
chapter hydra

" Aura is so amazing!" I said with shining eyes. Miss Lydia saw that and she smiled.

Then miss Lydia said" One last thing I want say in this lesson about aura is ,you can apply your aura everywhere not only in spells for example you can apply it on a spear" miss Lydia said while she summoned a spear out of nowhere.

The spear glowed green and miss Lydia trusted it one time with that spear. Then a green tornado appeared it went forward and it blasted the door open of the classroom.

The next day...

I had enchantment class it was taught by the professor of peryton he had a smug face as usual. We learned about how many different enchantments there are you have for instance elemental enchantments,basic enchantments ( clean,grease,hard and light things like that), fighting enchantments and nature enchantments ( there are tons more).

Mortar tried the clean enchantment on his shirt but it turned into tentacles and tons of tentacles grabbed him. The professor of peryton was angry at him.

Then I had unique magic class that was taught by a handsome male elf he had light green hair , blue eyes and long pointy ears.

" Hi everyone my name is professor Azariah and I will be teaching you unique magic!" he said.

The girls in the class were eyeing him up I guess this is the charm of a grown handsome man. The professor explained in the class what unique magic is. Unique magic is a special type of magic that not everyone can learn the magic can take on the strangest form. It can take the form of a gate or a orb for instance.

Next up Innate magic class....

Catharina and Mafidius were also in this class. My friends were in the other Innate class.

The fat professor of cerberus was teaching this class

" Heh heh students welcome to innate magic class here you will learn about your bloodline and how to control it. You will also learn how to cast innate spells and how to store them heh heh!" The fat professor said.

Innate spells are spells that you can store in your body. It is a complicated process one accident can cost your life. You can influence your blood and brains with innate spells and because It is so dangerous to use innate spells, so not many peope use it. Most of the innate mages have a bloodline because mages with bloodline have a more stronger body then regular mages, so it is a lot safer for them.

" Heh heh everyone I'm going to give all of you some powder. This powder will help you discover the law of your bloodline so it is very important!.You need to pour some water on the powder and then drink it heh heh" The fat man said.

Laws are basically the apex rules of everything and it is your key to reach godhood. Laws can come in many variants for instance you have the law of fire,water,wands and swords. It is very complicated stuff some people call it dao orthers the way but wizards and witches just call it laws.

Okay so I got a cup filled with that powder and I poured some water in it. The water was looking all rainbowy. I thought " Dafuq is this some kind of weird cocaïne stuff?". I looked at my classmates but nobody was drinking it they al had pale faces.

Well the hell with it can not be so bad right and I drank it. I was feeling al weird I could feel my blood boiling and before I knew it everything was white and there was a massive creature in front of me with ten heads It had five sets of dragon Wings behind him it looked like a dark Hydra. All I was thinking that" I was tripping real hard right now".

After I looked at the dark Hydra with more care I saw that one of his heads eyes had lit up. The eyes were red the rest of the heads were soulless. I walked to the head with red eyes and touched it a message had appeared It said "law of blood is starting to form".

My blood started to change it was boiling hot right now ,my body got more red it was so red infact that it looked like some kind of flame that was made of blood. I could adsorb more mana now and my bloodcells were now more wider and red than ever with this body!.

After some time my skin started to turn normal again and then a message again appeared and said" host can now practice the law of blood".

"Awesome" I thought but then I noticed something my skin got smoother , softher and whiter so white like a newborn baby with no impurities at all. My muscle also got more refined they were in perfect shape.

What I also noticed on the chest side where my heart was that there was a mark. The mark had a red yellow sun on the left, on the right side a Shining blue moon and in the middle between them was a purple star that was connected to the sun and moon.

" What the hell is this!" I thought.

" Since host has unlocked the first stage of his bloodline he received two bloodline abilities. First one is bloodline scales and the second one is that host can hide his presence this is also called dark presence" The message said.

There was also a change on the creature ,now the red eyes hydra head had now three eyes and two evil looking horns. The Hydra also had my chest mark on his belly.

A new message had appeared.

" Host has unlocked 1 of the 3 Supreme creature : unity star law there are now Nine laws left while two of them are from Supreme creature: Unity star law.,

3 of them are from Supreme god: morning sun law,

3 of them are from Supreme devil: night moon law

and the last on is from Supreme being: firmament law".

So there were basically nine laws left that I haven't lit up yet. There was also a no head zone It said principal head zone.

" What is this" I thought.

" Here will be heads growing that you personally will learn and that you didn't get from your bloodline".

" These messages are really handy they always responds to me" I thought.

" Yes I have to respond because you are too stupid to figure out what is going on!" the message said.

My face went blank.