
Knight in a shinning armor

Anne struggled back to her room trying her best to keep the tears that already formed in her eyes from falling. How can her parents do this to her? She kept asking herself over and over again before falling flatly on the bed. She search for her bag which she gave to a maid to bring to her room she finally saw it sitting nearly on her dresser and sighed

"no this is all a dream I'm going to wake up right"

"they probably are joking yeah they are joking" she tried to convince herself but who was she kidding her father was damn serious.

"arrrrrrghhh" she slam her fist in the bed and massage her forehead as she felt a headache coming

"Nancy yes I need to call Nancy" she said as she briskly went to her dresser to search for her phone in her bag. She dialed her number which connected instantly

"missing me already?" Nancy asked immediately the call got connected but was there was silence in the other end

"hello? Anne are you there? Anne?"

"I'm getting married" Anne finally blurted out and the tears she had been holding finally set there selves free

"hahaha haha what a crazy joke but it's not funny" Nancy finally managed to say

"you dint really drink that much but why are you acting drunk all of a sudden? Did something happen on your way home? Did you hit your head somewhere like fuck this is crazy" Nancy kept ranting

"*sobs* I'm dead serious"

"no Wait are minute where exactly are you right now?"

"I'm home in my room"

"stay there and don't move an inch"

"where iis mum and dad" Nancy asked as she kept looking for a comfortable clothes to wear

"mom busy with preparation dad probably still in the library"

"hell no is that even happening"

She grabbed her keys from the stand and ran out of the room hoping she won't bump into her dramatic mother

"young lady where are you off to in a hurry"

'and why do you always have to show up in the wrong time?' she asked in her head

"Anne... Anne she needs me... In trouble..."she kept stammering as she couldn't think of a better way to explain it

" okay knight in shining armor trying to save her princess in distress. What are you going to do when you get there? Stop the engagement from holding? " Keith asked her daughter while folding her arms to her chest

"engagement? So you all knew about it?" Nancy asked surprised

"yes of course we all do except for you too." she approached her placing her hand on her shoulder

"you see darling we just have to accept fate as it is. There is nothing we can do when it's comes to the bates and I'm so sure they mean no harm to her. She would live very comfortable and extravagant life. And I see nothing wrong in it after all she is old enough for marriage"

Nancy only listen to her but couldn't say a word

"I... Err.. I'll just go comfort her" she turned to leave but stop and turn to face her mother

"you and dad are also looking for suitor for then just stop because you won't want to imagine what would happen next" she said coldly before storming out of the house

"Oh my this girl would put herself in trouble" she said and went on with what she was doing.