
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Action
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Chapter 4: On the Run

July 26 ,2025, 7:45pm. 2 days have passed since the disaster at Good man Genetics, Eric has arrived at his apartment and turns on the news, then the news reporter starts reporting the incident "Here at the Good man Genetics building the former Chief scientist Eric Rodriguez has been put on red notice by interpole and the military a message has been put through every cellular device that anyone harboring Eric will be arrested and sentenced a lifelong time in prison, be advised that your reward for turning in this criminal is 20 million dead or alive, this has been a wonderful news report this is Austin Ramirez signing of, and always know that the mystery has only begun.". Eric turns off the TV and then the voice said "we have got to go get your stuff if you are a criminal they are going to look for you here" Eric responded "wait who are you and why should I trust you" the voice replied "I am Richard Rodriguez and you should trust me because I am your great grandfather and because you are in danger of being killed by your great uncle, should I say more" Eric then said "how are you still alive, are you dead and how did you kill those soldiers without getting shot" Richard then blurted out "because we are celestials Eric haven't you though that you were something more than humans, like you intelligence and family history" Eric replied "But how, my mother and father never showed me that they had powers.". Then Before Richard could respond Eric's door busted down, then through the dust a Swat team with orders to secure Eric came through the door. Then the Swat team get into position while the captain walks into the room, Eric looks at him, then the captain looks at Eric and said "Eric Rodriguez you are under arrest for destruction of Good man Genetics building and murder of 4 soldiers" Richard told Eric "let me take over, you can't escape by yourself" Eric knew Richard was right but said "No, I'm not goanna let you cause more damage than you've already done" Richard replied "fine die, it is not my fault if you go to prison" Richard then disappeared in Eric's mind. Eric is on his own knowing there is not out of this, he was about to give up, but all the sudden the lights went out and the windows shattered, then came out 4 silhouettes and the only sound that Eric heard was the painful screaming of the Swat members Echoing throughout the room and then ZAP Eric was knocked out and at the mercy of the sisters of fate.