
Chapter 69

Kai whirled around to look at Engalla

“There’s something wrong, isn’t there? The Security Patrols are looking for you.”

Engalla streaked to the window and looked down. She saw patrol lights flashing and security swarming toward the building.

“It’s your fault!” she screamed. “You’ll pay for this. I have stronger powers than you. Do not try to resist me.”

She threw her power against Kai.

I can fight this, Kai told herself. What am I not remembering?

It was so hard to think! Her head hurt so much! What was she forgetting? It had something to do with that damned table. She was sure of it. Did Engalla have all the power?

That was it! Power!

“No!” she insisted, as she delved deep into her reserves and met Engalla’s power with her own.

The air between them flashed violently with an electric force, pushing them several feet apart.

* * * *