
Chapter 68

“Where’s my sister?” Jayanta asked him.

“Who the hell is your sister?” Randason growled.

“Dr. Kailyn DeKendran,” Jayanta answered. “I’m sure you know her. All your discs have her signature on them.”

“I have no idea who she is.” Randason frowned.

“Yes, you do.” Janny stepped forward. If Danil was going to get away with something, she would too. “I was there when Engalla introduced her to you.”

“I can’t remember everyone I’m introduced to,” he groused. “Do you realize how many people I’m introduced to every single day? I’ve probably shook hands with a third of the population.”

“I’m surprised you wouldn’t remember someone who’s doing so much work for you,” Jayanta snarled at him.

“Do you realize how enormous my work force is?” he threw back at her.

“And how many acoustic manipulators are in that crew of yours, Mr. Randason?”

Randason turned away.

“Where does this Doctor Ruth live?”

No one offered to answer. They just stood there.