
chapter 24 choosing

Everyone was looking stunned at the giant crystal ball that glowed purple.

" What the hell the ball is purple!"

" How could this be"

"who is this guy"

"professor what is going on"

the students said.

The professor looked confused and didn't know what to do with some emberassement he said" I also never seen this happen before".

Then all the people looked at head master Grissmold trying to seek for an answer. Grissmold coughed and said" This is a special situation instead of figuring out what kind of dorm he should be in why not ask the boy directly, isn't that right Dante my boy".

" Well I personaly think I should go to the fairies side" I said while looking at all the hot girls on team fairy.

" And why is that?" Grissmold asked.

" Simple because the color pink resembles purple and the biggest reason is I mean look at the fairy side it is like heaven" I said while looking female upperclassmen .

( There are a lot of females in the fairy dorm and there are very little males student. The reason is simple the personality of the fairy dorm suits female students more than male. If you are a male fairy you're too naive and softhearted they wouldn't dare to talke to females what a waste).

I was also waving to the sexy female professor and she waved back with a seductive smile back " How cute" she thought.

At that moment everyone in the school except for the fairies thought " We can't let this guy join the fairies dorm ,it is like releasing a big Bad wolf in the fairies dorm".

Grissmold start coughing and said" Dante my boy I am afraid you can't join the fairies".

" Why not?" I said confused.

" Well simple we all heard the mouth say what your personality is. you are pridevol and vicious but you are also brave and you care about your family. These personality traits fit in two dorms.

The first dorm Nine tails foxes and the second dorm is Pegasus you should choose one of these two dorms" Grissmold explained.

I signed and said

" Fine"

Then I turned around and said to the pretty teacher of the fairies" pretty big sister i am afraid i can't join your dorm".

The teacher was stunned and then she smiled and said" Oh my oh my that is too bad since you are such a cutie pie".

I smiled with my handsome face then Grissmold coughed again.

I then thought "is headmaster getting sick?". Grissmold said after his cough" So what dorm will you choose"

I looked first to Nine tails foxes they had a cool red robe that fitted my style and they have a cool beauty professor at their side. Then I looked at the Pegasus side they had a blue robe on and they had a gentle beauty that looked like a mother figure on their side. All my friends are on Pegasus also.

I then signed and said" I choose Pegasus since all my friends are there. It is a damn shame tho Nine tails foxes has a cool wizard robe and a cool beauty professor".

The Nine tails professor blushed a little. Grissmold smiled wryly.

I walked to the Pegasus table and I said" Hey guys how have you been".

" Always seems to get all the attention eh" Romeo said with an amusing smile while everyone nodded.

" Oh you should go to the professor to get your stuff" Malcolm said.

I went to the gentle blue haired beauty and said " Hallo miss I heard you got something for me?"

" So you are the little naughty child everyone is talking about, I heard you like women you even called Kira a beauty" the blue hair professor said.

"Kira?" I said

" Yeah the lady with a eye patch and crimson hair, Oh sorry where are my manners I haven't even introduced myzelf and I am asking you questions. My name is professor lydia aeron" She said with a smile.

" Hi professor nice to meet you I am Dante Love as you already know" I said with a Bright smile.

" My my Dante you complimented Kira and even the professor of the fairies so what do you think about me" Professor Lydia said with a seductive smile.

I blushed and said" You look like a gentle beauty to me and you give me the feeling that you are a great mother figure" I said with a red face.

" mature women are definitely my weak spot especially mother figures" I thought.

Professor lydia had a look of Joy on her face written

" A mother figure eh well what can I say I like it. If you want to Dante you can even call me mommy you know" Professor Lydia said with a teasing smile.

" That sounds very appealing professor, but lets do that when we are alone" I said and smiled wryly.

" Okay enough chatting you are here for your wizard robe and gear right?" Professor lydia said while putting her serious face on.

" yeah that is right" I said.

When I said that professor lydia summoned a wizard robe and some kind of badge with a Pegasus on it with her hand.

She then said" Put on your robe even though it isn't as cool as the robe of Nine tails foxes I still think It is pretty cool" Lydia said.

I put on my wizard robe Then Lydia explained" Okay now that you have put on the robe lets move on to your wizard badge. The badge is very important you can identify yourself with it not only in school but also outside of school. People can see that you are a student. Now you just need drop your blood on your badge so that you get registered".

I dropped some of my blood on the badge and then you could see that the mark of the Pegasus was glowing .

" Now that this is done you can go now" Lydia said.

" Thank you professor for helping me!" I said with a polite tone.

" No problem" Lydia responded.

When all the student were finished with testing.

Headmaster Grissmold held a speech.

( I will change my book name to the charming wizard prince since the wizard prince is already taken)