
The Collection Of Certain Memories

There are moments in life you don’t want to forget. Whether they are sexual, mundane, dark, happy, and everything between. Moments of my life that I have chosen to write. In order to never forget. This story is told in a nonlinear fashion. Rough draft of a story. These memories are from the Male Protagonist. I hope you enjoy reading these stories, memories. And I hope it can change your outlook just slightly, to view the world in a more positive light.

MarcusSaffron · Realistic
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10 Chs


She knows me all too well. I thought to myself, disgruntled. Sitting across from in the the Town Hall meeting, I recalled the last hour of the meeting. Every time it was my turn to present my portion of the presentation, she would look at me with her hauntingly beautiful eyes. Tilting her head slightly, then imperceptibly smiling at me, butterflies ran rampant in my stomach. With her doing this, I would always stumble over my words. Awkwardly having to clear my throat, I could see her enjoying her victory each time.

I will have my vengeance. I thought to myself. Conveying my intention through body language, she easily brushed it off. Refocusing on the meeting, I near absentmindedly took notes, waiting for the meeting to be over.

Finished I made my way back to my office. Setting my folders down I sat down in my chair. Relaxing my body into the chair I closed my eyes. Seconds passed and I hear someone near my office. Opening my eyes thinking it was my Manager, she walked in. Having been teased relentlessly, my heart started to race. With a half smile floating across her face, she sat down opposite of me. With nothing obstructing my view of her, she wore a simple white crop top with a dark grey cardigan. A black skirt that went down to her knees. Underneath she wore black stockings that were a quite thin. Her stockings accentuated her beautiful, lust inspiring legs and thighs. Sitting at a slight angle from me, she leaned forward, face full of faux concern, she said "Are you okay? You look like you were struggling." Hints of joy seeping out.

My gaze was caught by her figure. Her already arousing figure further enhanced by how she sat. Leaning forward, elbows on my desk, hands on either side of her cheeks, sat at the edge of her seat, her plump thighs pushed out, causing my mind to blank. In a wonderfully disproportionate way, her thick butt caused such a visual stimulation with her wide hips, I just wanted to grab her hips and…. I thought to myself. This coupled with how she arched her back, this is a picture perfect demonstration of how to seduce a man.

Her face had little make up, with the little amount applied, it truly brought out her ungodly natural beauty. One that I know other women wish they had. Noticing that she applied a barely perceptible shade of pink lipstick that wasn't there during the meeting, I couldn't stop myself from whispering fuck. Leaning further in I nearly couldn't contain myself.

"You know what you've done. And currently doing." I said with a rough voice. Barely hiding my desire for her. Still cognizant of where I was at. "What do you mean?" She said coyly. With a very knowing smile, she, at some point, had moved the chair closer to the desk. Once realizing this, I then became aware that I had at some point leaned forward as well. In an effort to distract myself, I fiddled with the pen on my desk. Looking at her meaningfully I know my face was betraying me. Fuck, do I want her right now. I thought to myself. "… you're being a bit of a bitch you know…"

I said my voice laced with undeniable tension. Her face etched with triumph. She started to chuckle that nearly turned into a laugh. Her laugh, sweet and melodious. I felt slightly intoxicated by her. Staring at her lips, I want just wanted to taste her. Her lips parting she said "I actually did come here to talk to you about work. In particular what was reported on about the previous month's cost centers for our employees…"

Standing up she picked up the armchair and placed it intentionally close to mine. Awestruck, I just watched her. Sitting down, she purposefully drew in my attention. Her voluptuous butt, thin waist, and thick thighs caused sexual chaos. Arousal that I desperately reigned in. Then she caught my attention with her slender arm, her gorgeous porcelain hand grabbing the folders I had haphazardly placed on my desk. Her lovely slender fingers pointing at something on the paper. I couldn't pay any attention. Moving my gaze back up, I noticed that she had moved her hair all onto one side. Exposing her neck, nearly begging to be kissed.

Swallowing, I once again realized that I am just being horny right now. I need to stop. You know you need to. This isn't the time or place. I chided myself. Going to discuss her question, I desperately tried to stay focused. Sifting through the papers to show why I was trying to change how the numbers were recorded. She leaned in, whether intentional or not, gave me her undivided attention. As if I was the only the only person in the world. Well, shit. I briefly thought.

Reaching out slowly, she turned her head to face me a bit more clearly. Lifting her chin, I lowered my head. Closing the gap, centimeters away, she said "Wait." Putting her hand on my chest, she lightly pushed me away. Only then did I hear someone approaching. Feeling heat rising to my cheeks, I knew my face had to be red. Idiot… idiot… attempting to sober my mind, I closed my eyes and leaned back into my chair. Before I could fully rest, she said "Andrew." Opening my eyes I stopped leaning back, her hand resting on mine. I lowered my gaze to her hand on mine, hearing the rustling of clothes, I slowly looked up.

She kissed me. Not a peck, but not quite deeply, I could feel reason fade. The world around us seemed to halt silently. As though it gave her, us, this moment. Parting lips, I hated the fact that I had to breathe. Still shocked I couldn't help but stare at her. Her eyes have a slight glaze over them. Her own arousal evident on her face, our hands at some point were intertwined. Her hair lushly cascaded down like a waterfall. Adding unprecedented charm to her that I never knew. My heart screaming to break out, my breathes continued to grow short. All my senses were wholly aware of her presence. Her lavender perfume captivated me. Taking a deep breath I found her seductively biting the corner of her lip.

I am done for. I thought to myself foolishly. With intent I leaned in, equally, she met me half way. Kissing deeply her tongue broke into my mouth. Her tongue intwining with mine, I felt the flame of passion ignite inside of me. Stoking the flames I reached out to pull her in further into my embrace. Feeling a hand on my chest stopping me, I paused. She pulled back, looking at me with such passionate eyes I could feel my rationale start to wan. With a hot gaze, I stared at her luscious lips. Opening her mouth she said "Calm down, we definitely should stop here… we can continue later tonight."

Her voice sounded rough, the struggle I felt clearly wasn't one sided. Backing away from me slightly, I knew I needed to quell the desire raging inside of me. I held back with the simple hope of 'later'. Taking deep breath I rigidly nodded my head in agreement. Her face bloomed into a smile, laced with loving affection and appreciation. She leaned in giving me a peck on the cheek.

Letting ourselves calm down, we eventually returned to work. Answering her questions and making notes on what to change and follow up on, I barely maintained focus. Looking at her as she talked, I found myself staring at her lips still. Trying to snap my focus back, I watched as she used her tongue to moisten her lips. Moving her tongue back and forth across her lips, she slowly retracted it back into her mouth. Realizing she was still teasing me, I looked up at her eyes. Returning a look of pure joy and victory she smiled happily. "Shit." I said to no one in particular. Taking a moment, I faked composure and continued on with our conversation. As I started giving detailed information, I pulled out a piece of paper from one of the folders. Noticing an error, I decided to get a highlighter from my desk drawer between us. Opening it I immediately realized I had left the Polaroid picture she had given me inside the drawer. Feeling weirdly embarrassed I anxiously panicked and not-so-gracefully hurriedly grabbed a highlighter. Closing the drawer, I paused, then pushed the conversation forward as if nothing happened. Without even looking I knew she was staring at me.

Forcing myself to keep talking as to subvert all the sexual tension and my own awkward blunder. Finishing the explanation I was giving, I glanced up at her. Finding that her gaze was fixed upon me, unblinking and intense. A heartbeat passed before she replied. Vainly I tried to keep to our promise of "later", so I continued talking. As I spoke I observed her. Admiring her beauty as I talked, my gaze was transfixed upon her. I watched as she slowly, methodically, pulled out a piece of candy from her pocket. Unwrapping it, she had all her focus on the piece of candy. Carefully she removed it from the wrapping and delicately placed it in her mouth. Closing her eyes I could see, for a split second, happiness spread across her face as she savored the starburst. Opening her eyes she looked at me quizzically. It was only then did I realize I had stopped talking.

Overwhelmed with the fact of how much I was stumbling, I sat in stunned silence. "Would you like a piece?" She asked, the hints of playfulness went unnoticed. Replying blankly I said "Sure."

Blossoming into a broad smile, she pursed her lips, the pink starburst escaping from her mouth. My gaze turning hot, I was ensnared by her every move. Ensuring I was fully entranced, she deliberately and delicately used her pointer finger and thumb, and removed the starburst from her mouth. "Here." She said. Her voice rang in my ears with such sensual seduction that I instinctively listened to her. Holding my hand out, I expected for her to place the half melted starburst in my hand. As if my hand didn't exist, she carefully brought it towards my mouth, my mind blank, I opened my mouth. Placing it on my tongue, she dragged in finger across my tongue and lower lip. Closing my mouth I stared at her. Nearly hitting my limit, I noticed her finger glistening with my saliva. Bringing it to her mouth she sucked the little amount into her own mouth. Her amorous gaze sent me spiraling.

Swallowing the excess saliva built up in my mouth, I made sure not to also swallow the starburst. Her face, clear as day, told me how much sexual pleasure and joy she found in teasing me. Even more so because of how she skillfully played to the one fetish that truly drives me crazy. Unable to contain my purely sexual desire, I relished, savored the taste and idea of our saliva mixing. Sucking on the starburst, I swallowed several times. Seeing the deep, profound smile on her face told me that she thoroughly enjoyed the joy and plight I was experiencing. Wholly aware of the clearly evident erection I had, I adjusted my posture to move my rock hard penis to the side. "Listen" I said, "either we really stop here, or I will push you down here and now." Trying to convey how pent up I have become. Hearing the tone of my voice, coquettishly she replied, "I'm sorry… for teasing you to much."

"It is fine, we're both guilty of… escalating…" adding on "though I will be returning this twofold."

Smiling, she teasingly stuck out her tongue.

After another, much longer break, we finished our conversation. We then busied ourselves with our respective work loads. I was preoccupied with other thoughts, hindering my working pace. Time seemed to move with a snails pace. With abated breath, work was finally over. Heading home I cleaned up the morning mess I wasn't able to clean before I had to leave for work. Hearing my phone ring I checked the caller ID. Reading "Sleigh", I quickly answered it. "Hello." She said, instantly I felt shivers run down my spine. Unable to contain my smile, I said "Hi."

"I have to run a few errands with my mother, but once I'm done I can come over for dinner, if you'd like?"

"Of course. What would you like to eat?"

"… hmm… nothing comes to mind. How about you choose."

"Are you okay with eating pork?"

"Ya, that sounds fine."

"Okay, what time will you be here?"

"Around 7pm… maybe a bit later than that."


"Well I just wanted to call to let you know, I have to go now, my mom is waiting on me."

"M'kay, bye."


Hanging up, I could feel a spring in my step. Grabbing my phone, I left the house to grab a few missing ingredients.

Finishing shopping and made it back home, I quickly started preparing dinner. Having decided on cooking one of my own dishes, I diced up pork. Marinading it in a simple sauce, consisting of oyster sauce, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, Chinese black bean sauce, and a few others. I placed it all in a ziplock back. Ensuring every piece of meat is soaking in the sauce. Cleaning and washing gai lan, I set it aside. Grabbing my clay pot, I started washing jasmine medium grain rice. Once cleaned, I started to crave Chinese sausage. Giving in, I retrieved the package from my refrigerator. Grabbing 4 sausages I placed it inside the clay pot with the rice. Cooking it, I grabbed two different pots. Preparing to steam cook the pork.

Hearing a knock at the door I set aside a pan I started to heat up. I excitedly made my way to my front door. Pausing, I attempted to play it cool. Opening the door, I felt a bolt of lightning hit me. There she stood in a white button down, giving well deserved definition to her gorgeous figure. Paired with tight black jeans and in what I assume was because she knew of my inclinations. Her thighs, short circuiting my thoughts, I simply thought 'supple'. Swallowing the excess saliva built up, I knew I was captured by her. Welcoming her inside I stepped back, opening a path. I said quickly "I am close to being done, please make yourself at home." Intentionally I quietly avoided direct eye contact. Fully aware of my inability to hide my desire. "Thank you… it smells delicious in here." She said as she entered my house.

Closing the door behind her I turned around. Having stepped into the entryway she bent down naturally taking off her shoes. Exuding comfort and peace, I felt lightness in my chest. Storing her shoes, she straightened her back. Stupidly I stood stock still at the same spot. The warm light reflecting off the walls gave her a very contrasting aura. Peacefulness while erotic. My heart quickened, my gaze focusing on her face. Her beauty could never truly be captured. I thought to myself. Losing myself in her eyes I was wholly unaware of everything else. "What" she said softly. Shifting her body weight to one side she tilted her head in the same direction. Her face questioning me. My reverie broken by I became sentient. My heart racing, my breaths short, the sexual thoughts I was having being displayed in my gaze. And more importantly on my face. My lips felt dry, licking them I then bit my lower lip to fight my urge to strip her naked here and now. Unclenching my jaw and relaxing my posture I shook my head saying "Nothing." Convincing no one she broke into a small smile. Twirling around she continued into the living room.

My house, which usually felt quite big for one person, felt like a true home with her here. My decor reflected my inner mind. Minimalistic, populated by a few trinkets, pictures, and hobbies I have. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house, with a decent sized kitchen and small backyard, it truly fit my needs. Having painted the walls in mostly neutral greys, I mixed in earthy tones on the accent walls to, giving depth and grounded feeling. Exemplifying faux peace. Upon any close inspection, one could detect the façade. A few pictures hung up around the living room. Pictures of my travels tells simple stories of where I have traveled around the world. Under each picture are trinkets I have collected from that part of the world.

Following after her I made my way to the kitchen and continued cooking. Being completely familiar with my house at this point, she turned the tv on, putting on background noise. Simultaneously I started simply frying the pork briefly. Preparing a deep plate, I prepared the same sauce again into the plate. Putting a bit less in, I added thinly sliced ginger in, taking the pork out I placed it in the plate. Then sprinkling more ginger on top, I placed the plate in the huge pot. Covering it with a lid I let it steam. Timing it, I started steam cooking the gai lan. Heating up a small sauce pan with oil inside, I removed the clay pot from the burner. Allowing it to settle, I checked on the pork. Nearing completion I grabbed a plate for the vegetables. Placing them on the plate, I drizzled the hot oil on the gai lan. Sizzling and popping sounds echoed in my kitchen. Heading back, I removed the pork from the pot, also letting it settle. Returning to the gai lan I drizzled oyster sauce over them.

Turning towards the dining room, I smiled. Seeing she had set the table up with plates and silverware, I felt warmth surge through me. She at the table, sitting on the right side, I hurriedly brought the black bean pork and gai lan to the table. "Thank you for setting the table." I said, hearing my own voice heavy with affection, I maintained my smile. Continuing I said "Well, I have prepared one of my favorite dishes my Father taught me." Pointing at the pork "This is simply just a steamed black bean pork. Something somewhat traditional in Chinese cuisine." Then pointing at the gai lan "And this is a typical Chinese vegetable called gai lan. Just a leafy green, but it is very delicious. Simply steamed with a bit of hot oil drizzled over it with oyster sauce as well." Finishing I looked at her, anxiously excited for her to try my food, I smiled happily.

"Because you haven't had it before, I cooked clay pot rice, and fearing you would find bland, I put Chinese sausage in it as well to add a bit of flavor. Please grab as much rice as you want and we can eat."

Standing up she went into the kitchen to grab some rice, following suit we sat down and started eating. Overjoyed that she was happily eating the food, we made laughed, talking about our respective week. Her smile invoked such peaceful intimacy that I couldn't help but relish in the moment. Wishing this moment would extend into infinity.