
chapter making up

There were four people standing before me I knew two of them they were Jenny and Louise.

" Jenny ,Louise what are you guys doing here?" I said confused.

" We heard that Nina was here" Jenny said while Louise nodded.

" Yes yes we were concerned about Nina thank you for taking care of her little girl" the black haired guy said.

" Hey I am not a girl I am a boy!" I said with a flustered face.

" What!?" the black haired dude said with a shocked face.

" Allow me to introduce them to you Dante this idiot with the black hair is Jordan he is my brother and the Idiot with the blond hair is Scott" Jenny said.

" Hi I am Dante and I am a guy not a girl" I said to Jordan then I turned to Scott and said" So you're the douchebag that made big sis Nina cry do you not have any shame for coming here at all ?" I said with a mean face.

Scott looked nervous and thought" Hold on a boy is scolding me but why does it feel like that a girl is scolding me I am confused!".

" Well do you have anything to say before I will strangle you to death!" I said with fury.

" No wait I came to apologize to Nina" Scott said with a scared face.

Jordan thought " No wonder this kid got kicked out of the class he is a savage".

" Now now lets not get violent we will punish Scott later and I heard you got kicked out of class for threatening fellow classmates ,as you big sis I need to punish you!" Jenny said with an evil smile."

" Wait you don't understand the situation big sis Jenny". Before I could explain myself big sis Louise said" Enough you guys can talk about that later now let us see Nina".

" Uh okay before I let you guys see her I have to inform her because maybe she doesn't want to see you guys right now" I said with a serious face.

" We understand so go quickly to her" Jenny said then I nodded and went to Nina.

"Hey you are back who was that at the door" Nina said with an innocent face.

" It was Louise,Jenny, Jordan and that douchebag Scott. They want to see you if you don't want to see them I can let them leave" I said with concern. Nina shuddered when she heard Scott's name but then she said" Let them in I want to hear what they have to say to me" Nina said with hesitation.

" Alright if you ever want to talk to someone I will always be there for you" I said with a charming smile.

" Thank you Dante you are so kind it is not like the rumors at all mr.demonic Prince of pegasus" Nina said with a teasing and happy expression.

" Hey I am mean to my enemies but for my loved ones I will do anything" I said with determination. Nina had a dazzling smile on her.

" I will now get them for you" I said and then I went to the door. I saw them looking nervous at me when I was at the door.

" You guys can come in but I am warning you don't hurt her even more. I am looking at you mr.douchebag if you do that I will hang you in the main chambre while you are naked and everyone will be watching you!'' I said with one mean look.

" Calm down Dante no wonder you got kicked out of class lets just go to Nina" Jenny said and she grabbed my shoulders and pushed me forward. Scott was pale and he looked dazed while the others were stunned.

I went with them to big sis Nina she was sitting on the sofa looking at us with an awkward gaze. I coughed and sat next to her and whistled for whitney. Then a white cute tiger cub jumped in my arms. The atmosphere lighten up a bit after that.

" S-so why are you guys here?" Nina said.

"Well I came to say sorry to you ,so I am sorry if I hurt you in anyway" Scott said.

" I think it is wrong for me to run away like that but you don't have to worry anymore Scott, because somebody told me that I can do a lot better" Nina said and she winked at me.

The four teenagers were stunned when they heard Nina's answer.

" Are you serious!" Louise said.

" Yeah I am I finally can move on it is like a big burden has been removed on me" Nina said.

" Well it is great that you managed to move on" Louise said with relief.

" Yeah it is all thanks to this cutie pie his blueberry pie was so amazing" Nina said and she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

" I realised that a ten year old got more game than me" Jordan thought with a depressed face.

" Wait Dante made blueberry pie can I have a taste I missed Dante's cooking so much!" Jenny said with glittering eyes.

" Yeah it is on the table" Nina pointed her finger at the pie.

" Everyone can have a piece except you mr.douchebag since you made Nina cry this will be one of your punishments" I said to Scott.

Then everyone took a piece of my blueberry pie and they all got to blueberry pie land. I saw their satisfied faces and I couldn't help to smile ,because when you see people eat your food and they enjoy it, would you not be happy as well?.

" It is so delicious!" Jenny said with joy.

" Amazing" Louise said.

" I am in heaven right now I tell ya" Jordan said.

When Scott heard all those compliments of my dish he was sulking. Scott then looked at his watch and said" guys the big break is coming are friends will be waiting". He then turned to me and said" The first years classes are also going to start after the big break you should prepare as well".

" Yeah yeah mr.douchebag way to ruin the fun" I said with a grumpy voice.

" I hate to admit it but Scott is right we should head to the main chambre people will be waiting for us( sixth years who wants to know what happened with Nina)" Louisa said.