
chapter 30 class

" I'm quite interested why you had covered for Mafidius back at the office?" miss Kira said with a puzzled look. Catharina and Mafidius also had a confused look. While miss Lydia was just looking at me.

" Well I just read the situation in the office and I just thought it was the best solution. Besides I think the circumstances Mafidius is in are hard enough. Have you ever thought how screwed you are Mafidius?" I said while looking at the idiot.

" What do you mean!?" Mafidius said with a scared face.

" You have offended all the pegasus students by calling them garbage. I reduced their resentment by dueling you , but some upperclassmen will still feel offended by you and will make trouble for you. I don't care what kind of grudge you have with Malcolm or Northen as long you don't go too far with it , but now you have involved the whole pegasus dorm that is why I couldn't sit around anymore" I explained.

Catharina, miss Kira and miss Lydia were stunned hearing my explaination while Mafidius was shaking.

Mafidius then said" Big sis what am I going to do now!" He looked at his big sis for help.

" Idiot!" Catharina replied she didn't know what to do with this situation.

" The answer is simple just do nothing Nine tails foxes extremist students will help you, of course trouble will still come to you everywhere you go!" I said.

We arrived at the main chambre again over a half hour class will be starting.

" Dante can I speak alone with you for one minute" miss Kira said.

" Sure!" I said while miss Lydia , Catharina and Mafidius left us.

" I'm curious why did you say that you don't care about the grudge between mafidius and Northen? I thought you Pegasus cared deeply about friendship stuff" miss Kira said.

" Miss Kira the reason I said that I didn't care about their grudge is because of dignity. Both Mafidius and Malcolms dignity were crushed and if you throw Northen in the mix that makes three. As a man I respect dignity the most, so I understand their situation and I will not stop them to redeem themself.

One more thing miss you said that we pegasus people care about friendship , but I am not a normal pegasus student my color was purple remember" I explained to miss Kira.

" You are a weird one indeed and I respect your viewpoint you can go now" miss Kira said with a serious face.

After this event I went to my Friends.

" What happened did you get in trouble?" Romeo said.

" No no everything is fine" I said with a dazzling smile on my face.

" You really are an Idiot we were extremely worried about you!" Lilith said with an angry face.

" I am sorry for making you guys worried" I said with a silly face.

Malcolm was looking with a sad face at me I nodded to him "that it is alright".

Northen felt also troubled he was thinking that it was his fault. Since Mafidius was probably after him.

" Guys don't worry about it class is going to start soon!" I said.

Everyone just signed

" Hey what kind of classes you guys have chosen" Romeo asked.

(Everyone has main classes these are the classes a wizard must follow then you also have side classes that you can choose!)

" I have

spell classes

special defense class

magic history

magical fighting arts

magic sports

alchemy class( this class you also learn poition brewing with pill making)

aura class

enchantment class

unique magic class

innate magic class


and next level creature class" I said with a smile.

" How can you possible have chosen so many classes I mean I have chosen the basics like spell class, special defense, magic history, magic sports, poition class( not advanced)and herbology. as side classes I have aura class and Innate class in total 8 classes you have 12!" Romeo said.

" Does it even fit on your schedule?" Rose asked.

" Yeah it does I have a full schedule for a first year , so this means some of my classes I will do with people from a different dorm. I got quite lucky none of them seems to be from Cerberus!"I said.

" With which dorm students are you going to have your side classes then?" Northen asked.

" Mostly Nine tails and the fairies" I answered.

" So you will be quite busy I only have 10 classes" Lilith said.

" I have just 7 and I thought that even 7 classes were too much" Malcolm said.

" I have also 10 classes" Rose said.

" I have 8 classes" Northen said.

" Are 12 classes really that much" I said.

everyone said" Yes!!!"

" Well there is nothing I can do now!" I said

" By the way What is next level creature class?" Rose said with a puzzled look.

" Yeah I thought we were going to have monster classes in the fourth year!" Lilith said.

" That is true but there are special people that can choose such classes early and i'm one of them" I said with a proud look.

" What makes you special" Romeo said.

" Simple I got affinity with spirit magic" I said.

" What you can use spirit magic that is super rare!" Malcolm said a shocking face.

" So you posses spirit magic , but why does that make you special except that it is rare magic" Lilith said.

" You can use spirit magic in two ways summoning or enslaving creatures in the world. If you use the second option so enslaving you need a vast amount of knowledge of that creature before you can enslave him. If you don't have the knowledge it can become dangerous" I explained.

" I see that is why you need to learn about monsters early on" Northen said.

Then a fat boy walked to us and said " Hey guys class is about to start you guys want to join me" This boy was Mortar.

Romeo had a look that said please leave me alone mortar.

" Mortar we already are in pairs as you know ,but you can walk with us to class" I said to Mortar with a polite voice.