
chapter 28 clown

Mafidius was holding a night crow that could blend in darkness. A night crow is perfect for sneak attacks.

" What do you want Mafidius?" Northen said with an annoyed look.

" Nothing I was just wondering what you idiotic Pegasus people were doing" Mafidius replied with a smug face while holding his nightcrow.

" That is none of your concern a bastard like you only like to brag with your money!" Malcolm said.

" Your just jealous Spark that I have a rich familie. An Inbred familie like yours will never understand, so I only feel pity towards you". Mafidius replied with a malicious smille.

I could see Malcolm getting angry. "I wanted to help but why did Mafidius started provoke us when I am here" I thought .

Then I looked behind Mafidius and I saw my answer. I saw Catharina staring at me she was at the opposite table where we are sitting. I just smiled at Catharina and I thought "interesting lets see how this play out. when it gets out of hand I will step in.

" Dante please do something" Rose said with a cute pleading face.

I smiled wryly and said" My princess the situation we are in right now in is not that simple , so I can't do anything but if it is getting out of hand I promise you I will do something!" I said with a charming smile.

" Mafidius do you dare accept my wizard duel!" Malcolm said with a extemely angry face.

" Malcolm don't do this I bet it was his plan that you will react like this" Northen said.

" Sorry Northen I can't he has offended my family a proper man can't back off now" Malcolm said with determination.

" It is my pleasure to duel you spark" When Mafidius said that he first looked at me.

He was watching me if i make a move or not . When he realised that I wasn't doing anything he looked back at Malcolm and took out his wand. Malcolm did the same thing as Mafidius.

They were at opposite at each other staring at each other eyes. It was silence in the main chambre everyone was silent ,there were no professors found oddly I had my doubts about this.

Then in a split second Malcolm and mafidius moved with their wands. " Little ica" Mafidius schreamed and little shards of ice flown to Malcolm.

" Little eartha" Malcolm said and little pointy rocks were flying at Mafidius.

The spells both countered each other. When they both saw that their spell didn't work they moved from their positions. They stared at each other, they both were preparing for a spell.

Then they moved again " Ica spear" Mafidius schreamed with a horse voice and an Ice spear appeared.

" Stona shield" Malcolm Schreamed and a stone shield that was covering his body appeared. The spells made contact with each other which made the room smoky and because of this Malcolm couldn't see.

Just when The smoke started to dissapear Malcolm saw Mafidius before him. Malcolm wanted to react but sadly it was too late.

" Pusha" Mafidius schreamed and Malcolms body went flying with a push Just when he nearly got hit on the wall I caught him in the air.

" See that everyone Pegasus is garbage!" Mafidius said.

Every Pegasus member looked at Mafidius with a death glare. Romeo wanted to step up but I signaled him not to.

" Garbage you say i'm a member of pegasus why don't you try me" I said with a charming smile. Mafidius heard that then he started to sweat and shake. everyone was looking at me stunned they didn't know what was going on.

" I-i like to but my mana is low" Mafidius said with scared look.

" Don't worry I got a mana poition for you in just 2 minutes you will be blooming with mana again" I said with a lot of joy.

" I can't take a mana poition from a Pegasus student" .

" TAKE IT YOU BRAT I'M A VERY KIND PERSON YOU SEE I DON'T MIND AT ALL THAT YOU TAKE MY MANA POITION!" I said with a grin. To Mafidius that grin was like the a devils grin.

"N-NO" Mafidius extremely scared. I walked to Mafidius with my mana poition I stood before him.

" what are going to do!" Mafidius said.

" You wrecked havoc at my table and now you are so scared. You filthy animal i'm going to crush you like a bug" ( this definitely came from mommy's side).

I grabbed Mafidius by his collar and I opened up the mana poition and put it in his mouth. He drank it in one swoop. "

Mafidius" cough cough"

"There you go boy was it that difficult" I said with an evil grin.

" P-please stop I-i was wrong" He said while he tried to look for his sister for help. Then Catharina came to us and said to me

" Is this not enough Dante".

" No it isn't enough your brother had broken the dignity of the Pegasus household this can only be fixed by a duel!" I shouted.

" Is this not unfair for my brother I mean we both know what you are capable off" Catharina said with a face that showed no emotions.

" Perhaps you are right I tell you what I won't use any offense spells in our duel".

She looked at Mafidius and thought " he is got to learn one way or another".

Catharina then said " very well".

" You heard her boy come on now and duel" I said.

" You are Insane how can you possible win with no offensive spells" Mafidius said.

" I know my ways boy now draw your wand your mana already recovered" I said with an annoyed face.

Then Mafidius shouted " Ica spear" a middled sized Ice spear came to my direction. I just stood there doing nothing. everyone was confused. The spear had hit me , but then my body changed in black smoke and I appeared behind Mafidius.

When Mafidius realised this he turned around and stepped back. He shouted" how can this be!".

I said " There are lots of things possible in a wizard world for example" I pointed my wizard wand at Mafidius and said" Transforma Appeario" ( he used two spells).

Mafidius clothes got changed to that of a circus clown and a red nose appeared on his nose and a circus hat on his Hair. Everyone was stunned " This march is just one sided" everyone thought.

Mafidius face went red from anger he pointed his wand to me and said" Ica spear" But nothing came out. He was baffled and shouted" Ica spear ica spear ica spear!!!" but nothing came.

" You fool you haven't realised I put silentio blockade on you" I said with a smile.

When everyone heard me they went mad a huge uproar was created in the main chambre.

" I-i-impossible how can a mere student cast a spell that even the professor finds difficult" Mafidius said with disbelief.

Silentio blockade blocks your body to cast mana It is a extemely difficult spell and you need absolute control over your mana to pull it off. That is why only professors can pull it off but in theory a student can learn it in the beginning.

The spell is not necessary powerful but it does grow with you for example if you are a master wizard you can try to cast the spell on a master wizard there is a chance that it will work. If a beginner wizard tries it on a master wizard the chance is extremely low.

I managed to learn this spell because of my mana bloodline ability.

" I know my means" I said.

" Mafidius give up this match it is over" Catharina said.

" She is right you know the only way you can win now is by a physical brawl and I am warning you I know fighting arts" I said with a proud face.

" I-i give up" Mafidius said.

" What the hell is going on!" A professor came walking to us