfort her but she pushed her instead

"I won't marry him" she said starring coldly at her father

"whatever is between you too should be solve so don't even think of involving me"

" by the engagement is tonight" her mother tried to convince her but she never gave her the chance

"then find him a new bride" she said standing up to head for the door.

" you must marry him whether you like it or not so gk get yourself prepared" Mr Jeremy said with finality his voice as cold as an ice before heading back to his desk leaving the ladies to sort themselves.