
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Project X

The date is July 24, 2025, the day doctor William Good man of CEO of Good man corporation and Chief scientist Eric Rodriguez started a presentation of energy X a clean and self-sustaining energy source found at the mountains near the ruins of the great city of Olympus on February 11, 2022, and was used to power the entire Good man corporation facility in Greece and now they are experimenting with the human body planning to enhance the human capabilities of the mind, strength, and speed. The test begins with doctor William Good man introducing himself "This is Doctor William Good man presenting experiment 0-1 human trials, with the energy X" then William pauses the video and then scientist Eric Rodriguez said "Doctor Good man" William stops him and said "please we've known each other for 9 Years, call me William" Eric responded " alright William even though I wasn't there at the day of the experiment I'm sure that the results weren't that bad" William skipped to when they gave the energy X to the human subject, Eric watched and saw what disaster happened on that day. Then Eric gathered the results and shocked at what he saw he said "subject has symptoms which are Aggression, purple crystal growing out of back, and resistant to most mid and close range weaponry" then sighs and said "William we can't keep this energy here when the government finds out their going to release this thing on the world" William responded " Eric I agree with you, but say that we can get it out of the city, the farthest we are going to go get is at the hell gang territory border and last time we went there we lost our best soldiers like mason, Emely, Elsie, and…" then interrupts Eric and said "and Gabriella" William responds "Yes and vanessa I know what she meant to you" Eric sheds a tear and said " she was 11 when you sent me to investigate a illegal quantum engineering facility with mason, Emely and Elsie, mason heard her crying and ran towards her and saw her crying above a dead body, I told Emely and Elsie to see if there were more survivors and then me and mason approached her, she heard us and turned around, then she bundled herself up, and then Emely and Elsie came back and reported that vanessa was the only survivor we brought her back and you know the rest.". Then William said "my point exactly I will not lose anyone else, we will put it in the vault and wait till all of our resources are here to then move it, I promise nothing will happen to it" William made an unknowingly promise not knowing what will come the next day. Eric woke up in his office, got his coffee walked up to Williams office to see a Admiral with four other soldiers talking to William, and then Eric ran down to the vault and got the energy X, but as soon as he got the energy the Admiral came in the vault room with the 4 soldiers aiming at Eric's chest, then William entered the room and said " Eric it's over give him the energy" Eric thought and he knew that the only way to keep energy X out of the governments hands and so he opened the containment jar of energy X and said " I'm sorry William" and consumed all of the energy X Eric closed his eyes waiting for the M16 bullets to pierce his body, but they never did. Eric opened his eyes and saw the entire room set ablaze, soldiers' bodies crushed and impaled against the walls, Eric looked around for William, but could not find him. Then out of the sudden a voice in Eric's head said "it's time to go, I will explain later" Eric had no other choice but to follow the voice's instructions and ran out the building to then see the entire good man corporation building on fire and William looking at the building, with a traumatized look on his face not knowing what he saw or how to react to it.