
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: The Reunion

July 27 ,2025, 6:32AM the morning of the next day, 11 hours since Eric was taken by the mysterious four silhouettes. Then Eric woke up to the sound of tires clashing against the pebbly road and the gusting winds colliding against the van, Eric opened his eyes to see two females wearing a stealth suits, Eric said in a panicking voice "who are you and why did you take me" the both females pulled down her mask and said "be quiet Eric we are traveling through enemy territory" Eric said in surprise "Emely, Elsie, but how, William said that you were dead" Emely replied "we almost did, before the helicopter crashed we jumped into nearby a lake nearly dying to the height that we jumped from, then we dragged ourselves to shore and escaped" the car stopped then Eric asked "but how did you guys find me" Emely responded "we have a phone" Eric then realized ignoring Emely's answer and said "if you two are here then…." the back door opened and the blinding light of the sun was the wrapping paper of the greatest surprise Eric would get today. Then the blinding light cleared and through it was Gabriela and Mason, Eric was in shock and tears before Eric could open his mouth, Gabriela said "save it Eric. Emely unties him" Eric was escorted to an abandoned good man Genetics lab, but inside was the surprise. Then inside the facility Eric was shown to his room and was told by Gabriela "get comfy because you are going to be here for a long time Eric" then shuts the door. Eric laid on his bed for hours until Mason came in and sat down on the bed next to Eric and said "look Eric, I get it you messed up big time, but she isn't going to forgive you by just sitting there, you need to prove that your worth forgiving, so are you going to get up or stay there ashamed" Elsie comes in the room and said "come on guys dinners ready" they both get up and go to the cafeteria. Then 2 minutes of silent eating have past, and Eric has found the courage to speak and said, "look Vanessa I'm sorry for eve…." Gabriela stood up and banged on the table and angrily yelled out "YOUR SORRY, please don't come to me with that bull crap Eric, you are way past that, you want to know how long I waited and waited for you to rescue us, I would wait and wait every night, and remember every day when I woke up, what you said to me on my birthday, you would tell me that you would do anything for me no matter the cost, then why not this, huh, come on Eric tell me, TELL ME" Eric yelled out with tears "because Gabriela if I did the government would have taken you, they would of turned you into a weapon, they would give you a fate worse than death, and ever since I laid my eyes on you I swore on my life that I would protect you from that fate no matter the cost" then silence, and then Mason walked into the room and said "alright who wants dessert" Gabriela swiped the her part of the table clear of food and ran to the roof, then Richard said in Eric's mind "well that was not how I expected this argument to turn out.". Then Gabriela sat on the roof to cry, and later came Emely. Then Emely sat down next to vanessa , Emely sighed and said "vanessa I know Eric can be hard to deal with but that doesn't mean you can hold a grudge against him for the rest of your life" Gabriela sniffles and said "I know (sniffle) it's not his fault it's, just he was like a father to me and I know he would do anything for me, and before you guys found me in the rubble my dad died to protect me, my life died that day, but then Eric came along he was always there day and night, (sniffle) I guess I'm just angry because when he didn't come I felt betrayed and abandoned" then down stairs Mason asked Eric "what happened, to vanessa " Eric responded "I told her why I didn't rescue you guys" Mason then said "why" Eric replied "because I couldn't let her be angry at me without knowing the truth" Mason smiled and congratulated Eric, but then the proximity alarm sounded the facility went in lock down everyone ran to the main door to protect it. Elsie turned on the auto turrets and gave everyone, but Eric, they were all loading the weapons, until they heard banging at the door and soon banging turn into the sound of bending metal, then burst the door was knocked down and dust filled the room the turrets started shooting, then through the dust came a beast covered in sharp purple crystals lunged at the turret, tearing it apart then a second beast lunged at the other turret leaving it to be scrap Eric looked in terror and told everyone to run and so they did they went to the garage and got into the van, Emely opened the garage door while Elsie guarded the door and then the sound of the door attracted the beasts to the garage, Elsie opened fire at them clip, after clip until she ran out of ammo, then Elsie went to the van to start it up. Emely shot the beasts in the chest, head and legs there was no effect on the creature, then Emely ran to the van then the second creature came from the front of the garage, the van started up, Elsie stepped on the acceleration peddle and ran over the creature and booked it to the abandoned border check point. But just when they thought they were safe the creature jumped on the front of the van while the other creature ran behind the van ramming it, then the creature in the front broke the windshield, sending tiny bullet sized purple crystal shards and broken glass that shot through the car. Elsie saw a tree up ahead and then both of the creatures jumped on top of the roof of the van ripping it apart, mason told Elsie to speed up and she did the tree was right there and when they reached the tree the biggest branch knocked off the two creatures off the van, knocking them both out Gabriel said "that was tense, good job Elsie that was a nice move" Elsie replies "yes I guess it was, but is everyone ok back there" Emely reply's as she coughs blood out of her mouth "no (cough) ,but everyone else is ok" then passes out.