
chapter chasing

flash back

louise pov

"Hey Nina do you think that Jenny is interested in me" the blond boy said this was Scott.

" I don't care" Nina said with an angry look.

" Hey come on Nina we are friends please tell me you are one of Jenny's best Friends you have to know" Scott insisted.

" We are friends" Nina said with a face that was about to burst in tears.

" Yeah friends infact you are so close to me that you are like a sister to me!" Scott said.

" I'm sorry Scott I just can't do this anymore" Nina ran away while bursting into tears.

I was watching this event happen infront of me I signed and went to Scott.

I said with fury " Are you happy now Scott look what you have done, as your childhood friend I tried to look over things but now the situation is getting out of hand".

" What do you mean I don't know what is even happening right now!" Scott said.

" Are you really that dumb a girl's heart is very fragile and you certainly broke one today" I said.

" Huh a girls heart?" Scott said with a puzzled face.

I was so angry and said" YOU BAFFOON!" and then I punched Scott on his face.

"Ouch why did you do that!" Scott said he felt wronged.

" Listen up you are going to apologize to Nina or I am going to kill you understand?" I said with an evil smile.

Scott nodded and said" Okay okay I am going to apologize no need to get violent".

Then two other figures came to them it was Jenny and a black haired boy.

" Hey we heard that Nina was running away and that she was crying do you guys know anything" The black haired boy said.

" Yes Jordan it is Scotts fault because he is a prick!" I said.

" Scott what have you done to one of my best friends!" Jenny said with a mean face.

" I swear to god I don't know what I did wrong!" Scott said with a scared face.

" Enough bickering standing here fighting with each other will not fix Nina's sadness lets go find her first" Jordan said.

" My brother is right we need to find Nina" Jenny said. Everyone nodded and Jordan said to Jenny" Sister do you have a clue where she could be?".

" No but the best place right now is the main chambre maybe a few people spotted her!' Jenny said.

" Alright lets go to the main chambre" I said.

In the main chambre....

" She isn't here" Scott said.

I looked around and saw a classmate of mine sitting on a table I went to her and said" Hey Joanna can I ask you something ?".

" Het louise what do you want to ask?" Joanna said.

" Well have you seen Nina walking around here?" I said.

" Uh yes actually she was crying then a little boy called out to her. The boy looked like a first year. He even invited her to his room and she went wit him" Joanna said.

" Do you know how the boy looked like" I said.

" Um yeah the boy had an extremely handsome face but he had some baby fat ,so he looks adorable. He also had silky black hair if it wasn't for his clothes I would think he was a gorgeous little girl" She said.

" That must be Dante he is a first year but that is strange he should be in class right now" I said.

" Oh about that I heard them talking he said 'that he was kicked out of Bernard's class because he threatened fellow classmates'" She said.

" That sounds like something Dante would do see you later joanna" I said while waving my hand.

" Yeah see you later" Joanna said.

I went to my Friends and said" Hey I know where Nina is hiding".

" Where is she quickly tell me!" Jenny said with excitement.

Everyone was looking at me for an explaination.

I coughed and said" You will never believe this but she is at little bro Dante's place". Jenny had a stunned expression while the others had a puzzled look.

I then explained the situation what had happened.

" What a concidence but I thought all the first years are supposed to have class right now?" Jordan said.

" Well Dante got kicked out of bernard's class for threatening fellow classmates pretty amazing huh?" I said with a weird smile.

" Dante is such a naughty little boy that is why I love him" Jenny said with a silly smile.

" So let me get this straight an eleven year old invited Nina to his room to hang out and that kid also got kicked out of the class in his first three days of school" Jordan said amazed.

" Yeah pretty much" I said.

" This kid is f***ing amazing man I am telling you! if he ever wants to be the students council president he got my vote I tell ya" Jordan said with his shining crimson eyes.

" Well what are we waiting lets go to Nina fast" Scott said with some guilt.

When we were walking to Dante's room we talked about a lot of things that Dante did.

" Did you guys know that Dante invited Jenny to his room once?" I said with an amused face.

" No what happened!?" Scott was nervous he was thinking" could it be that Jenny loves younger men!".

" Well Jenny accepted it and he cooked for her. She found it so delicious that she ate everything he made for her. The most surprising thing was she felt so full that she went sleeping on his sofa. Jenny who threat men like air slept on a boys sofa with her guard down and after that Dante put on a blanket on her, so she could sleep in peace" I said.

Jenny face flushed a bit red and said" Dante is like a little brother to me!".

" I don't know sis you are sixteen years old and you slept in a room of an eleven year old. If the cops were called they wouldn't pick up him but you!" Jordan said a teasing face while Jenny just pouted.

" Hey look we are here!" I said and I knocked on the door.

We all heard someone saying" I am coming".

When the door went open we were suprised because we saw a princess in a cooking attire.