
The Collection Of Certain Memories

There are moments in life you don’t want to forget. Whether they are sexual, mundane, dark, happy, and everything between. Moments of my life that I have chosen to write. In order to never forget. This story is told in a nonlinear fashion. Rough draft of a story. These memories are from the Male Protagonist. I hope you enjoy reading these stories, memories. And I hope it can change your outlook just slightly, to view the world in a more positive light.

MarcusSaffron · Realistic
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10 Chs

Indulgence Part I

Remembering everything and how she teased me, I had waited calmly. Less caring about setting the mood, I couldn't reign in the overpowering desire to consume her. Taste her. Pleasure her. Towards the end of our meal, I locked my eyes on her as she took a sip of her water. Waiting for her to start drinking, I said "Don't think I forgot what you did today. You will not be getting any sleep tonight." Declaring it with no room for hesitation or refusal. Caught off guard by what I said she struggled to swallow. Slightly coughing, she patted her chest. Clearing her throat, she looked at me playfully. "Is that so?" She said, her voice soft like a whisper. Hints of quiet anticipation and challenge, further igniting the primal desire I have for her.

Pausing, allowing silence to fill the space between us. "Yes." I said, at a slow, clear tone. Undressing her with my eyes, I could feel the little vestige of restraint leaving me. Briefly inspired, I decided on a plan. Though, really just a series of actions in order to catch her off guard. Without wasting a moment I continued on to say "I'll clean up here, if you'd like you can take a shower."

Picking up on the fake insinuation of cleaning before we have sex, she agreed. "I will, but let me help a little first." She said warmly. Simply nodding my head, we gathered the dirty dishes and brought them to the sink. I hand washed the pots and knives as she hand dried them for me. Somehow in an unknown way, the mood between us felt both peaceful and homely. While at the same time lustful anticipation as we both equally teased each other. I allowed my eyes to shout my sexual desires. My gaze lingering on her supple, firm ass. The desire, need, to fill my hands with her flesh; the viscous desire to rip her right black jeans off and shove my dick inside her. My eyes caught on her face, lips, I hoped told her what I exactly wanted.

As she dried the last pot, she would lean in a little too close. Filling my senses with her intoxicating scent. Biting her lip ever so gently while fixing her gaze on my own lips, I instantly understood that she is obviously much better at teasing me than I wanted to admit. As she passed behind me , her free hand softly wrapped around my stomach. Tenderly dragging her hand, fingers, affectionately. The small physical intimacy brought me unprecedented sexual happiness. Tightly gripping the plate in one hand and sponge in the other; I held back the impulsive desire to drop everything and kiss her. Wait, I can just kiss her. Why am I not? I thought to myself. Feeling funnily silly for restraining myself.

Having instantaneously come to this answer, I dropped the plate and sponge into the sink. Having just stored the pot in the cabinet, she turned towards me. Hearing the plate clatter her face, etched with a questioning gaze. Haphazardly I dried my hands on the hand towel, I closed the distance between us. Without hesitation or needless words, she understood and actively came to me. Wrapping my arms around her waist, her hands wrapped around the middle of my back; we leaned in to kiss. Feeling mischievous, as the distance narrowed, coming to the point where if either of us pushed our lips out we would kiss. With her eyes closed I stopped just at this point. One second passed, opening her eyes she looked at me expectantly. Feeling somewhat pleased with myself I started to smile. A flash of frustration floated across her face. She moved her head closer aiming for my lips. Pulling back at the same speed that she approached, I kept this distance from her. Huffing she said "You little bitch."

Broadly smiling, I caved instantly. Kissing her lovingly, I pulled back after a few seconds. Gazing at each other, I knew I have to kiss her again. Leaning in again we kissed, mixing our tongues together, I closed my lips around her tongue and started to lightly suck. Pulling my head back at the same time, the wet sound of our kissing resonated in my ears. Furthering both of our sexual desires. Going back in for a kiss, I pulled her in tighter. Kissing several more times, as we finished the last kiss, I bit her lower lip sensitively. An inaudible moan leaked out of her. Whilst we were kissing I tightened our embrace. As we continued to kiss I took both of my hands and with some strength, filled my hands with her supple, firm ass. Massaging and caressing her ass, feeling my hand, fingers mold her firm pliable flesh. With such auditorial and physical sensations, I moaned ever so slightly myself.

With a slight giggle from who knows who, we separated. "I'll go take that shower now…" she said with a slight quiver in her voice. Nodding my head in affirmation, I watched as she spun on her heel. Though maybe due to our prolonged kiss, or her very natural clumsiness, she stumbled a bit. Reacting instantly both her and I caught herself. Her placing a hand on the nearby wall while I went to support her waist. Her ears turning a tinge of red, she assured me she was okay. Continuing with her trek I couldn't help but stare longingly at her ass. Entranced, I watched her hips sway back and forth. My breaths quickened. Averting my gaze, I returned to cleaning. As I cleaned the last few dishes, I could smell her lingering scent.

Rushing, I loaded the dishwasher, bits of sauce, water, and uncooked rice grains were scattered across the countertop. Swiftly I used a rag and cleaner to wipe the counter of any obvious mess. Leaving mostly everything else for my future self, I knew my priorities.

Leaving the kitchen I made sure to turn the lights off. Calming darkness quickly over took the kitchen. Entering the cool lit hallway. Two rooms on the left and one on the right. At the end of the hallway was my bedroom. Hearing the sound of running water, yet the bathroom on my right wasn't in use. The insinuation wasn't lost on me. My steps were quick and quiet. Entering my bedroom I slowed down. The lamp on my night stand was on, giving my room a subdued aesthetic. Places in the center of the room/ against the wall was my king size bed. A mellow purple comforter and pinkish red bedspread and sheet. I had aimed for a vibrant color for my bed. As to pop against the neutral toned walls. My comforter was light weight. As to make sure I didn't overheat while I slept. 5 pillows rested at the head of the bed. Up against the newly installed headboard.

Chaotic clean is how I describe my bedroom. No real rhyme or reason for decorations. Other than my hobbies, collection of posters of artists I like, a few bookshelves filled with books, anime figurines, and or hard copy books of some of my favorite authors. A needlessly large TV was mounted on the wall in front of the bed. Below it was a simple dresser. Family photos decorated the top. With a few cups I have been too lazy to bring to the kitchen.

The door to my bathroom was closed and I could hear her washing herself. Stripping my clothes off I reached towards the door handle. Momentarily I wondered if she had locked the door. Opening the door my doubt was instantly cleared.

As I pushed open the door, a wave of steam rolled out, revealing the bathroom's spacious, rectangular layout. The walls, painted in soothing earthy tones, complemented the house's overall neutral grey palette, adhering to a minimalist theme. To the left, a lengthy bathroom counter with a sink stretched out, crowned by a large mirror now obscured by steam. A distinct Asian influence was evident in the separate toilet area, discreetly partitioned by a sliding door. At the far end of the bathroom, the standing shower, enclosed by opaque glass walls and a door, stood as a testament to modern simplicity and uncluttered design.

Her clothes piled up on one side, I found odd sexual pleasure from seeing her color coordinated lingerie. Taking my own clothes off, I unbuttoned my shirt. Cursing my lack of foresight for how many layers I was wearing. Tossing it aside I lifted my undershirt up and over my head. Moving towards the shower, I knew she would scream and or try to kill me if I didn't warn her. "Hey, I'm coming in." I said as loudly as possible. Through the glass I could see her jump and turn towards the sliding door. Though the lack of screaming and or hurling alerted me to the fact that she was, at the very least, waiting for me.

Unbuttoning my pants I went to take them off. In my excitement I nearly fell forward as one leg got caught. Stumbling a bit I reached my hand out to catch myself on the countertop. Shaking my head I continued on. Removing my underwear I steady myself.

Entering the shower I was greeted by her backside. Having caught her as she just finished washing her hair. I had taken after Asian showers, as it was much more practical to me. With a rain shower head above and then an handheld shower head on the wall opposite of the glass door. It offered versatility and comfort. I had built a bench into the wall to the left of both of these. She stood in the shower, having just washed her hair.

I instantly felt the heat from the shower. Her skin a tinge of red. Serving as a warning as to how hot she had the water. Her stunning back was immaculate. Free from any blemishes. Her hands were running through her hair. Giving a sensual aesthetic to her. The water raced down her skin. Her perfectly round plump ass caused me to feel my lust rise. A slight twitch in my lower region caused all my senses to kick into overdrive.

Having already known I was in here, she turned towards me. "And what are you doing in here? Couldn't wait your turn?" She asked, her voice lay thick with faux sarcasm. Having stepped forward a little, the rain ran down her back. Her hands behind her back she tilted her head. The sound of water reverberated through the shower. Having closed the glass door behind me, I replied, "Well, you see… I am big on saving water, the environment… and I figured you could use help…" I said, dragging out what I was saying. Smile plastered on my face, I moved forward.

Saying under my breath "That and… I'm petty. I've come for revenge."

"Well, I guess you can help with washing my body then."

"I would be honored." I said, exaggerating a bow.

Stepping into the shower, I recoiled from how hot the water was. Her smile grew and she chuckled. Grabbing her body wash she had left at my house, I poured the body wash into my hands. Lathering her skin, she took the opportunity to do the same for me. As I washed her body, I took my time, cleaning her whole body. Giving attention and care towards her. Washing her front, I massaged her breasts. Starting to tease her. And in turn she started to stroke my penis. Having been teased all day, I was easily made erect. But giving it no thought I continued cleaning. Washing around her vagina, I teased the outside. Both of us fully concentrated on our hands, our breaths grew heavy. Moving closer, where we were almost stuck together I rested my face on her shoulder. Nibbling a little, I understood she was, has, won in teasing me.

The slight quiver from her body told me I was arousing her. Unable to contain my desire, I used my right hand and placed it around her neck. Turning my head I gently used my hand to turn her head. Without resisting, she listened to my body language. Face to face, I faltered. Her enchanting blue eyes stole me. All at once I wanted her everything.

Leaning in, I kissed her. And she responded in kind. Feeling as though I wasn't close enough to her, I stuck our bodies together. The desire to pleasure her welled up. Using my knee I gently pushed her legs slightly apart. Understanding the message, she adjusted. Once I was able, I slipped my left hand into her crotch area. Using two fingers I gently started to finger her. Making sure to not force it, I found her insides wet. Mentally aroused, I couldn't fight the desire to ravage her. Deepening the kiss, I pushed her against the wall. Instantly we felt the change in temperature. Uncaring I continued, separating our lips, I swiftly moved to her neck. One of her hands was wrapped around my body. The other was trying to stroke me. The angle wasn't in her favor, so her handjob felt a bit clumsy. But irregardless the pleasure I felt sent a shiver down my spine.

Moving my head down towards her breasts, I left a trail of kisses. Sucking on one, I gently bit her nipple. With a slight jolt and quiver, her body shook. Making sure to not hurt her, I alternated to the other one. Enjoying the sensation of sucking on her breast, I kept the same rhythm with my hand.

Reaching the peak, I couldn't hold myself back from being inside her anymore. Taking my hand out, I then lifted her up. Letting out a yelp, she wrapped her arms around me. Pinning her against the wall, I used one hand to support her, and the other to guide my penis inside her. Sexual warmth and pleasure spread through me. A moan shared between us. Lowering her a bit, it struck me that I had no idea how to actually thrust inside her. Pausing for a brief moment, I awkwardly stood there. Reacting, she burst out laughing, saying "You really didn't think this through did you?" Feeling embarrassed I replied "No. No I did not. In my head it was sexy, and I figured it would work out." Pausing I continued "But I have no idea how to continue to do this without hurting your back." My face scrunching in confusion.

"You're cute."

"… not exactly what I was aiming for, but I'll take it."

Stepping backwards I supported her weight, staring into her eyes, I could feel my penis start to lose a bit of vigor. Making sure she was comfortable I asked "I would love to continue, unless you feel like the moment has passed?" My voice laden with concern and a bit of hope. She looked at me for a moment, smirking a little she leaned and kissed me.

God, do I love her. I thought to myself. Besides the overwhelming, overbearing amount of pure lust I had at the moment. I could feel with certainty that I also cared for her deeply. Like every time, I devoted to expressing it in physical form.

Setting her down I said, "Let's take it to the bed, okay?" Turning off the water, I turned to face her. Nodding at my suggestion she said " Sounds like a fine idea. Though we should dry ourselves off."

"That does sound like a good idea, though… the bed will be wet anyways…"

"… you're right."

We talked as we dried ourselves off. Once nearly dry, we made our way to the bed. Laughing behind her, I let my eyes roam her body. No matter how many times I see her, she is always still beautiful. I thought to myself. Smiling stupidly I quickened my steps. Grabbing her waist just as she reached the bed, I spun her around to kiss her deeply. As we kissed I slowly pushed her back. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked at me expectantly.

Wanting nothing more than to taste her, I spread her legs. Burying my head in, I started teasing her clit. Finding that she was still wet and turned on, caused me to be reinvigorated. The building desire that I had throughout the day was finally being released. The desire to consume her, the primal urge to fuck her.

Using my tongue to stimulate her clit, I used one hand to finger her. Her heavy breathing, her hand gripping the back of my head, further served to my sexual delight. Still erect, after a few minutes of setting the stage, I finally stood up. Swallowing I gazed at her with unbridled lust.

"Come here." I said gruffly. My tone was deep and heavy. Dripping with lustful passion. Compiling she stood up, as she stood up I grabbed either side of her waist. Conscious in not using too much force, I spun her around. Understanding my intention, she placed her hands on the bed and bent down. As I was a bit taller than her I knew this position would work. Slipping my penis in in one smooth motion. I slightly shudder as I felt my dick wrapped in warmth and pleasure. A quiet gasp escaped her lips.

Without a second thought I buried my penis inside her. Moving my hips quickly, I felt waves of pleasure wash over me. Though after a few seconds I realized that I wasn't going in as far as I wanted. Remembering our very important conversation from a few weeks ago, I decided to be more forceful. Placing my right hand on her back, I pushed her down into the bed. With her ass at a better angle, I was able to push even further.

Wholly aware of the strain of this position, I made sure the balance between pleasure and comfortability was met. After a minute of extreme pleasure, I pulled her by her stomach. Stepping back, I motioned for her to lay on the bed on her back. Taking a second to gain her balance, I kept my hand on her side in case she needed support.

Lying on her back, I was struck by how utterly gorgeous and seductive she looked. Unknowingly I was staring at her. Feeling my heated gaze, her face, which was already flushed, appeared to be tinged and even darker red. Softly she whispered "What?"

Emotions and desires running rampant, I responded by leaning down and kissing her deeply. While doing this I used one hand to guide my penis inside her. Standing back up I continued at a slower rhythm. Enjoying the connection and sensation. The way her breasts bounced, the sounds we made, the way she gripped the bedsheets, the minute amount of sweat glistening on her body, caused such intense pleasure that I couldn't think logically anymore.

Feeling her legs wrap around my waist turned me on even more. Wanting to ensure she was being satisfied, I started to thrust up and in towards her belly button. Hoping to stimulate her G spot. Feeling her tighten and her legs assist in pulling me in, told me it was working.

After a few minutes of this I felt myself nearing my own limit. Unsatisfied with this, I put in even more effort. As if waiting for this, she moaned fuck loudly. Feeling her thighs and legs shake and quiver, I was not certain she was experiencing a full blown orgasm. Hell bent on giving her one, and knowing I was about to cum, I started going as fast and hard as possible. Using one hand to rub her outer lips. Repeatedly whispering something I couldn't quite hear, I just kept going. Only seconds later did I hear her say "I'm cumming…" overly stimulated I knew I was about to cum.

Screaming loudly the same phrase, her vagina tightened so hard that I couldn't hold it anymore. Feeling her cum and what I didn't even register as squirting, I collapsed onto her. Wrapping my arms around her back I pushed as deep as possible as I started ejaculating inside her. As I came I moved my hips back and forth. Instinctively I couldn't help but say "oh fuck… shit…" as waves of sexual ecstasy washed over me.

I am going to go ahead and post Chapter 9. It isn’t complete yet, but I wanted to post something.


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