
chapter 29 troublemakers

Professor Kira walked in and behind her was Miss Lydia. They came to us and were stunned when they saw Mafidius in a clown outfit.

" Can somebody please tell what is going on here!" Kira said.

" Nothing professor Mafidius just wanted to let us see how good he looks in a clown outfit" I said with a dazzling smile on my face.

Everyone who saw our fight thought " How shameless".

Miss Kira looked dumbfounded at me and turned to Mafidius and Catharina's direction and said " Is this all true".

" I-I-I" Mafidius stumbled with his words he looked at his sister.

She signaled him to nod.

Mafidius then said with an emberassed face" Yes it is all true".

Miss Kira looked angry obviously she doesn't believe us and she said" Do you guys think that you can fool a professor!".

" No but-" I said then I was interrupted.

" Silence you guys will go to the headmaster" Miss kira said to Catharina , Mafidius and me. We had no choice now ,so we went to the headmaster's office.

Miss Lydia signed with a complicated look and she went with Miss Kira also to the headmaster's office.

I opened up the door of the office and I saw the headmaster sitting on his chair , but there were also three people next to him. They were the head professors of the other three dorms.

The headmaster had a calm look while two other man next to him had a smug face on them. They were looking at Miss Kira and Miss Lydia.

The head professor Of the fairy dorm had a sweet smile on her face and waved to me. I waved back at her with a charming smile.

I also noticed a crystal ball on the desk of the headmaster and then I instantly got the situation that we are in.

Miss Kira and Miss lydia had a dark expression on their faces while looking at the two professors who had a smug look on their faces.

I looked at Catharina and Mafidius. Catharina was looking normal , but Mafidius was shaken he was scared.

" My children can you tell me what happened?" old man Grissmold said with a smile.

I signed and said " Mafidius and Malcolm got in a fight and Malcolm had lost that fight. I wanted to redeem the dignity of pegasus so I dueled Mafidius" I said with a honest look.

"Unbelievable you guys have broken the rules on your first day this is something I never heard of you guys need to get punished hard!" The old man with the big mustache from peryton said.

" Yes yes that is right" The fat man from Cerberus said.

Kira and Lydia looked at them with a death glare.

Kira then said firmly" They are students from our dorms we will decide to punish them or not!"

Miss Lydia nodded with her statement.

" Now now don't get in a fight you four are professors" Old man Grissmold said.

" I'm sorry head master" the old man with s mustache said.

" Don't worry about it professor Eggma" Old man Grissmold said with a smile.

" Yes yes I am also very sorry about this headmaster" The fat man said while he looked like a dog who follows the orders from the peryton professor.

" Don't also worry about it professor do- I mean professor Darnie" Old man Grissmold said with a face that tried to look normal.

" So what do you think is a good solution" Grissmold continued on while looking at us.

" I think this can be taken as a warning headmaster it is true that Mafidius started first, but I think I am also to blame" I said with a smile.

Mafidius looked stunned at me so did Catharina.

I thought " this is the only way to fix the relationship with professor Kira I attacked her student after all and with this solution she will forgive me and she maybe even be grateful to me". Professor Kira looked at me stunned and then she smiled and Miss Lydia also smiled.

" What do you think professor Bianca?" Grissmold looked at big sis fairy.

" Well sinds they are new students I do think we can get around this without giving them a punishment" big sis Bianca said with a sweet face.

" Sinds it is three against two I think it is decided that you guys won't get any punishment this time let this serve you as a warning" Grissmold said with a smile.

The two prefessors of cerberus and peryton had a dark look while miss Lydia and miss kyra had a look of victory.

" While you may say that old man ,but how can you punish such a child with a super cute face like this" big sis Bianca said to the old man while walking to me and touching my face.

The old man smiled wryly and then said" Sinds it is already decided, professor Kira and Professor Lydia why don't you guide your students back".

" alright" Kira and Lydia Both said at the same time.

While we walked in the hallway I asked miss Lydia " miss Lydia your relationships with the two other man from the other dorms doesn't seem good?"

Lydia looked at me said" Yes that is because there are factions formed in the school. Peryton and Cerberus are more bonded together than with the other dorms".

" Why are there factions in school?" Catharina asked who found this subject interesting.

Miss Kira interrupted and said" Because of the amount of talents our dorms provided. I mean Nine tails foxes and Pegasus has been creating the most talented wizards sinds the school started. The other two dorms got jealous and to catch up to us they are working together".

" Working together more like slavery the students of peryton treat the students of cerberus like their dogs!" miss Lydia said with disgust.

" What about the fairy dorm?" I asked with curiosity.

" The fairies are more neutral they don't care about all this factions stuff. You seem to care a lot about the fairies Dante?" miss Lydia said .

" The fairy dorm seems nice and Big sis fairy Bianca likes me very much( not in a sexuel way)" I said.

" I guess so" miss Lydia said.