
chapter monster class

In the main chambre....

" Dante I heard you got into trouble in herbology class!" Lilith said.

" Unbelievable for one second I lose my eyes on you and you do this. He is a teacher you know ,now that you have done this he will be mean to you for the rest of the year" Rose said with an angry face.

" Don't worry Rose I will hold on and he is the one that will regret it ,that he made me an enemy I got a plan!" I said with an evil smile.

" I knew it you will do something stupid again. Just please promise me you will not get into trouble and if you do get into trouble I will punish you so so hard!" Rose said while I nodded to her.

I thought" unbelievable our shy little Rose turned into such a scary lady". I guess mother has been a bad influence on her".

Then we heard a fast noise a lot of rabbits with wings came to our direction they all had mail for the students.

There was one rabbit I noticed he was black and violet lightning came out of him it was blackie!.

Blackie had brought me a newspaper.

I said" Thank you blackie here have a snack" and I gave blackie a snack.

I took the newspaper I saw one article that caught my eye.

It was about an ancient jar that was destroyed in the goldenpot this was a bank that stores all kinds of stuff.

It was in the underground zone of the goldenpot bank. I touched the article then I appeared in a black white world where I saw the broken jar and a lot of rock golems around they were looking for the culprit. A voice appeared in my head it said " Breaking news An ancient wizard jar was destroyed, the strange thing is we don't know how it happened. The jar was extremely well protected and the culprit could not been found. The rock golems are panicking they don't know what to do anymore. They are suspecting each other".

Then I returned to the real world.

"Man space and time wizards are amazing not even a second went by in the real world. This picture dimensions are truly wonderful" I thought.

" Have you checked what happened in goldenpot bank!" Romeo said.

" Yeah that old lapricon must have been scared silly ,since somebody can touch his bank treasures without him even noticing" I said.

The goldenpot bank is ruled by lapricons they keep all the gold and treasures in check. They are greedy beings nobody really likes them but they do a good job guarding people's stuff ,until now that is. The old lapricon is the boss of the goldenpot bank and he sees everything in the world as his treasure.

" I think it is quite scary. why did the culprit destroy the jar? Is there some kind of scary ghost sealed in that jar" Rose said with a scared face.

" You are thinking too much he probably Fell down and destroyed the jar on accident" Romeo said.

" Enough of this nonsense class is about to start" Lilith said.

" Oh boy I am so excited" I said with a soulless face.

" You should just stay out of trouble" Lilith said with concern.

" Yeah yeah now lets go Rose we have 'next level Monster class'" I said with a straight face.

Infront of the door of monster class...

" Do you think that monster class will be a fun class?" Rose asked .

" The class where I am most interested in is monster class. I never told anybody this Rose not even my parents ,but I like to do something with magical creatures and plants in the future. I chose alchemy to help me with this you know making pills for beasts as such ,and while I am at it I thought why not make alchemist products for humanity as well" I said with excitement.

" Really you want to be an all out alchemist or some people call it all out doctor! That is like super duper rare there are only about three of them in the world!" Rose said.

" Yeah that is why I was so mad in herbology class this class supposed to help me with my dream, but I got one bastard of a teacher!" I said with a sad face.

" Don't worry about it I belief in you that you can be an all out doctor even without a herbology teacher" Rose said.

She was trying to cheer me up.

" Thank you Rose" I said with a devilish handsome smile.

We walked in the class and there were two other female students and I knew them. They were Catharina and Noelle.

" Hey fancy meeting you girls here!" I said.

" Hmmp!" Catharina snorted.

" Ya Dante I see that you are also in next level creature class" Noelle said while she was again walking with her naked feet.

" Yeah I need this class for my dream job and I am suprised that you know Catharina you are even sitting next to her!" I said with a shocked face.

" Hey I can hear you!" Catharina said while she looked angry at me I just smiled wryly.

" Yah I know Catharina since my childhood, so she is my childhood friend and she isn't bad people just find her difficult to understand. She reminds me of you actually you are also difficult to understand that is why I like you" Noelle said with a straight face.

" Wait you're saying that I am similar to this pervert!" Catharina said with a disatisfied look.

I wanted to say something but I got interrupted by Rose.

She said" Dante is not a pervert he is more innocent than you think. He hasn't even kissed somebody from the opposite gender except for his mother ,but everyone does that. So why are you claiming that he is a pervert?" Rose said with a proud face.

" But all the things that he said to me was was was INDECENT!" Catharina said.

" I get you lady some things he says may sound wrong but he doesn't mean 'that'. Also he likes to compliment a lady a lot because that is what his dad taught him. He is just a gentlemen who doesn't understand humans that well" Rose explained.

" If he is such a gentlemen why is he called the demonic prince of pegasus explain that" Catharina said with disatisfaction.

" He is a gentlemen to girls and to enemies he will not show any mercy is there something wrong with that!" Rose said.

" Aaaah I see everyone is here" a voice said...