
chapter 25 room

"Now that everyone is in their dorm where they belong. There are a few rules that you need to follow. Don't hurt your fellow students and listen to your professor. There are also a lot of places that a student can't enter and trust me it is for your own good. Don't go to the sky Islands above our school, don't go to the magical forest fearsome beast are hiding there, Don't go to the underground caverns and don't go under the sea region near our school. Students do yo understand?"

Grissmold explained with a tired face.

" Oh and this year we have a new type of class student can choose if they want to go to that class. The class is called magical fighting arts I am sure you have heard about it ,we already got an older student and two professors that is familiar with it.

Now are there any first year that practice magical fighting arts?" Grissmold said.

I raised my hand with a charming smile and I said " Oeh me!!". Everyone was stunned again even Grissmold smiled wryly this time. Jenny had an expression of joy.

Grissmold said" Dante my boy do you want to go to magical fighting arts class?".

"Yes" I said while nodding happily.

" We will discuss this later, so any questions you students have for me" Grissmold said with an odd face.

No one said anything.

Then Grissmold rounded this event up and said" Okay everyone you can now follow your head professor to your dorms".

"Alright everyone follow me" miss Lydia said.

We went to a hallway were some traugers were waiting for us Runa was one of those traugers.

" Don't worry they are just traugers if you behave they will do nothing to you" Miss lydia said.

" I think they are nice they just don't look scary at all to me" I said with a sweet smile.

When miss Lydia heard me she had a happy expression on her face. We were led to a giant wall miss Lydia said with a mysterious smile" Ladies and gentlemen we are here".

Everyone had just an blank face then a girl said out loud" Wait we are here where is our rooms!?".

"Don't worry about that" Miss lydia said and then she turned to the massive wall and shouted" cataska!".

Then a huge eye emerged and said

" yes my lady".

" These are new students scan them and transport them to our Pegasus zone" Miss Lydia said.

Then the eye scanned us one by one It felt very weird when the eye scanned me.

It felt that he/she could see every part of my body. When everyone was done including Miss lydia. The eye transported us in a different room now there was a giant wall behind us and not infront of us.

" You see kids this is how you get to your dorm. Cataska is our dorm Guardian you see that wall behind you. If you Just schream cataska then an eye will appear and teleport you" Miss Lydia said.

Everyone felt weird and just nodded when they heard miss Lydia explaination. We moved out the room and then we saw a massive lounge area where pegasus students are chilling.

There was a lot of sofas where the students were talking. there were a large amount books in bookcases. The room also had a blue theme.

" Good morning professor Lydia!" the upperclassmens said.

" good morning kiddos" miss Lydia said.

" So these are the new students" a female upperclassmen said.

" That is right i'm nearly done showing them around" miss Lydia said.

Lydia then looked at us and said" Okay kiddos now that you have seen the place you can go to your room. Your rooms are on the first floor and each time you go a Floor higher means the higher your year is.

Then a Guy fell down on the floor it was Mortar he also joined us in pegasus unbelievable right.

Mortar flashback...

" You are an complete idiot and clumsy , But you are brave and you care for your friends. You will belong to ce-cer I mean Pegasus " The mouth said with a lot of hesitation.

" You gotta be kidding me that idiot joined us" Romeo said.

end flashback...

" Are you alright kiddo" miss lydia said.

" Yes" Mortar said with tears in his eyes.

" Okay everyone go check your rooms out and choose 3 other people with to share your room with.

Remember you boys and girls have seperated dorms so no funny business" Miss Lydia said while looking at me.

I smiled wryly.

My roommates were Romeo , Northen and Malcolm Mortar also wanted to join us but I said " We don't have any room sorry man".

Romeo signed in relieve that we were with four people. In our room we had two dubbel beds. I shared one with Romeo I am at top and Romeo at the Bottom.

Northen and Malcolm shared the other dubbel bed Northen was at top and Malcolm is at the Bottom.

After we sorted our things out. We were told it was dinner time so we headed to the main chambre. A party was going on sinds we first years have arrived. We saw Lilith and Rose and we greeted them.

" So how is your room" Rose asked us.

" It is fine we have managed to avoid a death trap" Romeo said while thinking about mortar.

Then we heard

" Well well if it isn't Northen lens"It was Mafidius he was followed by a bunch of guys of Nine tails.

" What do you want Mafidius" Northen said unhappily.

" Nothing lens I just came to greet you. I only wish that we are going to spend a lot of time together. I hope that you are a great wizard Mr.hero" Mafidius said with a smug face.

" Just go away!" lilith said madly.

" What is this Lens trying to hide behind your sister" Mafidius laughed while the rest of Mafidius followers laughed.

Lilith wanted to retort but i put my arm before her.

I walked to Mafidius and said" What are you laughing at you problably hide behind your sister as well. I mean don't get me wrong Catharina is a very capable woman I know from experience. She must have told you right" I said with an evil grin.

Mafidius was angry but he could not retort. he then just walked away with his followers.

Mafidius pov

"Mafidius why did we walk away from that guy" his follower said.

" Shut up you don't know but we can't handle him. The only first year who can stand toe to toe with him is my big sis" mafidius said while all his followers were stunned.

Dante pov

" Dante the headmaster is calling you to his office" a professor said.