
chapter aura class!

" Wait Noelle miss Mika is your mom!" I said suprised.

" ya she is and we look pretty similar as well" Noelle said while she touched her pink hair.

I looked at them and said" Yeah you are right ,but I think the pink hair give it away tho. Do you also have other siblings with pink hair" I asked with interest.

" Yah I have one little sister who is a year younger than me, but she doesn't have pink hair she looks more like my dad" Noelle said.

" Interesting" I said.

" Okay everyone we are going to start with the lesson!" miss mika said. Everyone went quit they were all listening to miss mika.

" You guys probably know a ton about poition, so we are not going to discuss that today. What I am going to teach you guys is Pill making. Pill making is hard because you need to learn how to control fire elemental magic. Fire in general have more grades for example Rank 1 to rank 10. pills are the same the last rank of a pill is called the mythical godpill rank. To achieve godpill rank quickly you can mix different types of fire together to get a high rank flame ,but this is extremely dangerous and what kind of types of fire you will comprehend depends on the person.

In alchemy we will mainly focus on studying flames if you have low affinity with fire I suggest you better quit and If you also have wood affinity you will find this class a lot more easier than others.

I signed in relief I both got 5 star affinity in both elements.

Well next up is aura class....

The teacher for aura class was miss Lydia.

Romeo, Rose,Northen,Lilith and I were in aura class and Catharina , Mafidius and his lackeys were also in aura class.

" Okay everyone go into pairs please" miss Lydia said. The problem was we were with five people so somebody could not pair up. Well I was being mature and said "I will find somebody so you guys can pair up". They all agreed with some hesitation, but when I watched my surroundings there was nobody left , so I was sitting on the front alone and said to miss Lydia" I don't have anybody to pair up with".

" Strange everyone should have a partner in this class weird?" miss Lydia said.

Then I heard somebody running to the door.

" heh heh sorry I am late teacher I got lost" a girl said she wasn't wearing any shoes, so she was walking with her naked feet. She also had pink hair yes this girl was Noelle.

" Since it is your first day you will be forgiven now sit down please" miss Lydia said.

I waved at Noelle and said" Hey Noelle over here!".

She waved back at me and she came to me and said" Hey Dante I didn't know that you also did aura class because it is very rare for students to do aura and alchemy class".

" Well I guess I am unique and so are you" I said with a smile.

" Ya many people think I am unique some even call me weird" Noelle said with a straight face.

" Oh don't listen to them I think your unique personality is quite charming" I said.

" Thanks" she said with a beautiful smile.

" Hey who is that girl that he is talking to!?" Rose said.

" I don't know I never met her" Lilith said.

" don't know" Romeo said.

" I also don't know" Northen said.

" You guys don't know who that pink girl is. She is the butterfly princess of fairies she is a star!" a girl behind Rose said.

" Yeah I can't believe that three of the nobles are here" a girl next to her said.

" butterfly princess and nobles?" Lilith said with a confused look.

" Yes there are in total five nobles and they all are called a prince or princess. Right now there are three of them. the First one is from our dorm Dante love the genius poition master and he is called the demonic prince of pegasus. The second one is Catharina Nova she is called the holy princess of Nine tails foxes and third one is Noelle Northwater, daughter of professor mika and she is called the butterfly princess of fairies as you know. Every noble is the top student of their dorm. Second to eight years also have their own nobles" The girl behind Rose explained.

" Why did I never heard of this before!" Lilith said.

" It is because the noble of pegasus was hard to decide the reason for that was the abilities of the first years of pegasus were unknown. Until we saw Dante fighting against mafidius and fighting against Catharina in the floatball match , so there was no prince in pegasus until now!" the girl explained.

" That explains everything" Rose said.

"Okay everyone quite we are going to start now" miss Lydia said with a strict voice.

" First of all I am going to explain what aura is. Aura is a special life force that protects you and it can strengtening you when it gets stronger. Aura is very useful in battle It can help you track enemies and sense them it can even give you a battle sense.

Everyones aura is unique by unique I mean every aura has there own character for example mine is tornado" Miss Lydia explained and her body started to have a greenish glow. Everything in the room started to go flying it was like a bloody storm in here.

" Now that you have seen my aura you can guess how powerful it is and the most talented wizards or witches can combine their aura with their spells.

If that happens you can create your own unique spells. your spells then have the charecter of your aura in them!" Miss Lydia explained further.

I was amazed my eyes were shining very bright. I wanted to learn more about aura!

" This year you will try to find your own unique aura!" Miss Lydia said.