
chapter broken heart

I shut down the door of the herbology class and went to the main chambre to a table.

I thought " A bastard professor and bastards students that makes it a f**cking bastard class. They think that they are so smart I am going make their lives a living hell, oh just you wait Mr.eyepatch".

Then I saw a female older student of pegasus running away in tears. That female student was Nina she looked really sad. I waved at Nina and said" Big sis Nina what is wrong?

Nina looked at me stunned and she tried to wipe her tears quickly away and said" Dante what are you doing here!".

" I got kicked out of class for threatening my fellow classmates well that is how mr.cyclops sees it". I said with a grudge.

" Mr.cyclops? oh you mean professor Bernard yeah he is really mean to people from our dorm. Rumor says that he was rejected by miss Lydia" Nina said with an amused face.

" Really but it isn't that surprising if I were in miss lydia's position I would reject that douchebag as well. This is truly interesting!" I said with an evil smile.

" You are quite interesting yourself. you are a first year who got send out in his the first three days at school. That has not happened in ages" Nina said.

" Well I am an exeption in many things. If you don't mind me asking big sis Nina why were you in tears?" I said with a concerned face.

" It is complicated little bro Dante the world of adults I mean. You see I like a guy in our dorm his name is Scott Roads he is also in the sixth year. I always had feelings for him since the first year, but he never noticed me. Then he started to talking to me at the fifth year and I began to have hope, but I recently figured out that he talks to me because I am friends with Jenny, so he likes Jenny and not me!" Nina said with a sad face.

" To be honest Nina Scott sounds like a huge douchebag to me! I mean he didn't notice your feelings at all for five years the guy is not worthy for you and if you problably told your feelings to him he will brush it off like it is nothing. Screw that guy big sis Nina you can do much better!" I said with a charming smile.

" Thank you Dante I feel much better now" Nina said with a dazzling smile.

" I know what I can do to cheer you up even more ,how about I cook for you. Ladies seemed to enjoy my cooking a lot!" I said with confidence.

Nina was stunned for a second and then said" Okay deal seems like fun".

" Awesome lets go to my room nobody is there anyway at this hour so you don't have to worry if somebody sees you" I said.

I went with Nina to my room and said" Taaadaaa welcome to my room big sis Nina".

" Woooow this room looks so different when I was a first year you even got your own kitchen area and a big sofa" Nina said.

" Yeah my roommates and I might have changed the room a little bit" I said with a silly smile.

" Wait that is against the rules little bro Dante!?" Nina said.

" Don't worry nobody will notice and I'm cute I will get by" I said with a serious face.

" I hope you are right" Nina said with concern.

" I will turn everything back to normal at the end of the year big sis Nina it is going to be all fine" I said with confidence.

" Alright then I will pray for you. Now what are you going to cook?" Nina said.

" It is going to be a suprise you just need to sit on the big white sofa" I said to Nina. Then I whistled and said" Whitney come here!". A cute white tiger cub jumped at me and started to lick me.

" Easy girl this is my big sis Nina and she is a girl I want you to play with her alright" I said and Whitney nodded with her head.

I went to Nina and gave Whitney to her and said" Will you watch over her this is Whitney my pet ".

" Wow she is extremely cute!" Big sis Nina said and patted her. I smiled while I was watching her and then I walked to the kitchen. " Now now what should I Cook oh I know!" I thought.

A few minutes later...

In the kitchen you saw knifes and cooking gear floating everywhere. " This will make things a lot quicker" I thought.

20 minutes later....

It should be done now and I opened up the oven. Then it finally appeared I went to big sis Nina and said" Taaaaddaaaaa I have baked you a blueberry pie quickly try it!".

Nina took a piece of pie and said" It looks amazing and it smells fantastic" Then she took a bite and Nina wasn't anymore in school she was now in the blueberry world swimming in the blueberry lake, while she enjoyed the taste of the pie.

" So delicious!" Nina said while she wiped a tear in the corner of her eye with joy.

" Glad you liked it" I said with a fantastic smile.

Whitney was also staring at the food because she was hungry.

" Tatatata miss Whitney that food is not for you I got something else for you!" I said and took my own pet snack that I had created. Whitney jumped with joy to me while I poured her a bucket full of snacks. She had a satisfied look when she ate my pet snacks.

" Knock knock!" sounds came from the door.

"I am coming" I said then I walked to the door while wearing my cooking attire and I opened the door. I was stunned when I saw the people standing infront of the door. They were also stunned when they saw me in my cooking attire.

The people who were infront of me were Jenny,Louise, a boy with black hair and a boy with blond hair.