
chapter 26 office

"You have come Dante my boy" Grissmold said with a smile.

" Yeah you have called me headmaster" I said.

" Yes yes it is about your magical fighting arts class" Grissmold said.

" Is there anything wrong with that class?" I said with a puzzled face.

" No nothing wrong with it , but it is a new subject at school , so we expect a lot things from you. The other problem is there are only two students attending this class you and a upperclassmen. The reason for that is that parents find magical fighting arts too dangerous" Grissmold said with a heavy expression.

" So there are only two students attending right now what about the teachers who will be teaching us? I asked.

" That is not a problem we already got two teachers to teach you guys infact you already know one Lydia come in!" Grissmold said.

Miss Lydia walked in the room with a pretty smile on her face.

" Wait miss Lydia is mine Magical arts teacher!?" I said with an amazed look.

" That's right Dante we will sparring a lot" Miss Lydia said with an evil grin.

Grissmold coughed and said " So miss Lydia will be teaching you magical fighting arts from now on" I nodded with a silly face.

" Oh Dante have you met your senior yet?" Miss Lydia said with an amused face.

" No not yet" I said.

" You can come in now" Miss Lydia said.

Then a hot girl walked in with black hair and scarlett red eyes.

" Big sis Jenny!?" I said with a suprised face.

" Hey Dante have you missed your big sister" She hugged me with my face on her chest.

" Big sis please stop you are emberrassing me" I said with eyes that was begging.

" Oh my oh my" Miss Lydia said.

Grissmold coughed again akwardly and said" So you guys already met each other".

" That's right old man I met Dante back at the space hotel he is like the cute pretty little brother I always wanted to have!" Jenny said with Joy.

Grissmold and I smiled wryly.

" Oh that is wonderful" Miss lydia said with a happy face. Miss Lydia was happy because her two wonderful students are getting along.

Then we heard a knocking on the door.

" Come in" Old man Grissmold said.

Then a woman with crimson hair and an eyepatch on her left eye and a crimson eye her right eye walked in.

" Hallo professor Kira do you need something" Grissmold said.

Kira looked at us and she was stunned especially when she looked at me. Then she turned around back at Grissmold and said " Yes i want to talk about the magical fighting arts class I have a new student that is willing to join".

" Who is it" old man Grissmold said with some excitement.

" You can come in!" Miss Kira said.

Then a girl walked I knew this girl she had a pridevol look and Long beautiful blond Hair with beautiful blue It was Catharina. Catharina looked at us and she was stunned.

" What are you doing here!?" Catharina pointed her finger at me.

" receiving some love of my big sis" I said with a proud look.

" Pervert " Catharina said with an angry look.

" Hold on I don't know what you are thinking about , but our relationship is not lewd we just share a hug together like siblings!" I said with a serious face while Jenny nodded.

" Hmmp!!!" Catharina said.

" Now now don't fight you are both joining the magical fighting arts class" Old man Grissmold said.

" Head master is this true?" Kira asked.

" Yeah it is true from now on you will be also teaching Dante over there Kira" Old man Grissmold said.

" Yoh Catharina if you want I can show you all the tricks with magical fighting arts. I don't wanna brag but I am pretty good" I said with a proud look.

" Who needs your help I can do it by myself" Catharina said.

" With that kind of an additude you never find yourself a man" I said with a teasing face.

" y-y-you shameless man" Catharina said with a death glare.

" Enough you guys need to work together sinds you both are going to join the same class understand!!" Kira said.

We both said at the same time " Yes miss".

All the students were dismissed of old man grissmolds office.

" So Catharina I didn't know you found Magical fighting arts interesting" I said.

" I always thought it was handy. I mean when somebody gets close to you it Will be difficult to cast a spell before he gets to you and why do you care?" Catharina said with an arrogant look.

" Just curious" I said with an amused face.

" You guys are always querreling like a married couple" Jenny said with a silly smile.

" married couple!? who wants to marry this guy" Catharina said with a red face.

" Hey that is rude I think lots of girls want to marry me and you should be happy if you get married to me I doubt any guy in the world can't handle a tigress like you!" I said with a teasing smile.

" Shut up!" Catharina said with a red face there was nearly tears coming from her eyes.

" If you really are desperate to marry someone. I will let you marry me" I said. Just when she want to retort she saw my face that was extremely handsome. I had look of utter seriousness.

Catharina looked stunned and said" Idiot don't make fun of me I will not lose to you" with a flustered look she ran away.

" What Just happened" Jenny asked with a confused face.

" I don't know, but I got the feeling she is more pure than she looks and also pretty cute if she not angry all the time" I said while looking at her back while she ran away.

Jenny looked at my face and said" How mean you look at a different girl while you have this beautiful big sister at your side" Jenny said with a silly face.

I smiled wryly.