
Chapter 66

Just then, another volunteer approached her.

“We need more help up by the door. We can’t let anyone enter once Mr. Randason has started speaking. There’ll also be loud applause when he’s introduced.”

“But I was told to stay here and watch for rioters,” Caryl complained.

“There won’t be riots for quite a while. Randason has to start speaking first. But we have to make sure no one comes in after he does start speaking.”

No riots until after he starts? Caryl knew they were very close to the source of all the problems. This crew of workers was very unorganized. Each supervisor had his or her own orders and they usually overrode the ones before. She followed the other volunteer toward the entrance and tried to blend in with the others.

“Were you here last Monday?” one of the volunteers asked her.

“No, this is my first time,” Caryl smiled, trying to look innocent.

“You’ll love him. He has charisma like no one else I’ve seen.”

“As good as Engalla?” Caryl tried.