
Chapter 67

“Are you here to stop us?” Janny asked.

“Not at all. I just wanted to hear the speaker,” Caryl feigned innocence.

“You can hear him from back here,” one of the men who held her said.

“Why did you want to hear him?” Janny asked.

“I’m hoping to vote in this election and I wanted to hear who was running.

Janny looked at the two men.

“That seems innocuous. Get her a chair,” she ordered and then she turned back to Caryl. “Maybe Mr. Randason will be able to talk with you afterwards.”

“That will be wonderful. I’d really like that but it makes me nervous.” Caryl tried to look impressed.

One of the men brought a chair or her. As she sat down the headphones fell from her pocket, showing they weren’t attached to anything.

Just as quickly, she pressed the button on her belt to alert Jayanta and the others.

“She isa spy,” one of the men gasped. “Danil was right.”