
chapter mr.eyepatch

"Now what shall I call my bloodline creature. Dark Hydra nah to obvious, um nightmare Hydra nah.l, oeh tyrent Hydra that sounds nice yes lets go with that" I thought. From now on you will be called Tyrent Hydra.

" I accept this name" was now written on the message.

Then I was back at the classroom I thought everything what happened early to me was a dream, but then I saw my smooth white skin and the tattoo on my chest. I looked around in the class and all my classmates were still sleeping.

The professor was awake he was doing his work on his desk, I walked to him.

" Heh heh you are awake mister love how was the bloodline realm heh heh" The fat professor said.

" Is that what it was The bloodline realm? Well it felt weird it was like I was dreaming" I said.

" Everyone thinks it is weird when they enter their bloodline realm for the first time you will get used to it later" mr. fat professor said. Then Catharina eyes went open and golden light was radiating from her.

" Pretty" I said while looking at her.

" That also happened with you but you gave out dark purple reddish light out" The fat professor said.

" Interesting" I said.

Then catharina looked at me when our eyes met something strange happened. We saw each others bloodline creature. They screamed at each other. Catharina's bloodline creature was a golden fox with nine tails It was beautiful. My chest mark lit up I also saw a mark lit up on catharina. The mark was between her chest parts but then on the upper parts( just like esdeaths ice mark from akame ga kill).

The mark looked like a golden fox eye it was gorgeous. Our head starting hurting because of all that screaming from our bloodline beasts.

" AAAAAH!!!"

" Aaaah!!!!"

we screamed. Then the pain slowly started to fade after a while everything went back to normal.

" What was that!" I said.

" Heh heh a greeting between bloodline beasts this doesn't happen everytime infact it is super rare! heh heh" The fat professor said.

" A greeting?" Catharina mumbled.

Then after a while students started to wake up. When everyone was awake The fat professor said" Heh heh now that everyone knows what kind of bloodline beasts they have, I will tell you something about the laws of your bloodline. A bloodline beast have their own law as you probably know by now , but you don't know how many laws a bloodline beast can have.

Well the more laws a bloodline beasts has the higher their ranks are. The maximum number of laws that we have recorded was nine Heh heh".

I was shocked because clearly my bloodline beasts had ten heads and each head possessed a law!. I asked the professor" what if a bloodline beasts has ten laws?".

The fat professor said" Heh heh impossible we never saw something like that although in ancient times there was a story about a boy with ten laws, it was called the cursed child of the heavens. It was about a child that was abandoned by the heavens and the world where he lived on tried to destroy him this is all I know about this story heh heh".

My face went pale and I just smiled wryly ,when I heard his answer.

" Sir what was this bloodline beast greeting you were saying earlier" Catharina asked.

" Bloodline beasts greeting is a rare thing it is when two bloodline beasts of the same rank or nearly of the same rank greet each other they are literally saying that the person who has their bloodline is their host" The fat professor said with a complicated look.

I had herbology class after Innate class....

" Okay students I am professor Bernard and we are going to study herbology in this class. You guys might find plants boring, but I assure you will need this later if you want to become proper wizards and for the alchemy students here this will be very important for pill making in the future!" A scary looking professor with black hair and a grumphy voice said.

He also had an eyepatch on his right eye.

In herbology I was with Malcolm,Northen and Romeo in this class. I sat next to Romeo as usual. The professor was calling our names one by one in the class. When he called our names he said" Ah four arrogant pegasus boys you guys will be sitting infront of me.

When we sat down we heard students from Nine tails foxes and peryton laughing at us. I gave a death glare at them they all went silent. The professor obviously saw that and said to us" You guys will listen to everything I say in this class. I know your type they are arrogant , stubborn and selfish ,but I assure you the more you act that way the more you will suffer and especially you mr. demonic prince of pegasus and also you mr.hero. Don't hold your head high up because you got a bit of a reputation going on right now" Mr. eyepatch said.

The peryton and Nine tails foxes enjoyed watching us get scolded. I had a mean look on my face and said " Professor how do you know what we are like!".

" Because I know alright and don't question me ever again!" mr.eyepatch said with a dark expression.

" Well lets start with the lesson by answering some questions shall we" mr.Eyepatch said and he looked at Northen.

" Aah mr.hero do you know how long it takes to grow lavender plant".

" N-no sir I don't" Northen said with a nervous face.

" Dissapointing, how about this do you know where you can grow ginseng?.


Do you know the affect of blue Wood?.


Do you know how many years it take for magical Trees and plants to gain intelligence?.


I am truly dissapointed at you ,clearly your title as hero is not based on knowledge" mr.Eyepatch said with an evil grin.

I heard the peryton and Nine tails foxes students laughing at Northen.

" Some students clearly don't realise that herbology is not the only class around and oeh my body is getting a bit rusty I think I can use some kind of exercise" I said with an evil smile while looking at the other students.

Their faces turned extremely pale.

" Mister love get out you are clearly threatening the other students!" Mr. eyepatch said with an angry face.

" I don't know what you mean professor" I said and stood up walking to the door and then I stopped and said"

It takes 50 years to grow lavender.

Ginseng van be found in the mountains zone in China.

The property of blue wood is ,that it is ice cold but it is suprisingly great building material.

For most plants and trees it takes about 800 years to gain intelligence of course there are some exceptions" I said and then I walked out of the classroom.

Everyone was stunned...