
The Chronicles Of The Scarlet King

In the vast expanse of the Hyperverse, a tale of betrayal, vengeance, and self-discovery unfolds. Our protagonist, Minos, was one of the three humans created by the Eternal God of Creation, Genesis, with the assistance of his brother, the Eternal God of Destruction, Azazel. However, their harmonious existence was shattered when Azazel, driven by ambition, rebelled against Genesis and usurped his throne, casting Minos into the depths of Hell. Imprisoned within the dark confines of Hell, Minos endured unspeakable suffering at the hands of Azazel, who sought to bend him to his will. Yet, Minos, steadfast in his refusal to yield, persevered through countless years of torment. In the depths of his confinement, he honed his skills and mastered the profound arts of combat, magic, and survival, determined to escape his hellish prison. After an arduous and relentless journey, Minos discovered an unknown region within Hell, a place of formidable power and untapped potential. Drawing strength from the malevolent energies that permeated the realm, he trained tirelessly, pushing the boundaries of his abilities until he was deemed strong enough to challenge Azazel. The moment of reckoning arrived as Minos confronted Azazel in a duel that would determine his fate. With cunning and guile, Minos manipulated Azazel into shattering a part of Hell, revealing a rift leading to the void—an abyss of eternal nothingness. Seizing the opportunity, Minos exploited the chaos, making his daring escape just as Hell's fabric started to rapidly mend itself. However, Minos's newfound freedom was short-lived, as he found himself ambushed by Celestia, a celestial realm led by angels and seraphims. Confused and enraged by the assault, Minos waged a merciless war against Celestia, exacting vengeance upon those who had turned against him. The conflict claimed the lives of millions of seraphims and angels, escalating the tension between Minos and his own kind. In the midst of the chaos, Minos finally encountered Genesis, his creator and the one responsible for his tumultuous existence. Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, Minos was sealed within the Pandora's Cube—a prison of immense power—for a staggering span of one million years. Trapped within its confines, Minos grappled with anger, confusion, and a burning desire for revenge, vowing to become even stronger. For eight hundred thousand years, Minos trained relentlessly within the cube, harnessing its mystical energies and unlocking unimaginable power. Eventually, his strength surpassed the cube's capacity to contain him, and he shattered his prison, emerging into an empty universe devoid of life. Seeking purpose and answers, Minos traversed the vast reaches of space until he reached Earth—a world teeming with life, wonders, and complexities. Here, his journey for revenge intertwines with encounters with diverse characters, unexpected alliances, and his first taste of love. The story unfolds as Minos navigates treacherous landscapes, confronts formidable adversaries, and embarks on a quest for self-discovery in a hyperverse filled with both beauty and darkness.

ChickenFriedRice · Fantasy
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-The Nest of Retribution-

Many centuries later, Demons began appearing on Earth, killing billions and consuming many countries, this causes Celestia (a realm of Seraphims and other higher ranked angels) and Aether (a realm of Angels, Archangels and other low and middle ranked angels) to take action and protect humans. The apocalypse causes many countries to unite their armies and power, creating 'UC' which stands for Unity of Countries. UC while being an alliance of countries, has it's separate armies of its own which consists of the best squads, soldiers and technologies. Their main base lies underneath New Zealand, heavily armoured and almost indestructible. But most of their best Squads are positions in carrier ships so that they would arrive to their missions quickly.

As a storm rages in the Pacific Ocean and waves crashes at one of the Carrier Ships, a man is sitting in a room, smoking, wearing a heavy armour with a advance technological helmet besides him. The man looks at the T.V on the wall, "Demons of hell seems to have set up a new 'nest' over Russia, Moscow. This makes it the 5th nest to be set up on Earth, the government of Russia has confined it's citizens inside safety bunkers. The countries in UC says that they are trying their best in destroying these 'nests' but no method has proven to be effective." says a News Reporter. "Breaking News, the CEO of a Russian company 'Vesco', also known for being a major donator to UC, is found to be missing, UC says that they are sending one of their best squads to the-."

The T.V gets shut off by a person standing in the doorway. "C'mon" he says, "The captain calls for us". The man sitting throws his cigar and puts on his helmet which lights brightly blue. He stands, and cleans the ashes covering the heavy armour he is wearing. "Lead the way, Yaeger" he says to the other person. Both of them walked out the door and down the stairs, deeper into the Carrier. They finally open an airlocked door which leads to a large room with a stage like platform and many seats, there a one person stands at the platform and two other remained seated. "Yaeger, Victor, your late, please take your seats," says the guy standing on the platform. "Carson already went through the plan without you two" says one of the guy sitting towards the right side of the room, "We don't need these useless shmucks, we can complete the mission on our own" says another guy sitting in the middle of the room.

"Enough Kane! I'll repeat the plan one more time", The man on the platform clears his throat and begins to speak, his voice commanding attention in the room. "Gentlemen, we have received intel that the demons' nest in Moscow is a significant threat to both Russia and the world. Our mission is to infiltrate the nest, neutralize the demon forces, and retrieve any valuable information or artifacts we can find. We will be deploying via a transport aircraft, landing on the outskirts of Moscow. Our target in the main building of Vesco, We'll enter the compound of the building via the front gate, stealthily. You are free to kill any demon in our way after we enter the building but make sure you do that quietly, we don't want to attract every demon in the neighbourhood. Once we recovered the CEO and any important info, we will extract the same way we came. Any Questions?" He asked.

One person raises his hand, "What is it Shawn" Carson questioned, "Yea, any reinforcements? Or at least some kind of air support?" He asked. "No reinforcements, our air support is an AC-130 that will watch over us in case we accidentally make too much noise and attract every demon in the city" He responded, "That's great to hear, at least i know we'll make this one out unharmed" Shawn sighs in relief. "How did you come to that conclusion Shawn?" questioned Victor. "We are one of the best aren't we Victor, plus a little positivity would help us since this IS a dangerous mission" Shawn pridely says. "Hah positivity? What are we Kids? We've done more dangerous mission than this, what is there to be scared of? NOTHING! We-" Laughs Kane but gets interrupted by Victor.

"Kane how about you shut that pipe hole of yours before i give you something to fear" Victor interrupts annoyed at Kane. "Tch, what's your problem," Kane responded, "You want to go? What are you, the main character?" Kane smughed, "Oh I'm so~ scared! Please whatever will i do?! Go fuck yourself!" He sarcastically exclaimed, "ENOUGH YOU TWO!" Shouted Carson annoyed, "If there are no more questions, go and gear up, there's an aircraft waiting for us" He commanded. "I'll fucking beat you senseless" Kane says, his face up close to Victor's before leaving the room.

The other four also leave the room and proceed to gear up, taking their main weapons, side-arms and any utilities that would help them in the mission. Shawn and Victor being the team's main heavy gunners equipped their LMGs, an M249 and a simple glock-18 as their side arm. They carry two ammo boxes for their main weapons on their backs. Carson is the leader of their squad and equips a silenced M16 with laser, flashlight and a red-dot sight. He can communicate with HQ using his advanced helmet and can request air supports, but unlike their main heavy gunners, his armour still being very advanced, is much lighter than Shawn's or Victor's. Yaeger being their medic, equips a silenced KRISS Vector, and a simple 1911 pistol for his side-arm. Of course he is equipped with medical kits, like first aid, medicines, and a companion robot which is capable of healing and fixing injuries. Lastly Kane, being the rebel he is, is equipped with spas-12 shotgun and a desert eagle for his side-arm, he has a sentry gun for holding positions and a grenade launcher in case of ambushes.

Being geared and ready for action, Carson, Yaeger and Shawn gets ready to leave. "We're going Victor, we'll wait for you and Kane at the aircraft, Don't be late." Carson advised Victor. "Don't worry about me, I'm going to give Kane a little bit of an 'advise'." Victor said menacingly. The three leave the room and walks upwards towards the outside. Kane, however, overhears their conversations, but as he is about to leave, he gets blocked by Victor. "What the fuck do you want dipshit" Kane sneered, Victor pushes Kane with his body while walking, "Listen here asshole, you have done nothing but talk to me like I'm your bitch, so I'm here to give you a little advise" Victor said without a fear.

Meanwhile, inside the aircraft. "What is taking those two, they better hurry up," Shawn shouted as the aircraft begins to turn on, "Victor's probably beating the shit out Kane," Carson explained. "Man's got a fucked up childhood, no, I wouldn't even consider it a 'childhood'. Was bullied and tortured his whole life, i mean, he's in the army since the age of 16!, Even then, he would be given dangerous tasks that are out of his skills by selfish and lazy teams. You know how lucky we are to not me his enemies?" Yaeger said and questioned, his eyes wide open with worry. "Here they come" Carson said pointing towards Victor carrying Kane's unconscious body in his shoulder. "You're late, again" Carson said with a smile. "If I was late, you wouldn't be here" Victor replied.

The Chinook beings to take off as the ramp closes. Carson and Shawn sits at the left side of the helicopter while Kane, Yaeger and Shawn sits opposite to them. The atmosphere was tense, the men knowing they probably won't make it out the same way they went in, Yaeger is praying and Kane, well, still unconscious. Shawn breaks the tense atmosphere "Any plans if you make it out alive?" He asked the team, "Probably go out for a beer or two before the company calls for us again" Carson replied, Shawn looks at Victor, "How about you?" he asks, "See if my wife and kids are still alive" Victor replied. "And if they are?" asked Carson, "Well, I'd probably hug them i guess." Victor said with a smile. "And if they aren't" He continued, "I got nothing left to lose then."

Four and a half hours later, 12:30 a.m, they finally arrived the LZ, right at the outskirts of Moscow, Russia. They landed on what seems to be a small town. The Chinook's ramp slowly open as the team exits and take positions. Yaeger wakes up Kane and is last to leave the helicopter. "Alright team, let's not get separated and get into the main building safely," Carson commanded. The team slowly traverse through the quiet and dead town, every corner they turn they expect a demon to jump but every time there was nothing. "Captain, it's a little bit too quiet?" Yaeger informs Carson, "I know Yaeger, just focus on the road and buildings" Carson replied. "We're approaching the building's main gate, flashlights off and night visions on" he continued.

The team enters Vesco's compound, which was filled with dead bodies, blood and finally demons feasting upon the dead bodies. The team quickly crouch down and slowly walk to the trees inside the compound. "Quietly and carefully take out the demons" Ordered Carson. The team begins to take out the demons one by one. After fifteen minutes the team finally clears the compound and proceed towards the main building which is a twenty-one floored building, the team goes into the lobby on the ground floor and take a 30 second break to reload and catch their breath. They call an elevator and begin to go to the top floor, into the CEO's office. They enter the office to find the CEO's body dead on the ground, holding a syringe which seems to contain blood of some kind.

"HQ, this is Carson, we found the CEO's body, he's dead." Carson informs HQ, "Roger that Carson, proceed to bag the body, take any important documents and head back for evacuation, over." HQ replied. "Affirmative HQ, over and out" Carson ends the conversation. "Alright, Yaeger, bag the body. Shawn and Kane, cover Yaeger, and Victor, you're with me" Carson orders the team. Yaeger finishes bagging the CEO's body, "Alright done, we can leave this hellhole" Says Yaeger. But just as Yaeger leaves the office, he gets ambushed by two demons, the team tries to kill the demons but couldn't get a good shot so they wouldn't hit Yaeger. The two demons bite and scratch Yaeger as he is shooting them with his side-arm, finally he kills one of the demons but the other accidentally pulled one of the grenade pin on Yaeger's waist.

Yaeger looks at his teams in defeat and fear in his eyes as he screams before exploding into pieces. "SHIT! HQ this is Carson, Yaeger's dead, I repeat Yaeger's dead." Carson shouts. "Affirmative Carson, exit the building immediately, the helicopter will on the roof of the building." HQ replies. Meanwhile, Victor takes a look through the windows of the office to see a large horde of demons rushing towards the building due to the sound of the explosion. "CAPTAIN, WE HAVE TO GET OUT NOW!" As Victor points towards the horde. The team rushes towards the roof of the building, Kane secretly grabs the mysterious syringe. The team reaches the roof which was wide, Carson requests for air support, "HQ we need air support, slow down those horde." "Copy that Carson, immediate air support is on the way" HQ replied.

Bullets begins to fly down towards the horde, it was the AC-130 trying it's best to slow down the horde of demons, it was working for a few minutes before the aircraft got ambushed by flying demons which took down the aircraft by entering the cockpit through the glass and killing the pilots. The aircraft crashes in a big explosion. "HQ THIS IS CARSON, OUT AIR SUPPORT IS DOWN, I REPEAT OUR AIR SUPPORT IS DOWN" Carson shouted. "Copy that Carson, Evac heli will arrive in T-minus 5 minutes, over" HQ informed the team. Victor stands on top of the wall, and start shooting at the demons climbing the building, Shawn does the same but on the opposite side. Carson holds the door where they entered. After a some time, the Chinook finally arrived, and turns it's rear end towards the team, opening the ramp.

Carson quickly jumps in and Shawn right after. Kane and Victor begins to rush towards the Chinook that was beginning to get higher. Kane barely jumps in, but when Victor jumped, he began to fell but was caught by non other than Kane. But he seems to have other intentions, "Well well well, look who I'm holding, my bitch. I'm sorry but there's no place left in the heli, bye dipshit" Kane drops Victor onto the horde of demons. "KANE WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Carson shouts, "Maybe a little bit" answers Kane, pulling out the syringe he found and injecting himself. Yaeger, in shock shoots Kane in the head, his body drops down the Chinook.

"HQ this is Carson, Victor and Kane are dead over" Carson says with grieve. "Copy that Carson, return to base over" HQ replies, "Roger that, HQ, over an-" Carson replies but gets interrupted by an earthquake. The Chinook flies high as the ground was covered in dark smoke, as the Chinook begins to lift itself high, a gigantic demon emerges from the smoke. The giant demon grabs the Chinook in it's palms and crushes it causing it to explode and kill Carson and Yaeger.

Meanwhile, Victor runs on top of the horde of demons still wearing his armour and gets to a wide open area. Knowing he's not going to make it out alive, he loads his LMG and begins to dump every ammo he has left into the horde of demons, using every grenade and explosive he's got, he fought the horde of demons without a sense of regret or fear left in his face. Surprisingly he was reducing the number of demons very quickly, he might actually make it out alive. But the relief was short lived as he gets punched by the giant demon, Victor flies across the compound into a house. The giant demon laughs loudly. It's voice sounding very familiar to that of Kane's.

Victor emerges out from the house, shooting at giant demon, "How about you fight someone you own size" Screams Victor. "DIE!" Screams the giant demon as he smashes Victor with his fist, Victor lies on the ground still alive but barely. "DIE!" Again screams the demon lifting it's fist up and ready to kill Victor.

Just then a loud Bang was heard followed by a deep silence. Victor opens his eyes and sees that the entire horde of demons lie dead on the ground, Kane's demon body cut in half from top to bottom as it falls on the ground.

And in between all that, stands a tall man with long hair, wearing a skull like mask, two gauntlets gloves which seemed to be made out of steel, dark body covered in black smoke and blood and wielding two bloody short scythes.

Victor says in confusion, "Who are you?," The man doesn't answer but reaches his hand towards Victor's head.

Verse 1 -END-


Hi, I'm new to this website/app and I originally wanted to split the Chapters into 'verses' so it'll feel more like how 'episodes' are in 'Seasons', I don't know if that's understandable but since i can't do that (like I've done in my notebook) I will have to use this. (just some information, not too important)

Also, make sure the tell me any grammar mistakes or misspellings i might have had.

Also also, Critisms are always open but don't be too harsh plz I know i ain't perfect.

Thank you for reading anyways and have a wonderful day.

ChickenFriedRicecreators' thoughts